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Posts posted by FridgeMagnet1

  1. 34 minutes ago, Tuvoc said:

    Phone the hospitals and ask.


    As I mentioned in another thread, there is no hospital listed in the province where we live and the nearest one seems to be 3 hours away. I'll have to try and make some phone calls, or get my wife to, to ask what they expect me to do in that situation.

    One would hope that you can get a private PCR test and upload it to MorChana?

  2. 11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    That is not the list for the required second PCR under Test & Go. That is the list of all labs approved to do testing.


    The approved list is linked to a QR code people were asked to scan on arrival and seems to be this;



    Are there evening time slots in any hospitals? I’ll be at work all day and can’t get away until 18:00

  3. 9 hours ago, EricTh said:


    I am skeptical because these so-called studies are probably paid by the big pharma companies to promote their vaccines.


    Let me give you an example, if I take rice but my muscles don't grow no matter how hard I train in a gym, taking more rice won't help either. One should take protein instead to make more muscles.


    The old vaccines target the original virus and not the severely mutated Omicron virus. What we need is a new version of the vaccine targeting the Omicron and not booster jab of the original vaccine.


    Anyway, we already have immune memory T-cell and B-cell which will produce the required amount of antibodies should the old virus attack.


    I laughed when I heard Israel is having a fourth booster jab now even though the third booster jab is supposed to be 'effective' against the omicron.


    None of the vaccines target the virus. They target the spike proteins 

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  4. 37 minutes ago, Tuvoc said:

    What they could do very easily is just shorten the list of "low-risk" countries that qualify for the Test & Go scheme. The U.K. is surely at big risk of coming off that list !  The govt are meeting Friday is what I'm seeing. I'd love to know what time though !  in my case my plane arrives on Friday around midday, fingers crossed I don't land and only learn then that they've immediately implemented a change like that !

    Meeting this afternoon according to the Pattaya News 

  5. 4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Yes Sheryl, I agree with you and I know the Sandbox rules. However, going purely on the title of this thread - the proposal is to cancel Test & Go - there is nothing about the Sandbox Scheme.  Having said that, I have just contacted my hotel in Bangkok to ask if they will allow me to change packages and they will - but they commented that they were under the impression that its the Sandbox Scheme that's at risk of being cancelled so god knows? Just sit tight and hope.

    Actually, the proposal os to “make changes” to test and go 


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  6. 44 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    One of many pressing questions.


    Impossible to say, we have to await announcement.


    They will certainly have a credibility problem going forward if they do not honor existing approved TPs -- and create chaos for hotels etc -- but with this bunch it is possible.

    You would think they would give notice and delay this until Jan 3ish to give people time to get back.

    but as you say, who knows with this lot 


    Hopefully Phuket sandbox remains available, but I can’t really be bothered with that lark again. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    You seem to be assuming that those 600+ cases announced by the government were the ENTIRETY of all the double Sinovac doses medical workers who became infected, and that the entire population was in fact tested.


    I don't believe that was the case. It was just a snapshot of info and details announced by the government at one point time, not necessarily a complete accounting.


    But either way, the government's actions then and now tell the story. When the medical workers began coming down with COVID and getting ill and in some cases dying, the government didn't opt to do a booster campaign of more Sinovac doses. They consciously chose to do booster doses of AZ and Pfizer.


    And, now as of this month, they seem to have pivoted again toward having Pfizer and Moderna doses be among the main doses available to the public for the currently unvaccinated -- not Sinovac as the general rule.


    So the truth is, it only took them almost ONE year after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were approved by the U.S. and the WHO -- whose data clearly showed them as being the most effective -- before the Thai government was pulled kicking and screaming into finally making those two among the mainstay vaccines for the country.


    So you are choosing to believe your own make believe figures, rather than the official statistics. 

    you understand you can prove literally anything with completely made up facts?

  8. 20 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

     Two comments:


    1. As the Reuters report above shows, the Sinovac vaccine didn't do a great job at preventing illness and death among vaccinated Thai medical workers. That's why, early on, the government moved to begin giving non Sinovac booster doses.



     One nurse died


    1 Out of how many?


    ”not a great job?”

  9. 26 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I was going to say... this guy really knows how to turn a national embarrassment into a positive:


    He says -  yes, Thailand was ahead of many other nations in launching a third shot booster campaign (for its medical workers).


    What he doesn't say -- and the reason we HAD to do that was because we had given them all less effective Sinovac vaccine from China that haven't been approved in the west, and to our surprise, they kept getting sick and some dying from COVID...


    Who would have guessed!!!




    Hundreds of Thai medical workers infected despite Sinovac vaccinations


    BANGKOK, July 11 (Reuters) - Thailand's health ministry said on Sunday more than 600 medical workers who received two doses of China's Sinovac vaccine (SVA.O) have been infected with COVID-19, as authorities weigh giving booster doses to raise immunity.


    Of the 677,348 medical personnel who received two doses of Sinovac, 618 became infected, health ministry data from April to July showed. A nurse has died and another medical worker is in critical condition.


    An expert panel has recommended a third dose to trigger immunity for medical workers who are at risk, senior health official Sopon Iamsirithawon, told a news briefing on Sunday.


    Right, we are 19 months into this pandemic and you still dont understand that vaccines are there to prevent serious illness and death?





  10. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    No... you can go back to the UK (or any of the 63 approved low risk countries) for as long as you want so long as you have not been in a high risk country (not any of the 63 approved low risk countries) within the past 21 days.


    Thus: Travelling Thailand to the UK and returning to Thailand 14 days later is no issue whatsoever. 


    (I’m not 100% certain of transit regulations - but most countries in which we may transit in from the UK are also within the 63 approved low risk countries). 




    That’s great 


    thanks for the answer !

  11. 9 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    One has to love the officials here.  The CM gov says that his goal is 100% vaccinations by the end of November 2021.  They fail to take into account that over a 100K have paid for Moderna yet when there is any shipment of Moderna, the central govt takes it and provides 3rd and 4th jabs for those they consider to be more important.  My wife plans to take our dau back to US so needs 2 jabs of approved vaccines and that means NO for Sinovac or Sinopharm which the govt insists all get together with Astrazeneca or Moderna or Pfizer.  


    Noz that’s completely untrue. Sinovac, double dose is accepted in the US 




    who told you such nonsense that Sinovac wasn’t recognized in the US?

    • Haha 1
  12. On 11/15/2021 at 6:26 AM, vVDB said:

    Sinovac, Sinopharm and Sputnik have not applied for authorization on the European and American markets. robust scientific studies are required.

    scientific studies are still being analyzed in the USA and Europe and shortcomings have recently been reported without fundamentally changing the conclusions (fortunately)

    Remember... Hungary refused the Sputniks it had ordered because they were not identical to the reference samples ...

    Chile is vaccinated with Chinese vaccines, Delta has arrived and has done very badly ...

    SV, Sinopharm and Sputnik have all applied applied for authorisation in the EU


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