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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. The Thais could start by proper driver training in the first place. Their 'instructors' clearly don't know what they are doing. You only have to watch the total confusion and indecision at the two roundabouts near me to see that as a fact.
  2. I would guess that most of the beer consumed in Thailand is drunk by poor/working class Thais, Craft beers would only work among a very small number of farangs and some city types trying to be trendy. The Beer Barons here know their market.
  3. I'm surprised that in these woke times these types of pageants still happen. Albeit that if they do keep going, it will be here.
  4. Dream on sunshine, its a open public forum not a law court.
  5. What is perhaps more saddening; is that it is also the situation in the UK and US and many, if not all parts of the world. Politicians of whatever colour/style/background/education seem to be universally useless and only out for themselves. Unfortunately, politics seems to attract people who are totally unsuited to be politicians.
  6. That would be a valid question if there was a variable alternative available, but there isn't. Lose this PM and you get another one just as: bad/good/indifferent/no different/thick as pig shxt
  7. I wear the g/f, Got a tad hot in the night as she is always like a little furnace.
  8. I have no time for any of them. They suck the blood of the very society they profess to help. The most selfish religion in the world and that's saying something.
  9. A silly thing to say. No protective equipment at all, not in full control of the bike, he not only puts himself at risk, he puts others at risk by this idiotic behavior, that should be restricted, if he must, to race tracks and closed roads.
  10. I still yearn after a pint of heavy in an Inverness pub, happy days.
  11. If by 'future' you meant the coming weekend, then yes, but not much after that, My long term planning horizon in those younger days was a little over 7 days.
  12. I actually prefer Stella, but it isn't on the list/
  13. There is another post running where I was challenged as to why I use an agent, its just for this kind of utter BS. The IOs just don't know their own rules.
  14. This forum is littered with people who have had problems with immigration when they have followed the 'rules'. ?
  15. No, but I get somewhat frustrated with posters moaning about their difficulties with immigration, visas and extensions, when the solution to their frustration is sitting right in front of them, I shouldn't really bother typing an answer, as I don't really care about other peoples problems with the Thailand Authorities.
  16. I'm near Silver Lake, love the cool rain. No floods around here, but the lake looks very healthy.
  17. And there you have it, you can know the rules and follow them religiously and still fall by the wayside, because a good many IOs don't follow their own laws. Use an agent and all that <deleted> falls away. It is what it is here and to ignore that, or to pretend it doesn't exist, is just naïve. As usual here, it is all okay, until it isn't.
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