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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. The aircraft Captain has the final say in accepting the cargo, very many will not, unless its government specialist cargo, as many take the view that it is a violation of the ICAO rules on arms shipments, even in small quantities .
  2. Oh but I do. You get the leaders that you are prepared to put up with, until you are not. They are collectively responsible for what is being done in their name, unless they are prepared to fight against it.
  3. I agree that Russians should be isolated in their own country, I agree that Thailand should not allow them in, but I would not and do not say anything to the individuals who are here. If they have got any sense of decency at all, they will be highly embarrassed and feel badly enough, with what is being done in their name in Ukraine, I would leave it and be satisfied with that.
  4. New Year is a meaningless, history generated nonsense, that sees half the World celebrating yet another 12 O'clock while the rest wait to do the same when their clock hits 12 midnight. If it had any sense to it at all, it would be at 12 midnight UTC on 31st December, regardless of where you are in the World, but of course, that makes too much sense. To answer the OP, its a normal day, no different to any other, so do what you normally do.
  5. So in other words, the rules are not all the same. They either are, or they are not, clearly they are not.
  6. The only people that should be teaching English are individuals who are first language English. or truly bi-lingual with English as a joint first language. Nobody else is qualified to teach the language, bar none. However, lets be truthful here, many first language English teachers here can't teach it either.
  7. I dont know one family that isn't in some way dysfunctional. Their problem is that the media are all over them 24/7/365. How many of us ordinary folk would be able to cope with that kind of intrusive examination?
  8. Haven't eaten out or in a restaurant since before covid. I prefer my own cooked food.
  9. All quite true. I would add one further comment, despite the arrogance of many who look to enter the Country, thinking that they have an absolute right to admittance, Thai immigration do not have any remit to admit anyone, or ease their time here, or in any way to facilitate their visit. Their only remit is to apply Immigration Law as each IO sees fit. The message: live with that or don't come.
  10. Relative to what, an efficient and reliable service from a taxi app? There is far too much competition out there for any company to rely on reviews being relative.
  11. So largely a waste of space then? No point in using a new taxi app, if the drivers are idiots and/or unreliable, and not available at peak times when customers need them .
  12. Re New it now then transfer your visa / extension to the new pp. Don't wait.
  13. A very dumb question. How do you think they maintain operational skills and readiness, by some kind of osmosis, or perhaps wishful thinking?
  14. same with some women in Pattaya
  15. I know for a fact, from my own circle, that the ED has been routinely used illicitly for many years, same with medical and charity visas. It has been a well known scam by some less than trustworthy agents, to get younger people into the country. I am not at all surprised that the authorities are clamping down.
  16. Okay. If switched off and your bank needs to contact you, say for a fraud /scam warning, how do they do that if its off? I personally would be uncomfortable to be that out of touch. I see no reason to have it switched off.
  17. Not sure what you mean by 'switching off your sim'. My UK phone is on 24/7 but roaming is off, so I do not incur charges. I use it for online banking which works on WIFI or 4g without roaming, 4G calls incur charges.
  18. They should introduce that, but politicians of all colours have no balls to do it. They are all, to a man, woman, and whatever is in between, cowards with no principles beyond their own self interest. Margaret Thatcher was the last and only one to tackle these issues.
  19. Typical of the UK. Turn to the Military when things go wrong and you need someone to pull you out of your political trouble, then when its over, ignore them. Send the squaddies back to their sub standard accommodation. their lack of proper, long term health care, their lack of modern equipment to fight the wars you start. Good one UK.
  20. Is it Christmas again? I'm sure that we have had at least 3 this year already. I shall ignore this one too, Good luck with finding a tree.
  21. Mistake rather than wrong. Checking up on your own people is paranoid, communist style, controlling BS, checking up on foreigners may just be sensible. They must take care of their own people; they dont have to give a toss about us. We are here on sufferance.
  22. but how do they know if they dont check?
  23. That is all true, but translate this to, say, UK. I only wish that UK Border Force were half as diligent in finding out where the thousands of migrants, both legal and illegal are in the country, leading to all kinds of fraud and criminality They don't have the first idea in the UK; the Thais in contrast do, so why the surprise and criticism? It may not be comfortable for us, but it does make sense from the Thai point of view. And as an aside, many here do lie about where they stay, or are registered, some having never completed a TM30, so............
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