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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. I can't imagine anything worse, apart from being in prison. The thought of being crowded on a boat, with thousands of people I don't know, and don't want to know, without any control of where you go and when you go, is my idea of a nightmare.
  2. Been there and done that and it usually involved copious amounts of Single Malt Whiskey; 15 year old McCallan as I recall.
  3. So can at least 30 other conditions that I can think of. Go see a Doctor, a medical one that is.
  4. well said
  5. I have 'been with' a couple of virgins in my time, 3 actually, , and they weren't near the top as the best experiences. Actually, I'm pretty sure that one of them was brain dead.
  6. Anyone who believes this nonsense is totally deluded.. People who have 'died' don't come back to life, it's just that the medical definition for death is flawed. A stopped heart is not death, the lack of any brain activity, measured electrochemically is and you don't come back from a dead brain.
  7. Yes, but you usually have to have a credit card to start the process of booking in to either one
  8. I never go there. I do 90 day reports online and my agent sorts out the yearly extensions.
  9. In a hospital or hotel you won't have any choice, as for all other places, never use a credit card, cash every time.
  10. But 'the people' don't care. My Thai family shrug their shoulders and get on with life. They know nothing much changes here and they don't care enough to make a fuss about it. As I have said on here before, people get the government and leaders that they are prepared to put up with. Move on, nothing to see here.
  11. Remember what The Who sang in: 'Won't be fooled again': 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss'
  12. That is not a good idea. Dogging a bigger hole for yourself is never the answer here, or anywhere in Asia, just ask any American who remembers Vietnam.
  13. I would advise against contacting the Police as your next step. As I have said in a previous post, a Lawyers letter would likely be more effective. Thais know that the Police will do northing, but a lawyer can. Someone on here mentioned big bucks to go to court here, that is incorrect. Courts here in civil cases can act like UK Small Claims Court and the fees are modest. When I was forced into court action on behalf of a Niece who had been re ended by a truck and injured, it cost 5,000 Baht for a police report, 25,000 for court and lawyer fees and we got back 350,000 Baht in injury cost and compensation for her totaled bike. The Civil courts here are as good as any and that may be your final recourse if you don't want move and it's as bad for your well being as you say. One more thing that I would advise is to stay on the moral and legal high ground. The very foolish posts on here suggesting that you harm the dogs in some way would bring you a world of pain from the Police, Animal Rights Authorities and likely Immigration.
  14. This is the last post I'll make here in reply to people who criticize without knowledge. So, what dumb person would tolerate his mental health and wellbeing being seriously impacted ( as the OP stated), or move from his home, without challenging the person responsible to the most effective extent possible? You presumably. I do live in LOS and I have instituted a civil court case here in the past, and won a payout. As I said, a lawyers letter may be enough to stop the issue, as Thais are notoriously scared of the Court system and getting wrapped into something they don't understand and can't control and that may cost them big bucks. His alternative is to move or put up with it, that's for him to decide, I suggest you keep your uniformed comments to yourself , as my suggestion was intended to help, not just slag other people's suggestions, which of course, too many on this forum are really good at doing.
  15. You are the one being ridiculous. The civil law is there to be used, even in Thailand. If you have a case in law then you are an idiot not to pursue it. If the OP avoids ding so, and therefore either has to move or suffer mental health problems, then he has recourse to the law. even here. A lawyer's letter may solve the issue without a court appearance. I have had recourse to the civil law here, and won a settlement, so don't accuse me of suggesting action about something I know nothing about. As for my posts, if you don't like them, don't read them.
  16. They were trained as puppies, sharp 'no', is enough to stop them. We didn't want to train it all out of them, even if wee could do so, so they are not stopped if barking at the mail man, Lazarda man or passing unknowns, but we do stop them if its at neighbors and others they should recognize. They bark a hello and then go quiet.
  17. OP, you need to invest on a local lawyer. Let him send a letter giving notice to sue. That may scare him into action. If not you may need to go to Court to get it resolved. It won't cost much and may be worth it for peace of mind. As an aside, my dogs are not allowed to bark at locals and certainly not after dark. They are inside at last light and don't go out until around 8am, unless for a quick pee and back inside. Even then , not allowed to bark.
  18. Its not the fault of the dog, its the idiot owner.
  19. From what I am led to believe, you can't necessarily use a yellow book to buy a vehicle. That is certainly the case for Toyota in Pattaya. You also can't use it to renew a DL at Pattaya DLT.
  20. There are no benefits, it's a massive scam, and the illiterates who go for it clearly can't do the maths and have more money than sense.
  21. Yes, and the 800K remains yours, you lose the 600K. The EV is a scam, nothing more nothing less.
  22. I have never been asked for insurance documents in a stop, but I do carry a hard copy of the Compulsory Insurance in the car. In 8 years, I have only been asked for my Licence once and my passport never. I must have a trustworthy face.
  23. Indeed. All my renewals and documents are online, saved and can be printed out if needed.
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