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Posts posted by LoeiI

  1. 1 hour ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    yes, i can also give myself now all kind of logical advices, but you ignore

    one important factor here: TIME.

    there was no way i could know about my problem until it was too late.

    as the time passed, the PASS team did not communicate with me in any way, nor answered any phone

    calls or emails, and did not give their answer in the promised time. so there was no way i could even know that there is a problem

    as the time passed the date of my flight approached and...


    maybe they did it because they want me to use an agent, who propably share with them

    some tea money? hmmmm....maybe...

    and how come so many posters apeare here all of a sudden , reccomending me to take an agent and how fast is the agent and what is your problem just take an agent...????


    so i can use an agent now, but now i will have again to book - and pay - for another flight and hotel and insurance and than who knows what will be the result.

    so i am feeling kind of tired from all this and need to relax with a tropical cocktail on some tropical beach to think it all over, but that beach is not going to be in thailand

    For about 65 quid you could have been sat on a tropical beach IN Thailand my advice leave the lone wolf applications to the experts I hope you get it all sorted by the way  

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/4/2022 at 3:57 PM, SunsetT said:

    If they provide statement(s) for the year instead.


    If they dont update their bank book regularly (weekly required by KBank), the pages will not show the transactions which might have taken the balance below 800/400k. So no point in providing copies of them.

    Hi Just for clarity could i go to KBank prior to applying for the retirement extension and get a statement for the year (to either to prove 800k for the year or 65k monthly) or do i have to update my bankbook weekly (i dont live near to the bank) TIA 

  3. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Personally, I never would and never have needed to use any agent in Thailand for things such as Driving Licence application / renewal and Extensions of stay applications at immigration etc.


    I’ve gone through the Coe Application three times, the PSAS payment process once and the Thailand Pass application once.


    The Thailand Pass website is glitchy and the PSAS payment process was simple when I used it but the payment portal clearly had an issue two weeks ago. 


    I’m not sure if the PSAS Payment portal issue still exists or if the Op has been complaining for two weeks. 



    Has the Op tried to pay for his PSAS Swab tests in the past couple of days and then reapply for his Thailand Pass (Sandbox) ????????




    You sound brilliant have you ever thought of opening an agency to help the rest of us ? BTW do you also do oil changes ? ????

  4. 57 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    If it gives the applicant the warm fuzzy feeling then up to them, not disimilar to visa agents, plenty people pay 25-30K for their services where they could do it themselves for 1/10 ( or more ) of their charge.

    Doubt very much the OP has said feeling, dare say an agent would have also picked up on the missing PSAS Receipt for payment for the PCR tests in Phuket

  5. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    The Op’s Thailand Pass (Phuket Sandbox) application was incomplete because it was missing the PSAS Receipt for payment for the PCR tests in Phuket - the Op submitted the application regardless and is angry because his application was ignored and his complaints to them that he couldn’t make payment on the PSAS site was also ignored. 


    IF the Op is struggling so much an agent may help. 

    IF the PSAS payment portal remains a problem for the Op (perhaps because of his use of a North American Credit card) then a use of an Agent could ‘circumnavigate’ this issue.


    But... the Op does not want to use an agent because he is reluctant to give up his private information.


    There’s not much more that can be done to help the Op.



    Perhaps the Op has a ‘friend’ in Thailand who can make payment with a domestic (Thai) card?.... 


    I doubt all the possible options and solutions have been explored, but the Op seems far more intent on venting his understandable frustration than putting that aside and working towards a solution. 

    Agreed as i put in a previous reply if you feel confident enough to complete the process and upload all the documents correctly alone feel free to crack on with it but if your not confident dealing with the authorities and the IT side of it whether TP / Visa or whatever employing an agent doesn't seem a high price to pay for peace of mind.

    I equate employing an agent to changing the oil on the motorbikes i could get down on the concrete remove the plug get oil all over the place cross thread the plug upon reinsertion then struggle to to get back onto my feet or i could go to the shop and get a qualified bloke to do it for about a fiver ???? not much of a decision if I'm honest ????  

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    There is a meeting on the 4th but I would be very surprised if the reinstate Test & Go at that time. Possible they might alter quarantine durations or suspend Phuket sandbox but if I had to bet, I'd bet on continuing the present status quo for at least a few more weeks.


    At present your options are quarantine for  10 days (not 7) or else Phuket Sandbox. Note that for Phuket Sandbox you need to fly directly in, domestic transfer not allowed. So makes a difference to flight routing. (Might be possible to change planes if still part of your international itinerary, I am not clear on that)

    Thanks for the reply I think it might be prudent to rearrange the trip unless things change (Which doesn't seem very likely)

  7. 18 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    It's political. If you think of all the little civil servants, teachers, office  and bank clerks who represent the main constituency of the Prayut Gang. All the renunciation and diligence to work your way up in the limited framework and poorly paid positions of the thai hierarchy. Then comes a Thai farm buffalo girl, stupid as bread, but with outstanding skills to suck up the reproductive juice of foreigners and gain access to money. Classical thai hierarchy levels are skipped and envy is fueled. That is the political background.

    I know some really nice Buffalo girls some as thick as mince and the fact that they can suck a marble through 18 inches of garden hose has nothing to do with my admiration for them ????????

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Virt said:

    This strong man that won world and euro titles in kickboxing, died after getting covid.

    I'm pretty sure he was more fit and Healthy than 99,9999 % on these fora, and yet he died after getting covid.


    That's really sad if a vaccine would have saved his life.



    Apparently his nickname was the Undertaker now his birds had to phone one ???????????? 

  9. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    What has been cancelled is the Test & Go scheme and also the Sandboxes other than Phuket.


    TP system is still operational for AQ and Phuket Sandbox.


    No telling what the options will be come July.


    But OP should be aware/prepared for possibility of mandatory quarantine despite vaccination status.


    Is there supposed to be an announcement from the government regarding Thailand pass on 4th Jan 2022 ?

    I have a flight to UK mid Jan returning early Feb so if the situation remains as it is at present i would need to do either 7 days quarantine in an AQ hotel in Bangkok or 7 days in the phuket sandbox ? TIA for any replies

  10. 4 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Both my knees are bad bad bad, hurt like hell all day everyday, I also have a cane, not for aesthetic reasons but because I need it, I struggle with one step which we have to get into the house, I know they are very unlikely to get any better, infact worse is on the cards, I struggle to get into the car these days.

    Right knee was bad before i came back in June had a couple of steroid injections in uk that didn't do much, the Mrs got me some black sesame oil capsules (not usually into any of that herbal Sh*te) but have certainly felt better since i started taking them 

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Having a couple of beers by the beach in the sun is very enjoyable, never get bored with that. But if that was the basis of your life then sure it will be boring. If you want boring try Doncaster UK on a wet, cold Monday night in January.

    Nowt up wi Donny..................................................... Nah your right ????

    • Haha 1
  12. On 12/22/2021 at 4:39 PM, bankruatsteve said:

    Leave it up to the professional.  ????  It is B200 per cesspit here.

    Way up in an Issan village 100 baht, bloke and his Mrs does it they're in my phone as Mr & Mrs Sh*te he does however just dump it into a derelict field between the village and the town doesn't smell too good when you pass it on the motorbike ???????? 

  13. 3 hours ago, roo860 said:

    Dress shorts???????????? surely a safari suit and pith helmet would have preferred attire?


    The closest I've got to dress shorts are a couple of pairs with the netting still slightly intact thereby preventing my Plums rolling out when i sit down ????

    • Haha 1
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