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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. While the visa and extension requirements mean that the maximum guaranteed stay for the majority of expats is no more than 12 months, then no. If you have PR, then of course it makes sense, but if in any one year, you can be refused another 12 month extension, then why would you make any effort to learn Thai.
  2. I have not found this, or anywhere near to this, in my relationships, current or past. The OP is clearly picking the wrong ladies and families. A little bit of caution and discernment is needed at the start of any close relationship, and too many here in LOS, jump in blindly to a wrong set up and then blame others when blame, if that is the right word to use, usually rests with them. My advice to the OP would be to look to himself before, as you say, spouting generalisations
  3. I have two g/fs, one in my main house, one in my condo down the road, one is 47 years old, an ex factory manager, one is 37 and a nurse. They know each other, but at a distance. Why are they with me, an older man; security, companionship, a good life style, friendship, a future that is financially secure for them, and, dare I say it, mutual regard, respect and love. I had the same with my late ex wife and i was the only breadwinner in that life. With my two g/fs, I am not the sole bread winner, but I am a major provider. So, what am I getting at here. That there is little to chose between relationships here or in the West. Is age irrelevant; no, but its not the major driver in many if not most longer term relationships between a young Thai and an older farang.
  4. which in LOS means 'we probably do have it, but I can't be arsed to find it for you'.
  5. They are useless. No generic drugs and UK prices for run of the mill stuff .
  6. Doctor Tom

    Eye Test.

    Yes, BHP.
  7. not if you assume that they are as dumb as a brick, which they clearly are.
  8. why? I'm not a charity and neither are the businesses . If they can't hack it they go bust, that's economics for you. Tourists will make decisions based on value for money, not charitable giving.
  9. No excuse for being scammed and misled.
  10. No surprise really. I have always found Phuket to be more expensive even than Bangkok, with no real justification for it. In my view, the island has an over blown reputation as a tourist destination, I find it to be scam central, with a largely unfriendly population and yes, expensive. . I have no plans to return there , ever.
  11. so is he, he just doesn't know it yet
  12. another reason to avoid the place
  13. That is sensible. I would try the UK Embassy as a first step, then an e mail to UK Border Force as a second option. . https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/border-force
  14. This rule does not apply to UK Citizens returning to the UK, with a valid UK passport, direct, regardless of its validity running out.
  15. Respect. I have more in common nowadays with Vince Wilfork on a bad day, try finding T shirts my size!
  16. That is a very small linebacker, undrafted I would guess.
  17. In this case who cares. Its not the Thai's problem. Throw him out, and all the rest like him.
  18. No need to be so dramatic, it ran off the runway, it didn't 'crash'. Electrical power could have still been on the aircraft and there is no saying that the APU was not running,.
  19. so? Do you have shares in the place? Who in the expat community cares about its international reputation, unless they are either hyper sensitive to the opinion of others, or are among the persons who contribute to it?
  20. never ever do this, unless you want big, big trouble
  21. OP, I come to this without reading the other replies, so some of this may have been covered. or not. I have employed live in and live out maids and cooks in Hong Kong, Taiwan and here. What I found out: Only go by the reputation given by past employers, like you. take references you can trust Interview before you commit yourself never use family members have a probationary period and a written contract. produce a weekly work sheet. so there is no doubt what you expect and pay for. Don't be her friend, you are the employer Pick married, late middle aged, but beware those with school age kids, do not allow other of her family members on your property, especially the husband/boyfriend. This may be over the top for your needs, but I give it from past experiences.
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