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Posts posted by LoeiI

  1. 4 hours ago, RichardL said:

    As for masks, I hate wearing them, and I know that the masks most people wear aren't very effective at all in preventing you from picking up the virus. They are more effective (albeit far from perfect) at stopping you spread the virus if you have it.

    I'm not sure anyone particularly enjoys wearing them but why wouldn't you want to try and stop the spread of the virus if indeed you did have it ?? ????

    • Like 2
  2. On 12/2/2021 at 10:51 AM, ThLT said:

    Mild reactions after a vaccine is normal... however diarrhea not so much. 
    If it gets worse, especially unexplained source of diarrhea, they should go see a doctor.

    Diarrhoea in LOS ???? how would you know not had a solid for months ....  ????????

  3. 7 hours ago, notrub said:

    Thanks again.  I am dreaming of my morning exercise dip back home in Isaan.  I am a Canadian (born) and used to walk to school in -10c no problems and at home (b4) in Chamonix France -10c was a 'mild' day, zero was 'balmy'.  When I got here it was -3c and I thought I would die of hypothermia getting out of the car. 

    Good luck on your return journey ????, went out to eat Mu Kratha tonight in Loei had to put a fleece on car t/c said 17 but felt more like - 17 (Must be getting old) off to UK in Jan probably have to get the thermals out ????, what size pool do you dip in ? and was it expensive to build / maintain     

  4. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The ‘mask mandate’..... [officials have mandated mask-wearing in public spaces in nearly all circumstances, with the exception of eating, drinking, or exercising]



    Am very much in favour of mask wearing (Couldn't understand why <deleted> Boris said it was no longer mandatory in shops and on public transport although that changed today) but couldn't understand the mask wearing on motorbikes as your not very likely to give it or get it at 30 kph the Mrs put me right (again) its mandatory outside of your house with the exception of the above at least there's no dither about it, not seen a farang in ages but not seen any mask less Thais either TBH

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, dg1980 said:

    if a Thai person came to your country and drove drunk, with no helmet, no shirt, no license, and no vehicle registration, they would be rightfully punished under the law.


    so why some farangs think they can come to Thailand and do these things and expect no punishment is beyond me.   


    I agree totally Farangs shouldn't but I think the point is the cops wouldn't pocket the fine in "my" country 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The real issue at hand... 


    A mate of mine now a senior officer in the the Police force...  Masters educated in the UK, from the right family, doesn’t really need the money but likes the job etc...  he entered the police force in a relatively high ranking position....  He didn’t want to take bribes or back handers...


    His car got scratched up, he received a couple of death threats !!!.....  


    Ultimately he was ‘encouraged’ to ‘play the game’ or face the consequences of other poorer policemen loosing out on income - he’s now part of the ’system’ and just accepts this is the way it is.


    The system is unchangeable. Graft is so systemic the police enter the position with the expectation that they make money on the side. Ripping people off is welcomed, its expected, its the norm. 



    This announcement that ‘Police will face trouble if caught taking bribes' is nothing other than pure theatre. 






    Sounds a bit like the Movie Serpico 

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    It is past time to end the off topic discussion about agents. The OP has already stated he does not want to use one.

    All further posts about one will be removed without notice.

    Apologies but i thought the OP was about freeing up some or all of the monies tied up in a bank account and one of the ways to do this is from what i can see by using an Agent 

  8. 4 minutes ago, CANSIAM said:

    Good on ya, continue on with your immigration corruption support.....

    ???????? will do, ???? Red bull heir, armfuls of bent watches, Joe Ferrari, seizing power at the barrel of a gun ???????? all down to me not being Ar%ed to sit in immigration for days and tying money up all year 

  9. 3 hours ago, CANSIAM said:

    Example 'bad agent' - if you get your Non O extension at CW where you live, and your stamp is Chachoengsao Immigration, you cannot do a 90 day report at CW. The bad agent has got you where he wants you........

    Yeah and it costs a whopping 500 baht for the agent to get the 90 day report sorted, or you could just take it out of the 800,000 Baht you dont need to leave festering in the bank all year ????

    • Confused 1
  10. 2 hours ago, lanng khao said:

    I would try a direct flight if poss, was watching a video and the lady was denied boarding because her Etihad flight wanted a PCR test to transit through, she said emeriates and Qatar didn't require one.

    Just booked with Etihad and you do need to upload your negative PCR test onto their verified to fly page, I thought the PCR test was a UK gov stipulation so I would have used emirates or Qatar if id known, Just a quick question I;m living near Chumpare anybody know the closest place to get a recognised PCR test that is fit for flying ? TIA

  11. Hi I'm thinking of booking a holiday for a week or two to Kho Chang, I've managed to talk the Mrs out of going up mountains, beautiful views and the likes (I didn't come half way round the world to freeze my noms off ????). Wondering if anyone has been there recently ? are the hotels, restaurants and bars open ? (recommendations welcome) we went about 15 yrs ago to the Chang resort which was the other side of the island to the ferry terminal as i remember, I'm also wondering about the best way to get to Trat from Isaan (Loei province) dont fancy driving and any restrictions on getting onto the island (both double vaccinated me 2 AZ in UK Mrs 1 sinovac 1 AZ in Thailand 12 year old 1 vax) Thanks in advance for any answers / advise   

  12. 10 minutes ago, bbko said:

    I've tried Lao Khao a few times and can say for me it's terrible, I have no desire to drink that cheap stuff again, when Lao Khao is mixed with the 11 Tigers herbal stuff it's then called "Ya Dong". 

    As for the Eleven Tigers herbal stuff, here's instructions on how to mix it with alcohol


    Preparation instruction

    Open the package and put the 11 Tigers Herbal Bar into glass jar. If you want to use bottle with small neck, need to crush the bar into small pieces. After that fill 11 Tigers Herbal Bar with 650-750 ml of strong alcoholic drink, such as whiskey, rum or vodka. Close jar/bottle tightly and let it infuse during 3-4 days. For better infusion it is recommended to shake bottle twice per day. When your herbal liquor is ready filter it into clean bottle.



    Thanks I've just noticed the English bit on the bottom of the instructions on mine it says

    Dosage  (Didn't even know it was medicinal) 3 to 4 tablespoons prior to each meal ???? no wonder i cant remember having me tea ???? 

    • Haha 1
  13. I have tried drinking Low Cow with the locals, relatives, builders and others but cant really do it even with the soda, so I was Just wondering if any body has tried Sip et Tiger which was recommended by the sister in law, you marinate the Low Cow in it for about a week and it becomes just about drinkable (Like red rocket fuel) ????  I'm thinking of taking some packets of Sip et Tiger home for the sons in law but as i cant get Low Cow in the UK  i dont know what to  marinate it in the closest i can think is probably paint stripper or possibly paraffin any recommendations would be gratefully recieved ????  

  14. 6 hours ago, Dont confuse me said:

    My thoughts are that Joe is admitting assaulting the victim with a plastic bag, but not the fatal bag, he could argue that 1 or 2 were placed loosely over the head to illicit a confession however the others were not of his doing neither was the tightening of them around the neck.

    A little far fetched but if the video was to go walkies along with the whistle blower, he might stand a chance!

    I am also surprised that it appears they are all sticking together no one is apparently looking for a deal?

    But TIT looking forward to the end result!

    Kyle Rittenhouse ????, Red Bull boy.  the Boll%ck who crashed into the bus TIT ?? I also cant wait for the result (although i have an idea what it might be) ???? 

  15. 28 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Machines for washing clothes is so hi-so, I got the old lady a new rock and she was delighted.

    Spot on didn't come half way round the world to learn hoe to use a washing machine its all in Thai anyway

  16. 1 hour ago, Almer said:

    English 72 pre existing  and refused renewal after 10 years of paying, yes Sringarind just walked with my wife asked to see a consultant, and wihin an hour and a few forms I had my hospital card and was waiting to see a charming lady who has cared for me for 3 years, whilst I was waiting to be discharged the Radiographer came to the room and drew some pictures on my chest and the following week I started daily for 20 sessions, private room gives the usual benefits  food wine etc but the medical care would have been the same.

     Sorry as an afterthought I am self pay.

    Hope you keep on keeping well, I just retired here, UK 60 just looking into medical insurance but unfortunately have the usual pre conditions T2 insulin dependent, med controlled BP but good to know there are good government hospitals that can be utilised in an emergency without having to flog a kidney to pay for it ???????? 

  17. 4 hours ago, Almer said:

    I noted a mole had got some what larger on my breast, saw the consultant at about 12,00 at 2pm a biopsy was done, with a follow up the next week, 3 days later a phone call at 9pm to say come In tomorrow as the biopsy was non conclusive, another biopsy and same same 3 days later a phone call come in tomorrow, and I was on the table to have a male mastectomy at 7pm same evening, 4 day stay in a private room 20 sessions of radiation, follow ups etc with change I recall from 26.000฿, my 3 monthly check ups a staggering 50฿ consultation fee, two further tumors have since been removed from the same area both benign and 6000฿ day case, if you can suffer the 4000+ Private room which in my opinion are superior to Bangkok Hosp  I would recommend anybody needing surgery to not overlook Khonkaen Uni hospital.

    Sorry I'm a little confused I am assuming you are not Thai so did you go to the KK Srinagarind hospital using your private insurance or just walk in ? and is it that easy to get an appointment to see a consultant be admitted and get the radiation treatment, follow ups etc. as a walk in ? Hoping you are still well, my Mrs was treated there for breast cancer and her oncologist is fantastic 

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