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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. The sound of Thailand is the circular saw. Thais are never happier than making a noise for hours on end with various power tools, but the circular saw against metal is their favorite, you can't avoid the sound.
  2. Not sure that its the 'baddest' thing that I have ever done, but it certainly was the stupidest. I cheated on the one true love of my life, twice, and I have been regretting it for the last 20 years.
  3. its also good manners to pay the man a few thousand Baht for undertaking such a duty and taking the woman off your hands.
  4. My experience of opening a bank account in Thailand, at SCB. Walked in, seen immediately, show passport and driving license as proof of address (Thai), signed documents, passed over 1,000 Baht, out in 15/20 minutes.
  5. Quite right. The rate of tourism recovery, world wide, is totally dependent on the availability of aircraft seats and many airlines have down sized, scrapped old aircraft and cancelled their old route network, aka, BA, Eva Air and even Thai Airways. It will take a good while, maybe up to 3 years for that pre covid capacity to be replaced.
  6. What is his nationality? Can he return to his country to get treatment? If his cancer treatment requires a lengthy course it will be either very expensive here or not suitable and at a basic level.
  7. There have been many cases over the years of UK home owners being charged with manslaughter, or even none pre meditated murder, after killing an intruder. The lack of application of minimum force is usually the reason given, in that the owner used excessive force to protect him/her self. Its never as simple as it appears. I understand that it is far more clear cut in the US, but I dont know that for sure. It appears on the face of it that the Thai Police are acting correctly in the case of the Swiss man, so far.
  8. Blind stupidly or money laundering, take your pick.
  9. Next 'high season'? When was the last HS? If memory serves me right it was about 8 years ago. There is so much BS spoken about travelling seasons in tourism. They disappeared from view years ago, when long haul holidays become more affordable for Westerners.
  10. where are they located please ? I don't have FB, Do they only service Apple products?
  11. I already have a new one, but I am loath to part with this model, which was the most expensive in the HP range when I bought it 5 years ago.
  12. Hi, I need a re build on my HP laptop, new integral keyboard and outer casing, and a few mods inside. Any recommendation for a good reliable IT specialist in Tuc Com Pattaya? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hahaha , I laughed so much at this, I fear that mu shorts will never dry. Chickens and roosting comes to mind.
  14. So is your argument 'then don't start the process'? Thats rather defeatist, Such a programme should be financed by government in the first instance. As I say, not exactly rocket science. Many African countries, poorer than Thailand, have been doing this for decades. But as this gov., don't even care about their own poor people, I have no confidence that anything will be done.
  15. You do what is done for many animals by other, more caring countries, you re educate them to live in the wild and then protect that environment long term. Its hardly rocket science. Many organisations have been doing the same for big cats and primates for many many years. The Mahouts are largely low lifes who exploit the animals for no good reason and then bleat when that exploitation can't go on.
  16. Elephants are indigenous to Thailand, they can and do live quite happily in the wild. Its the people that constantly exploit them that are suffering, tough <deleted> is my view.
  17. Happened to both of my kids in the UK, double jabbed but still caught it
  18. I live 30km east of Pattaya. Storms often seem to stay in the bay or rotate around Pattaya without ever reaching us. Same last night, could see the activity over the City but just slight rain for us. Unfortunately Silver Lake does not get as much as the City so still needs more before the dry season.
  19. A silly idea, tourism is a competitive game, make it expensive and you take yourself out of the holiday market for many thousand of visitors.
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