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Everything posted by fredscats

  1. People that shout the loudest of having medical insurance as a rule have the very least cover,just enough to cover a sticking plaster in private hospital,its surprising just how little cover is provided too,just the op thats it,no medivac,which is the important item A trip up to CM for long stay aftercare,but out of Thailand quick quick Me? yeah right I pay 21 quid a year by DD inc medivac and basic care until Im on that 'plane 'ome beats you 40 million plus insurance guys by miles
  2. Lung cancer price cannot get firm quote,but will be less than kidney transplant of 8000 pounds,not in Thailand but close The two I know did not beat cancer, lung and Kev,throat I think,died not long after operation
  3. 20 odd years of this may/could/not able/whatever still here " lost both legs" rehab/recuperation? nah anything could happen you think that insurance pot will cover everything? think again,it will be drier than the Sahara in no time at all,private hospital will sure see to that,then govt hospital ,and dying probably the best option at losing both legs
  4. You put up two instances Lung Cancer Kidney transplant Have u ever witnessed anybody (farang) having any of the operations you stated? ,insurance or no insurance? I have You would be in no fit state to continue being in Thailand after the operation,you may just get the operation a bit quicker having insurance ,thats all,no meaningful aftercare,just hanging on for a short time for the inevitable Once diagnosed,a speedy exit
  5. Would be doable,some airlines take 2 strecher cases per flight
  6. It was sheer stupidity Kev staying here,especially the BPH,most expensive hospital on the planet,there are other cancer hospitals not far off the one he chose far cheaper too. He knew he was going to die straight from the off,but he put on a show
  7. Why the hell anyone would stay in Thailand for that lot, yes number one a punter I knew 100 quid a week,utterly useless went back home quick quick,another same thing did a Go fund me still went back quick quick,wasted more bucks than soft Joe on insurance There are many things not included in insurance,unlimited aftercare for one,specified time only Just had peek at kidney transplant price nearby country 8000 quid think Ill pay out of own pocket thanks then a plane to back 'ome
  8. ..and they will find them. I pay 5000 a year accident, after that bone re-setting Malaysia or India or book 3 seats economy to back home
  9. "overpriced" is an understatement and a bed is a bed
  10. That will be the fault of the ambulance crew Always post hospital wishes in wallet No private hospital Always found the govt hospitals Ive used are excellent,plus private hospital would drain that money pot of insurance like of yesterday then off to Govt hospital,better to start from that Was a guy paying 100 quid a month med insurance,even that did not save him,paid his own way back to UK " Was a guy paying 100 quid a month med ins,even that did not save him,paid his own way back to UK " 100 quid a week ,not month my mistake 5200 quid a year over 60 just Items his insurance would not cover was too much for him,cleared off Money in my pocket not having insurance multiply that by 20 years huge saving
  11. Always found the govt hospitals Ive used are excellent,plus private hospital would drain that money pot of insurance like of yesterday then off to Govt hospital,better to start from that Was a guy paying 100 quid a month med ins,even that did not save him,paid his own way back to UK
  12. For starters not using private hospitals,not using ICU stay on a ward,same treatment but at bedside,having accident insurance 5000baht a year, elective/selective medical care Malaysia by far the cheapest, cheaper than that India when covid allows,......finding cheap medivac options,..mines free,...whatever medical insurance u have that is not included
  13. Same here,as admitted I stated no ICU,also checked out after one night,wanted me in for 3
  14. Too true Ive accident cover 5000 a year then selective /elective out of Thai into Malaysia or India minute fraction of Thai
  15. Could never be settled with pensions, OAP is non-sanctionable (non punishable)it is impossible ,I tell you impossible... It does state in DWP guidelines,cannot be touched I think these,whoever they were should immediately approach the DWP and appeal,they surely will receive refund,but if this tale of yours is above board,which obv. is lurid and suspect.must be in the genes
  16. Look,a few minutes ago,I stated it was none of your business what I do,what anybody else does for that matter,you chose,keep it at that....but no,keep churning c.rap out
  17. At it again,like a dog with a bone. Can go back 10 years and the same old story,frozen pit,frozen pensions,...but its how many you succeeded in influencing,hopefully not many, with all the rubbish spouted, and that is all it ever was... rubbish. Cold comfort,each and every one of you,hoping against hope that the guy with bowler hat comes a'knockin',never will,but please keep on ramping up the doom and gloom stuff entertains ,really it does Nobody ever repeat EVER has ever been apprehended living here on frozen pension 'cept their own stupidity,can inc NZ AU SA too,but please concentrate on TH if that suits
  18. Too true,concerning breakfast Ty-Phoo tea mornings (no strings on tea bags) couple rounds of toast.... coffee evenings. Its the age there is no free medical support,just expensive here in Th,......it was a 4000baht return tix to India that I took for granted as my medical mainstay,but covid robbed me of that Hopefully the route will reopen soon,cancer scans at 35-50,000 baht here in Thailand,there for 800 baht and so on Want eye laser surgery too,here as I read 600,000 plus,there 35000 prob less as Rp has plunged Often wonder what Id be doing in UK at exact time here, here Im at sauna most morns,swimming early afternoon,massage later afternoon,life aint that bad,but I have medivac booked cheaply through past employment if events turn ugly Years ago I bought a Yard-O-led propelling pencil,c/w paperwork,sterling silver,date stamped 1946,what would that be worth? PS I do read the Times and Telegraph full versions..but on kindle/computer
  19. This is one of a number of past posts describing whatever actions that were undertaken Can hardly state that that was in any way shape or form sanctionable or punishable Its the dribble forever quoted of that frozen pit c/w frozen pension
  20. I am more than sure you were bombarding the pensions centre a fair while ago of just what you suggest,alas for you , no joy at your revelations ,as nothing was or will be done The activety you describe,have I admitted anything other than having a pension closer to 200 smackers than 100.? The more alert would now be seeing an opportunity of obtaining a PI address far more easily,hence no frozen pension,but not for me to disclose I would say for you brainless ,at cost of 200 smackers at hoax letter writing I would suggest tho,as your source of income diminishes yoy, that geen eyed monster takes on a whole new meaning LOL
  21. No applause please Thank You "In respect of pensions, fraud undermines the value of income for people at a time of life when sources of income become more limited, and the chances of financial recovery are reduced." Now that is some statement yes/no? govt funded investigation,so who exactly is defrauding who? The fraudee,defrauding the fraudster Not been around for a bit,never mind here now. I am sure you will agree that money lost by a basketcase is money best in my pocket and not lost to an immigrant Been banging on this subject for years,never mind eh ! all you do is encourage others to make wrong choices as time will tell . Check up on facts not rubbish spilled out by yourself lol
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