Where do you think they are picking up the ticks? If its your garden, then also treat the garden. If its a particular walk that you take them on, where at other times there are a lot of soi dogs or monkeys, then find somewhere else to walk. You may also have to treat their bedding, toys, sofas and anywhere else in the house that may harbour ticks. Been there and done that.
Our Shih Tzu's get regular baths/showers and are groomed to short hair. They are dogs, living, in the tropics, they will be fine and not at all cold, even if they shiver afterwards. Just let them dry off in a none aircon room, or outside.
You know Thailand Immigration. Its unnecessary, until it's necessary. This is the rule, until its not, then it is next week, until it changes, or not, depending, on what, nobody knows
The problem is that, even if this is apart, they are a National disgrace. Even if they are off duty, people will believe the worst, because they are the worst. Perception is everything.
I have lived and worked in many countries and I have had the same accounts for over 35 years. It is not necessary to be resident in the UK to have a UK bank account.
That is what Royalty is about. Yet another person who doesnt understand the institution of Monarchy.. Perhaps you would prefer some superannuated, washed up, self serving politician as a Head of State, or one who is clearly senile? Yep, that would be an improvement eh?
This just proves what I have always suspected, far too many people are just dim and stupidly naïve. Many are like sheep, or Lemmings, pulled and pushed along by social media, without an original thought in their heads, and without their own opinions. Clearly that number is at least 400,000 strong and growing.
I imagine that the small figure is almost totally criminals and otherwise undesirables. Maybe a dozen or so who didn't get their residency paperwork in order, in time, who will no doubt return when they have done so. A none report.