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Everything posted by fredscats

  1. Something kinky here too. Thai wife likes it in a shed middle of rice field,now with pig/human s.hit fertilizing the said rice,the smell rancid at best,cometh the beast...the Thai woman for sure takes it up the jacksee too. Now I too like the sound of this,already the farang/Thai manhood of Thailand makes its way to the house wanting its share of the pie too,..that is going to be one wealthy woman
  2. Sherlock here. The Swiss guy looks as if there was not a decent ....in him, Thai woman decent bit of rump there,half the village probably made a visit in time Thai guy jumps over wall thinking hes having one in the house,might as well have the other too,ensuing struggle Swiss guy objects to elephants kwai being delivered awakens wife ,who instantly flies into jealousy rage and batters Thai guy with broom handle No better explanation needed
  3. Please,have some respect for a farang,whos wife was not only was being sh.agged cuckolded without pity ,probably from both ends too and now finds himself right up in s.hit creek
  4. selective/elective medical procedures are a fraction of thai prices in nearby countries,and looking at waiting xs in nhs uk id opt for malaysia/india,
  5. The picture displays a female tick,they are bloodsuckers and can make you ill, Lyme disease,if you see a bullseye ring around bite mark ,see parmacy for anti biotics' Male ticks are smaller black in appearances,put a thumbnail on them and crush it,makes a crunching sound as its shell is broken,the female will squirt blood No need for anything but tick /flea powder,its a fine talc,perfumed too in some brands,light dusting everywhere,keep it down it dissipates rapidly,dust yourself down too,if its those virt imposs to see bedbugs ,works quickly
  6. Worst storm ever experienced,went on for an hour at least,about 8 storm centres Id say all one local area,knocked off power instantly the first lightening strike struck nearby transformer,intensive rain lashed it down
  7. Its a tick,pet section supermarket tick/flea powder light sprinkle bedding,floor, leave it on
  8. Now Now Rooster,this is known,all of it in greater detail than even you could realise,its when some newly arrived nutter arrives just off the banana boat and puts his own spin on events that upsets the apple cart anyway "up noorf" UK you sound like,from my immediate neighbourhood too
  9. Must be German know some who have this 1000 euros a year or so,some state benefit,not a useful as u think either
  10. Permanant disability whatever,nuts to stay in Thailand if from UK can get extra 360 quid a month tax fee and not means tested Medivc last resort commercial flight better no waiting
  11. Dutch guy has verdict Tuesday see if he wins
  12. Have always liked pirate bay but choice of films now limited u torrent
  13. Nah! have already indicated my (insured ) way 21 quid a year,basic medical provision ,then earliest medivac out of it, but does your medical ins have that? no,what a pity Stated before the finest for me and the best medical care and by far the cheapest two hours away from BKK
  14. Why strange? where else do cancer patients go? now dead anyway both of em seem to have taken over the thread,never mind Mr Getftfuced or whatever his title is entirely focussed on liver failure and lung cancer as his inclusion of medical insurance in his life Waste of time here in Thailand those two with/without ins. Lung bit especially,always those nasty little cancer cells will escape during the op, virt.15 months after the op more surgery to remove lymph nodes,cancers all over the place death awaits, then his pet favourite liver transplant,never be able to find donor here in Thailand,might try India,but would your ins cover it doubtful Early diagnosis get to the hell out of it
  15. No no no pls do not close, Gottfuced or whatever its name is,has insurance me? 20 years behind the mast, no insurance well the sort u have well done...to me
  16. The major problem with medical insurance here in Thailand is it keeps you in Thailand far longer than you should be,just to get your whack out of insurance pot Known a few who have made a regular pilgrimage to BKK from wherever, usually cancer, thinking new life is being pumped into them...far from it,.. reduced to living wrecks until they realise they are being preyed on,just able enough to make dash home,prob to hospice which do not exist in Thailand
  17. It is only the accident part that could be a problem,but insurance for that is cheap. You guys keep on about cost of medical care,here in thailand it is,but two hours away west and south(from BKK) the finest medical care abouds,so cheap and good ,have loads of examples,been many times... pre cancer scans,prostate reduction,knee ops ,what have you , now with relaxing borders hopefully can get my eyes lasered,not at 600,000 but at 30 000 baht , just 4000 return or was Anything elective/selective,no need for Thailand
  18. I bought one of those vibrator things for not just my girl friend,bur other GFs too,keeps the heart attack threat to minimum
  19. Your options are bleaker still if remaing in Thailand after major operation,living in CM after lung removal in burning season,yeah right Living in Thailand disabled will be no joke,early diagnosis to determine then out quicker than Jack Flash
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