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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Whatever you say. Aspirin is more dangerous than it helps.
  2. Mmmmmm.... Now they know to not use a bottle opener. Wonder what the next genius tool will be for their quest for manhood? Next! My friend told me to slam the hammer on it, and it will suddenly grow to enormous proportions.
  3. Yeah, yeah, you can hope what you want. Normally intelligent people do not take preventive medicine for something they might be afraid to get. For that reason we have something called health supplements and a healthy diet as well as proper exercise. FYI, aspirin is not classified as a health supplement. It is a medicine. Just to get it all straight: Medicine is prescribed or taken for a symptom or an active illness. Health supplement, healthy diet and exercise is used as preventive products. There is no such thing as preventive medicine. If so, it is prescribed by a doctor based on an existing condition. If doctors recommend aspirin to people without ant existing conditions, they are committing malpractise which is to be seen as serious negligence.
  4. Oh dear! That´s close to 800 km. Depending on the age and quality of the furniture, I would really consider if it´s worth it. Most likely better to leave it behind.
  5. Another crazy report from US. Why would anybody take meds, if they do not need it? Insane!
  6. That´s the result of configuring your pickup as a rally car and drive like Niki Lauda.
  7. But if they open that early, then TAT must have their figures ready. It´s surely still time to get 20 million tourists to Thailand 2021.
  8. Look at Lazada and take one you want!
  9. Good to see them standing so straight and serious on a picture with dildos. They just doesn´t get how stupid it makes them look.
  10. Yeah, but I guess it will hurt a little bit to loose products with a Thai street value worth of close to 3 million dollar. Just hope that they payed for it already. Otherwise they will be in a world of hurt.
  11. I have been trough the process to as I deal with real estate in Thailand. Never mind go on with your life. I was giving recommendations to the OP, not to you.
  12. Where did I say it was a requirement? I said that it is important, as it generally makes things more easy and smooth. I am sure it is possible without, as you state you did. Never said it was impossible without. What I also said is that you will benefit from letting a lawyer handle the business. Why not? If you are buying a condo for 2,5 - 10 million baht, how much will a little bit of lawyer fee hurt you? And then again, I strongly advise you the read before you post. Never posted it was a requirement.
  13. At the time Mr Precious no longer will stand up and perform.
  14. Who said anything about great misery or that it ahs gone to hell. Most of us here are living great lives with absolutely no economic or or other problems. Except the mental health is crippled by to much BS in the news and questions like yours. ???????? However, if you haven´t figured it out yet I will be more than happy to share. The things below will have such weight, it will not exist any negativity that can touch it´s strong foundation. Beautiful Girls that are always on call! Gives us all the spice and variety in life as any man can possibly dream of. A fantastic wife that loves you to death and never care about what you are doing, as long as she gets her monthly allowance. No man can not ask for a better solution! Under normal circumstances, that will be back, we can meet at our favorite bar and lie about everything. Nobody will remember it the day after anyway. Above you see the essence of life! On top of that you secure your life by never buying anything that you can´t put your name on. See, can´t go wrong! For being this smart and living such great lives, we have earned the right to complain and spout out everything we wish in this forum. None of that means that our lives are miserable or that something has went to hell. That we all have to wait for, as we have learned that there is a time for everything.
  15. Excuse me! What is option A? I must have missed your post when you categorized your mentioned options with letters of the alphabet. ???? Or did you mean option ISIS?
  16. Just another <deleted> drunk quality tourist or one of the great foreign inhabitants of Pattaya. There can not be an interesting story. If you party you do that and keep control so that you get back to your bed. Yeah, or another persons bed. All to their own. If you have a problem, you see to that you take your meds, see your shrink, don´t mix it with alcohol.
  17. I feel sorry to hear you question. I recommend further talks with a professional. ????
  18. I really think you should go for it! Why nor take it a step further, and make a date with an ISIS woman? That will surely make you life more exiting.
  19. Sounds about it will be in the ballpark. However, it will depend on where you are and different clinics.
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