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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 103 seconds  
  2. Indeed so, which is why I don't live there any more.
  3. Yep, pretty impressive isn't it? All entirely predictable to any thinking person, as they have never been any different , throughout their history. Socialism doesn't work, it never has and it never will.
  4. The UK is now all but a Communist Country, governed by rabid socialist gang of nonentities. Trouble is, the 'Loyal Opposition' are so useless and ineffective that there is no real opposition allowed. Blame the voting public, who are collectedly as thick as a brick, add a corrupt voting system and there you have it, The Country is totally fxxxxd for at least a generation.
  5. You're the one that brought it up , so it must be a issue with you, I would be interested to know why, but not that interested. For the avoidance of doubt, I do hold hands with my G/F, who is younger than me, (but not excessively so) because we like to do so.
  6. What is a 'paid companion'? is that a wife of 20 years and a mother, who has never worked? Is it a new girlfriend who happens to be younger than you? Why does it bother you? whats it got to do with you? Perhaps you are of a certain culture that requires wives and daughters to walk 3 steps behind a man?
  7. No need to go to Bangkok. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya offer it, check their website. Their Eye clinic is excellent
  8. You keep saying its a 'rouge cat' and 'stray'. It probably isn't anything of the kind. Cats are very territorial and guard their territory against intruding cats. My cat in UK was a gentle lovely cat, but he went nuts if other cats entered his garden. Its just natural behavior and often as not, we have to live with the natural behavior of wild animals. Sorry to say it, but the cat sees you and your cats as the intruders, not itself. They don't trend to check the human invented legal ownership of properties and land. The cat is just being itself.
  9. Another dick. It's following its nature, Trap it and move it
  10. Don't be a dick, it's a cat being a cat.
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 33/100 My Time 64 seconds  
  12. Yes, at least it was for my last extension, in June. 12 full months statement
  13. No they are not. Where in the visa regulations do you find this?
  14. No, they are not. Who spreads this nonsense
  15. I am not 'Tax Resident' in Thailand, I doubt that many retired expats are.
  16. Do your own leg work mate, I've got better things to do.
  17. I get my information from reliable sources, not from random Forum contributors.
  18. 'Female' Olympic boxers then?
  19. and woman, real ones that is
  20. Well we will see won't we.
  21. Check the numbers. In 2023 China sold circa 39 million EVs World Wide. If they keep up this rate of growth, possible, maybe, in the average 8 year span life of most EV batteries, think of how many customers will be looking for them to replace the key component. You either end up with a massive supply problem on lithium (lots of other technologies have a call on the chemicals, not least mobile devices and aircraft, civil and military), or the whole thing comes to a grinding halt. Lot's of EVS parked up with nowhere to go. However you cut it, the economics of EVs just doesn't add up.
  22. HaHa good one. Who's life is that then, my 17 year olds?
  23. Batteries, the most expensive item on an EV , are lifed items, some reports suggest for Chinese produced cars, somewhere between 6 to 10 years. That effectively means that after 2 years or so, any 'run of the mill' EV will have no resale value, especially as the Chinese are discounting to grab market share. My ICE Vios is 7 years old, has a resale and part X value of around 250K and its engine parts can all be replaced relatively cheaply. EVs are a monumental scam, sold on misinformation, bad economics, unproven environmental statements and to folk who think they are cool and trendy.
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