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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Sure it´s wishful thinking. However, there will not be more spreading just because they let in fully vaccinated tourist.
  2. Okay! If they are so effective then tell me why I am sitting here at the age of over 50 and still not have a chance to get vaccinated? At the same time, explain why they only reached from 23 % to 30% in about 2 month but every day media frenzy about how many they vaccinate. Just take a look! 12 000 per day in a city. Let say 12 000 per day in each province. Counting low, aren´t we? Provinces in Thailand 76, right? 76 x 36 000 = 912 000 shots per day! WOW! If that is what they have been doing the last two months, why not a betting percentage? That would mean almost 55 million shots in 2 month! Really Wopping, right? So, according to how well they are doing, it will only be approx. 3 - 3,5 month more and the whole Thailand is vaccinated? Is that what you are saying???? Get a GRIP! Or maybe you were only talking about Nakhon Nowhere, and dreamt up 12k shot, alt. believe the media too much!
  3. Nah, no have to look that up, Mr. Placeholder. There are already enough facts and risks that talks against popping unnecessary pills. Look at history. There has always been doctors that goes against the grain and recommends eating medicine for lowering the risks of different illnesses. However, with that always follows a higher risk for other illnesses. Mostly comparable regarding how dangerous they are. Therefore one takes out the other and the result is Status Quo! Result is that you gain nothing by popping unnecessary pills. Explanation of placeholder: An empty and unreadable place in the virtual world, where information in form of a picture or video should have been followed by an ALT-description that explains to both the validator and the reader what it might be and the reason for it. ????
  4. I think you understand. But I will help you. Instead of have it should be how. I take it as you only had proof reading to complain about you failed to deliver a relevant and on-topic response to the information. Anyway, Happy popping!
  5. Exactly! Foreign people are not the threat against Thailands Covid-19 recovery. Almost every country they are thinking of letting in has a higher percentage of vaccinated population. The problem is with the domestic situation i the country, that officials seems to be extremely uncapable of dealing with. On the other hand, that´s what happens when you only focus on Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Pattaya. Morons! The rest of the country have people that needs to be vaccinated too.
  6. I do not pretend to have any medical background either, but I usually lay it all down to common sense. As you can see that a lot of other readers do as well by checking the popularity of the post. And again, aspirin is not a medicine that is made or engineered to be taken as preventive. You call it what you want. You have no clue about my education or professional level regarding any area. You say that you do not have any medical background. Without knowledge of any of the two, have can you be sure you can spot an uneducated view. To be able to do that it takes education, right? Something you just said you do not have. So, Mr SuperAl. Just go back to popping your aspirin now.
  7. Haha, I know how it is. Only have a 9 year old, but loves air of course.
  8. Hey, you know they will quit in a couple of weeks for end of term right? It will be more cases for a while on..... ????
  9. Saturday: Eat, play music, drink beer, play with children and chill. Sunday: more playing with my children and a couple of beers!
  10. With that many problems with totally insignificant things you will not be happy anywhere. Bye bye! Have a nice trip wherever you go.
  11. Maybe you should read the benefits and risks. Or maybe you are in a field above such facts.
  12. Whatever you say. Aspirin is more dangerous than it helps.
  13. Mmmmmm.... Now they know to not use a bottle opener. Wonder what the next genius tool will be for their quest for manhood? Next! My friend told me to slam the hammer on it, and it will suddenly grow to enormous proportions.
  14. Yeah, yeah, you can hope what you want. Normally intelligent people do not take preventive medicine for something they might be afraid to get. For that reason we have something called health supplements and a healthy diet as well as proper exercise. FYI, aspirin is not classified as a health supplement. It is a medicine. Just to get it all straight: Medicine is prescribed or taken for a symptom or an active illness. Health supplement, healthy diet and exercise is used as preventive products. There is no such thing as preventive medicine. If so, it is prescribed by a doctor based on an existing condition. If doctors recommend aspirin to people without ant existing conditions, they are committing malpractise which is to be seen as serious negligence.
  15. Oh dear! That´s close to 800 km. Depending on the age and quality of the furniture, I would really consider if it´s worth it. Most likely better to leave it behind.
  16. Another crazy report from US. Why would anybody take meds, if they do not need it? Insane!
  17. That´s the result of configuring your pickup as a rally car and drive like Niki Lauda.
  18. But if they open that early, then TAT must have their figures ready. It´s surely still time to get 20 million tourists to Thailand 2021.
  19. Look at Lazada and take one you want!
  20. Good to see them standing so straight and serious on a picture with dildos. They just doesn´t get how stupid it makes them look.
  21. Yeah, but I guess it will hurt a little bit to loose products with a Thai street value worth of close to 3 million dollar. Just hope that they payed for it already. Otherwise they will be in a world of hurt.
  22. I have been trough the process to as I deal with real estate in Thailand. Never mind go on with your life. I was giving recommendations to the OP, not to you.
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