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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. No Sir, this is an Army targeting terrorists, that is wholly different, same with Hamas. Terrorists are cowards that hide behind and among the public, wear no uniform and don't respect human rights in any form . An Army wears a recognized Uniform and fights according to a code of Honour and discipline and under the political control of the Nation State.
  2. You got to hand it to them, and Mossad did just that.
  3. Nothing nasty about it, unless you are a terrorist, Its hands down brilliant.
  4. If it is truly 'gender neutral', then why are any modifications needed to doors, sleeping arrangements and washrooms? That is illogical.
  5. Sorry, but I had to laugh. These muppet terrorists think that they can beat and subdue Israel, Good luck with that idea.
  6. Just in your view mate, not in mine
  7. Frankley, none of them, they are all hopeless. I would suggest an off shore account with the likes of Chase.
  8. That was the usual media exaggeration. The illiterates that write these articles nowadays, will never be in line for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Most can't spell, or punctuate.
  9. My view: you arrive to 'life' alone and you leave it alone, plan accordingly. I met and married the love of my life and my best friend at age 21 and lost her to life and cancer some years later. I will never be as emotionally vulnerable to another person, ever again.
  10. In my view, the Oriental is very 1970s in ambiance and convenience, poorly located for most people and over priced. It always reminds me of the India of old. I prefer The Landmark or Grand Hyatt, both excellent hotels, well located and reasonably priced. If its a river location you are after and convenience is not an issue, The Peninsula beats the Oriental in my view. As a final point, it is nowhere near to 'the best hotel in Asia'. I could name at least 3 in Singapore and one in India that offer a much better experience.
  11. Consider them for a few minutes, then reject them. They are dangerous.
  12. Pretty pathetic for a physicist !
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 35 seconds  
  14. 'Couple of months' is a cheap wedding nowadays. Upwards of £30K is not unusual in the UK. Madness
  15. Among a few other things, I was the Part Time CEO of a UK Education Charity, BIG mistake. I found out very quickly that very many Charities, by no means just my own, are full of hang wringing liberals, who are without an ounce of common sense, judgement, business acumen, or even charitable feelings towards others. When I left, I cancelled all of my charitable giving, bar selected Military veteran ones, that I knew to be well managed.
  16. Cats are utter psychopaths and so entertaining. I love both cats and dogs but the cats are the prime source of amusement.
  17. No point re inventing the wheel; send them to Australia. It worked out well the last time and it took many decades before they started to trickle back. .
  18. What? Most are available here, as we all know. Allegedly !
  19. Who said anything about bribing the Police. Seriously, it's a proper legal process, to pay administrative fees in Civil matters. What happens to the money is immaterial,. When I did it they actually gave me a stamped receipt.
  20. He may just as easily have suffered a medical seizure of some kind, stroke or heart attack. Its an unprofitable speculation point. The poor old chap is dead, end of.
  21. I forgot to add to my post. a report to the police could help. It's not a criminal matter, but they are often open to a civil intervention if an 'administrative fee' is paid. A conversation along these lines may assist. Having explained the situation, words to this effect: "I know that this is not a criminal matter, more a matter of him disturbing my harmony. Perhaps you would be kind enough to have a word with him. I understand that this is a civil matter and therefore an administrative fee may be charged in circumstances such as this?" Two alternatives here: " perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me how much this fee is" or : " I have heard that the fee is usually 5,000 ( pick a number) Baht, is this correct?" Best to have this conversation with just one cop, not a group of them. It worked for me once.
  22. I have two trees close to my garden boundaries that regularly grow over the wall . I make sure that each year they are cut back to the environs of my land. Its called being considerate and I have excellent relationships with the near land owners. Report it to the local Head Shed, if no action, a Lawyer's letter saying you will cut the tree back yourself, making sure that you don't trespass, and give the dick next door the bill.
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