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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. yep, that's really important in any relationship, if not exactly top of my list in a potential mate, in fact, its not on my list at all. ????
  2. For another example. I fill in UK tax self assessment every year and I have had two 'proof of life' forms to complete from my company pension provider, (online, not hard copy) but no form, yet, from the DWP. It seems to be all very random.
  3. Who cares, they don't trouble me at all and frankly, they are certainly no worse, and in many ways much better, than the UK lot of self serving, arrogant, incompetent, no hopers that run that place.
  4. No dilemma for me. I may be a UK citizen, but I will never return to the UK. Everything about the place is depressing and, to me, unacceptable. The weather, the cost of living, the expense of everything, the miserable people, the traffic jams, the terrible road and rail systems, the horrendous airports.. No thanks. I much prefer my life in Thailand and my standard of living here.
  5. I manage both, on diet coke, spicy tomato juice and fresh orange juice. You'd be surprised how many good looking ladies, worldwide, prefer that in a man and you can drive them back to your place for after's.
  6. Yes, but some reports from the Police suggest road rage, or a love triangle issue have not been dismissed; we just don't know and neither do the police. What we apparently do know is that he was drinking with mates from 4pm and this was a few hours later and he was riding his scooter. Maybe he was just drinking diet cokes all evening, but let's not speculate at this stage.
  7. I think that you are making a few big assumptions there . People don't get assassinated for nothing, unless its a case of mistaken identity. I suspect that there is much more to this than has been reported.
  8. sure. Not paranoid, just sensible We are talking here of second hand phones, not new ones, so they come from goodness knows who, from goodness knows where and with goodness knows what on them. If you don't see that as risky, then good luck mate .
  9. and it comes in Chinese, Hindi or whatever other language it used to have and you have no idea what spy software is left in it. Stay clear is my advice and buy somewhere you can have a come back if it doesn't meet expectations.
  10. No good locally, as far as I know, they don't have the authority. You need to contact the Ministry of the Interior, not sure the exact Department within the Ministry would deal with it, but your lawyer will know the process, Forgot to add, I'm talking about a name change here, not adoption. In addition, I think a name change locally can be made at age 21, but this may be incorrect. https://www.moi.go.th/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Interior_(Thailand)
  11. The Big Chief Ampur in Bangkok will change it for him, but get a lawyer to do the ground work. You may have to sign an affidavit saying you are okay with him using the name, don't ask me why.
  12. My Thai DL does the job at my local PO
  13. too easy, some people just like to make life difficult for themselves.
  14. It was a typo which I corrected.
  15. you were too quick mate. I edited the post within two minutes to read Indian
  16. well they all asked for quality Indian tourists, here they are.
  17. Not been to Phuket yet then? If not, you've got a treat coming, thousand times worse than CM or BKK.
  18. If you hang around tourist areas you are going to have an issue with them. Yes, they <deleted> me off too, but I stay away as much as I can from the areas and attractions where they mill around. I would and did the same in my own country. My life is centered around my family and my local area, which although its within a 40 minute drive of Pattaya, is mercifully free of tourists. For example; I find the Chinese tourists an anti social menace, their coaches dangerous and annoying, their chatter loud and irritating, so I will stay away from all of those things when, inevitably, they return. There are many more locations around Thailand that are tourist free, than places were they visit and congregate Move to one of those areas.
  19. Oh dear, one more Republican <deleted>. Will the steady stream of political no hopers and intellectually challenged candidates for office ever stop, on both sides?
  20. Their definition of 'quickly' is a bit different to the normally accepted meaning of the word. Three Toed Sloths move faster.
  21. Probably one of the more inane comments he made and he made many . You can't control the past of course You can learn and try to understand it, but that is not what Orwell meant. As to the present, it is what it is, you don't make it, or 'control' it, you merely live in it. It then gets set as 'history', which is under constant review, reinterpretation and revelation against present morals and social constructs, hence idiotic decisions to re write it in modern terms, as the MA and many other institutions in the West appear to be doing.
  22. Just one more <deleted> driver, one among so many here.
  23. I did read it, so what, my points remain the same. They are mostly/often unfair and you can't ignore them, that's why they are called 'rules'. Got it now?
  24. So how do you ignore having to pay each year for a security pass to park your car. How do you get over closed pools during covid, or whenever management feel like it, or not being allowed to own dogs. And how do you get over having people above you, below you and to either side? I have none of those issues in my house.
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