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Posts posted by LoeiI

  1. 2 hours ago, rwill said:

    I have insurance but I think the only thing I would actually be covered for is cancer or injuries from accidents.  If you take medication for blood pressure, cholesteral or blood sugar they are going to exclude tons of things that could affect you.

    What did the exclude due to blood pressure sugar and cholesterol  ? did they not offer additional pre-existing condition coverage ? is it an International company plan or a Thai plan ?

  2. 4 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

    Thank you for your post and I presume you are a diabetic like me (Type 2 insulin dependent?). During my 20 years living in Thailand, right from the start I registered with the diabetic clinic at my local Thai Government Hospital. It provided most of the medications I needed - Amlodipine, Losartan and Zimvastatin (all GPO). Initially I could not get Mixtard Insulin which I had to purchase privately on prescription from the RAM Hospital in Phayao, but this soon ceased when insulin (still on prescription) became available at the Government Hospital and I was then able to purchase all my medications and undergo the periodic blood and eye tests there.  I had no hassle and the medical staff were very helpful. The only regular problem was the long wait (sometimes almost 6 hours) to see the doctor for a check and to sign the prescription.  I now live in Siem Reap (Cambodia) and the recommended system is entirely different and hassle free! My regular local friendly private pharmacy provides ALL my medication, including Mixtard insulin without a prescription (insulin can be bought over the counter here!). For the blood and eye tests I go to a private clinic. The Government Hospital in Siem Reap is, with due respect, not as modern as the Thai one I used and is not recommended (other than for COVID-19 vaccinations). Yes, the cost is more expensive but is very convenient.  I hope this information is of use to you and I wish you continued good health with your treatment.

    Many thanks for the detailed reply and kind words, yes Type 2 insulin dependent, when i said couldn't be sourced at the main hospital in Khon kean i meant the generics, the European manufactured Atorvastatin, insulin (Novo rapid and Levemir) and Ozempic can be sourced but are pretty expensive. I didn't consider registering with a diabetic clinic i will inquire at the local hospital but from what I've seen (I live in Issan) most of the people i meet or the Mrs knows who are diabetic dont test (No testing kits) and only get a blood test every 3 months so god knows how they manage their glucose levels, the Thai doctors seem very reticent to prescribe meds that in the west would be considered normal to prescribe (I have met a lot of Thai people with gout who cant even get Allopurinol prescribed) , i intend to return to the UK a couple of times a year and hopefully get blood and eye tests flu jab covid booster done whilst there  

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    sounds like shingles if it's red spots .......  see a dr to confirm.

    Had shingles a couple of years ago the worst thing by far was the post herpetic neuralgia (nerve pain after shingles) and the meds i got to treat it (Think they were some kind of anti depressants ???? Gabapentin)  still get a bit now and again in my shoulder but off the tablets thankfully

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, brommers said:

    Generics are generally well formulated when made by reputable organisations. However even known manufacturers can sometimes produce faulty tablets. When I was working for a global drug manufacturer we tested generics of our brands & on occasion found the tablets had been stamped at too high a pressure. This meant that while they were chemically sound they would pass through the gut without being fully absorbed. So it is worth knowing the manufacturer & avoiding any that you cannot trace as well as trusting the regulatory environment of the country of manufacture.

    Thanks for the info another potential problem regarding checking the country of Manufacturer etc is that in the UK the tablets come boxed in packs of 28 with the information leaflet not sure thats the case in Thailand from what I've seen the ma in laws tablets just come in a little plastic bag saying how many and when to take I suppose there could be 500 tablets in the original box at the pharmacy / hospital 

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  5. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You only need 30 days of the $50,000 insurance required for entry.

    The 30 days includes the day you enter the country which means your admitted until date will be January 31st.

    You will not require a covid 19 test to leave Thailand if the country you traveling to does not require it. But some airlines may require one.

    So if i was to exit and re enter early next year and my Non O extension expired in October i would require insurance cover until October 

  6. 47 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

    A couple of years ago Oman Air had by far the best BC and service but that has changed.

    Emirates, Ethihad and Quatar are good airlines. My favorite is SIA.

    Pre covid I used Thai often. Planes and service not comparable with the Middle Easterners though much more expensive. The reason to fly with them was they were the only ones to offera non stop flight Muc-Bkk.

    For Muc-Bkk later this month I take Swiss because it's the fastest right now.

    I usually fly Manchester to BKK so nowt direct now, Singapore used to fly that route but now an extra stop in Dusseldorf i think,  I tried LHR to BKK once with Thai I'd rather go through Dantes 9th circle than LHR to be honest 

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  7. Sorry if this is the incorrect forum location (Please relocate if required) but I've flown Business class with Etihad for about 12 years now they are pretty good and the airport is easy to navigate, but i have heard good things about Qatar and Singapore any recent experiences ? TIA any others worth a look Finnish, Turkish, KLM  

  8. Hi all just wondering whether the generic (local) tablets are equivalent to the ones i would get in the UK, I went to the local pharmacy with a list of my meds and he was really helpful the only ones he said couldn't be sourced via the main hospital (Khon kean) were the statin,  the Insulin and ozempic first time I've tried to get the tablets here in Thailand  thanks in advance


    Should add the Insulin and ozempic are injections not tablets 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Kinnock said:

    The Missus still thinks cold weather would be nice, and taking her on a skiing holiday to Japan has unfortunately reinforced her fantasy.


    I tried to explain about the pain in your fingers as you scrape ice off your windscreen, the way snow turns to brown slush, fog, freezing cold toilet seats, dead car batteries in the morning, the cold back when you lose the duvet duel, only ever having sex under three blankets, wearing a woollen jumper ..... etc, etc

    Freezing cold bog seats up there with frosty windscreens IMO ???????? 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, twix38 said:

    Oh and peace and quiet versus Thailand and Thais relentless noise often at all hours. Far too many niggles versus uk peace and things work. Ahhh 3 years of joy and no regrets at moving back!!

    Winter could be a bit warmer but that's coming...........

    Was sat doing a bit of fishing next to the house today all i could hear was a bit of tinnitus talk about sabi sabi Oh and if i never have to scrape frost off my car windscreen again it'll be a day too early 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    Just exit Thailand. No need for upcoming report

    When you return your 90 day click starts from date you reenter

    Regarding my original info Non O, extension and multiple re entry permit am i correct in thinking i can fly back into Thailand with a one way ticket or do i need a return 

  12. Just a quick 90 day report query, i plan to visit the UK for 3/4 weeks early next year, I'm due to fly out 17th Jan and my 90 day report is due on 22nd Jan, i realize you cant report if your not here (in Thailand) but not sure what is best thing to do ? I have a Non O with retirement extension and a multiple re entry permit 

    1, Do the report prior to leaving on the 17th (or would this this be too early)

    2, Do the report when i return mid Feb (When would this be required ? 90 days after re entry ?)


    Sorry if I'm being a bit thick but the rules are still quite new to me

    Thanks in advance for any replies 

  13. 1 hour ago, drori8 said:

    he is just talking out of his ass. agents have helped many people. yes they are expensive but they help and can do some things we alone cannot. maybe he will give you now a 1 out of 10,000 people that had problems lol.

    Why are they so angry ???? ?? If it suits do it if not dont ????

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    • Haha 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    Past performance does not guarantee future results! A related practise years ago did, in fact, result in deportations. At one time, when people used border runs to extend their stay in Thailand (but were too lazy to travel to the border themselves) there were agents who would take your passports to the border to get the requisite stamps for you. There was a major crackdown on this practise, and many with those agent acquired stamps found themselves in hot water.


    The risks involved in using agents who can circumvent the usual requirements for a visa or extension are very low. But, let's be realistic. The risks are not zero. Under certain circumstances, disaster could strike those relying on well connected agents and officials who for some reason end up under attack by those above them.

    Agreed nothing is risk free though very low, I have spoken to many Thais and expats about this and other related issues and have been basically advised to stop looking at what we (Westerners) might see as corruption or rouge practices with westerners eyes, this is Thailand not the west and that it is what it is, and the fact that the money always travels upwards so the lower level officials are unlikely to come under attack by their superiors right up to the top (Armfuls of watches drug convictions etc.) 

    • Like 1
  15. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Why dispensation if you can't get vaxxed ?


    I mean if you do that then quarantine is just punishment for antivaxxers not a way of preventing the import of the virus. I don't logically see how one can give dispensation to people who can't be vaxxed. 


    I have sympathy for them (a lot) but you can't treat them different rule wise then antivaxxers otherwise one could argue the rules are just there to hurt antivaxxers.

    i'm not a medical professional but from what i have gleaned even fully vaccinated people can catch and pass on covid 19 (less chance of severe symptoms and less infectious) so the point of quarantine is to mitigate the import and  spread of the virus as much as possible, I also believe people who are unable to get vaccinated due to medical reasons will be doing everything in their power not to become infected like most reasonable people as opposed to the antivaxxers who just dont care so a bit of punishment is fine by me  

    • Like 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I like this antivaxxer, at least unlike some others he accepts the drawbacks of not being vaccinated. 


    He does not moan like a lil girl for being treated differently then those that are vaccinated. Wish most antivaxxers were like that and accept extra rules for them. 


    I think this will happen all over the world rules for vaxed and non vaxxed. I hope that this convinces enough people to get vaccinated. But one has to admire people who throw away a few 1000$ for their beliefs, instead of those moaning all the time about it.

    I have every sympathy for anyone who cant get vaccinated for medical reasons and dispensation should certainly be considered on submission of proof but the OP seems to be in the wont category not the cant category so no vax no entry i'm afraid   

  17. 2 hours ago, banglay said:

    I think over the coming weeks/months/years as Thailand opens up it's borders  anyone who has not been vaxx'ed will be treated as a second class person  and even feared ... and this will only get  worse as the infection rate starts  increasing (which is happening again  worldwide even in countries that have a high vax rate %%) ..Remember Khun Thai can be very paranoid and vent there anger quickly and as a un vaxx'ed farang you would be a target for sure  and treated as a modern day Leper 

    Not sure the Thai authorities will fanny about with worrying about whether your civil rights are being impinged or not they'll just say No vax No entry and who can blame them ? 

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