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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Please continue delivering on your aspect of time, maybe it will amuse some. What I meant and that you surely understand, is that it was common and normal before, but are quite limited at present time. (Wonder how you are going to twist the time definitions this time)
  2. No, it´s not at all normal from the age of 12. That´s just a lot of rubbish talking. it might have been many, many years ago. However, today it still exists but is not at all something that should be described as very common or normal.
  3. So, the madness is over! Puuh, now it´s at least 1 year left until we once again have to witness pictures of such disgrace to fashion.
  4. I assume the guy will be trilled by her fantastic support. First explaining what happened, and after saying that it might not be like that. Five star support!
  5. I do not know what kind of problem you have understanding. I have visited the island enough many times to collect information and form an opinion. Why would I live somewhere I do not like or see fit? Assumptions again. Yes, I do know that Thalang is in the north of Phuket. However, again you are totally irrelevant with you ongoing assumptions.
  6. That was not what I posted about. I posted about that Phuket looks like everywhere in the western world, with the addition of palm trees and coconuts. FYI, I do not live in Pattaya, as you just pretended to know. Now you can continue to defend you over developed little part of Thailand, and I will get back to my quiet and nice life in the rural areas. You know, where you meet the genuine part of the country you choose to move to. A place where they do not look at you as a money making machine and try to take advantage of your every step.
  7. What a funny response. No single individual, because that is not the job that is connected to his position. He should look at the big picture, represent the country in a prominent, deal making and marketing manner. After that the work description for his position is to overlook the different parts of the government, delegate and collect reports. His position is also a decision making one, to do what is best for the country and it´s people.
  8. If you really wanted a change of life, new country and different surroundings? Nowhere! Phuket is like leaving the western world, but still living in it.
  9. Of those caught 10% ......bla bla bla........ Have they ever thought about that they also only catch 10% of all the ones sneaking in?
  10. It´s scary when a prime minister goes out and react on one single individuals expression in such a big way. Then you really know that a person has no clue about the position he holds.
  11. So, you are saying that she was a useless mother and she should expect such behavior from her son. How did you come to that conclusion?
  12. I am pretty sure such a pile of garbage will not make anything grow.
  13. Oh, stupid me! I always thought this department gave orders to close for recovery of wildlife and nature. Wonder if all the fishes got the memo to not gather in too big groups.
  14. Ops! Just lost a lot of revenue there, dude! 50 % sploosh, out the window! When the result comes, there will be a world of hurt for that comment. Probably an inactive post already designed for you.
  15. What bad news? I am out of the understanding this is a forum where we post out opinions. My opinion is still that medicine should not be used for something it is not designed for. How can your two links be bad news with that fact in mind? While you are on it, you can also search for how many got bad effects out of using medicine for things they are not designed for. I am pretty sure that will be much more to weigh up the links you posted.
  16. Really??? What I am saying is that medicine should not be used for something it is not designed for. Regarding medicine for things, is just an expression where I used a word for all instead of mentioning all different illnesses and conditions. Better now? If not, don´t ask me again.
  17. Mmmmm... As usual we must set up a new company. Find the right guy to run it, so the money stays in the family. Normal procedure for a democratically elected government and government authorities is the lay it out for bidding. I am pretty sure there is already lot´s of private companies that have the resources,
  18. Pure bullish! What you are mentioning here and are calling preventive medicines, is in fact meds designed to prevent a certain condition. Then it is called medicine for things. Now, please tell me what aspirin is designed to prevent, without easing pain?
  19. I do not understand why so many want to compare popping pills with vaccinations. It´s two different things.
  20. Sure it´s wishful thinking. However, there will not be more spreading just because they let in fully vaccinated tourist.
  21. Okay! If they are so effective then tell me why I am sitting here at the age of over 50 and still not have a chance to get vaccinated? At the same time, explain why they only reached from 23 % to 30% in about 2 month but every day media frenzy about how many they vaccinate. Just take a look! 12 000 per day in a city. Let say 12 000 per day in each province. Counting low, aren´t we? Provinces in Thailand 76, right? 76 x 36 000 = 912 000 shots per day! WOW! If that is what they have been doing the last two months, why not a betting percentage? That would mean almost 55 million shots in 2 month! Really Wopping, right? So, according to how well they are doing, it will only be approx. 3 - 3,5 month more and the whole Thailand is vaccinated? Is that what you are saying???? Get a GRIP! Or maybe you were only talking about Nakhon Nowhere, and dreamt up 12k shot, alt. believe the media too much!
  22. Nah, no have to look that up, Mr. Placeholder. There are already enough facts and risks that talks against popping unnecessary pills. Look at history. There has always been doctors that goes against the grain and recommends eating medicine for lowering the risks of different illnesses. However, with that always follows a higher risk for other illnesses. Mostly comparable regarding how dangerous they are. Therefore one takes out the other and the result is Status Quo! Result is that you gain nothing by popping unnecessary pills. Explanation of placeholder: An empty and unreadable place in the virtual world, where information in form of a picture or video should have been followed by an ALT-description that explains to both the validator and the reader what it might be and the reason for it. ????
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