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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Where did I say it was a requirement? I said that it is important, as it generally makes things more easy and smooth. I am sure it is possible without, as you state you did. Never said it was impossible without. What I also said is that you will benefit from letting a lawyer handle the business. Why not? If you are buying a condo for 2,5 - 10 million baht, how much will a little bit of lawyer fee hurt you? And then again, I strongly advise you the read before you post. Never posted it was a requirement.
  2. At the time Mr Precious no longer will stand up and perform.
  3. Who said anything about great misery or that it ahs gone to hell. Most of us here are living great lives with absolutely no economic or or other problems. Except the mental health is crippled by to much BS in the news and questions like yours. ???????? However, if you haven´t figured it out yet I will be more than happy to share. The things below will have such weight, it will not exist any negativity that can touch it´s strong foundation. Beautiful Girls that are always on call! Gives us all the spice and variety in life as any man can possibly dream of. A fantastic wife that loves you to death and never care about what you are doing, as long as she gets her monthly allowance. No man can not ask for a better solution! Under normal circumstances, that will be back, we can meet at our favorite bar and lie about everything. Nobody will remember it the day after anyway. Above you see the essence of life! On top of that you secure your life by never buying anything that you can´t put your name on. See, can´t go wrong! For being this smart and living such great lives, we have earned the right to complain and spout out everything we wish in this forum. None of that means that our lives are miserable or that something has went to hell. That we all have to wait for, as we have learned that there is a time for everything.
  4. Excuse me! What is option A? I must have missed your post when you categorized your mentioned options with letters of the alphabet. ???? Or did you mean option ISIS?
  5. Just another <deleted> drunk quality tourist or one of the great foreign inhabitants of Pattaya. There can not be an interesting story. If you party you do that and keep control so that you get back to your bed. Yeah, or another persons bed. All to their own. If you have a problem, you see to that you take your meds, see your shrink, don´t mix it with alcohol.
  6. I feel sorry to hear you question. I recommend further talks with a professional. ????
  7. I really think you should go for it! Why nor take it a step further, and make a date with an ISIS woman? That will surely make you life more exiting.
  8. Sounds about it will be in the ballpark. However, it will depend on where you are and different clinics.
  9. No there is no rule or law that state your transfer must be in one piece. However, most people find it more easy. It´s very important that you sign the purpose for the transfer/transfers and always best if they are made to a lawyer that handles your business. Most sellers will ask for a deposit, whish is only used to reserve the condo for you. It´s up to you to pay. If only one condo left I would recommend paying deposit when asked for. If they have a lot of condos, then just wait and pay every thing at the day of purchase.
  10. Doesn´t matter what you think they are there for. The fact is that places that do surveillance in properties where people are living must show a sign to legally can record. The only exception is your own house and garden. That is your land and you can legally use camera surveillance without signs. However, you must carefully look to that the cameras and the recording do not cover the street outside, for example.
  11. No, but in that case they are obligated to put up a sign or a sticker somewhere that the area is monitored, the have cctv and so on. I think you have a sign like that, and therefore they have informed. By walking into an area with such sign you automatically give your approval.
  12. Not going to do a work that everybody know. It´s same in your own country. Also, it has nothing to do with only one law and one link. It´s many laws working together to create the non-legality. Two of them are defamation laws and privacy laws. If you or the OP wish to check it. Just go ahead. I just gave the answer. I have better things to do with my time. By the way, do not forget to leave my comment a sad face as you usually do.
  13. And again we need a couple of pages, when the OP just want one simple answer. To OP: Yes it is illegal to record meetings, conversations and people without they knowingly give their approval. In fact, it is even illegal to record phone conversation without giving a notice by person or recorded message from start.
  14. I think they will find it hard to get any tourists here. Draconian Rules Extreme Pollution Hub of Corruption Two-Tier Pricing Moral Insanity
  15. So, you mean that makes it different for the other part? Maybe you even try to use it as an excuse that makes it ok for men to do but not ok for women? Sounds like that to me anyway.
  16. Your best bet is to check Facebook Marketplace every day.
  17. Yeah and how many marriages have the man had the husband had a mia noi, or the farang went bar hopping with the slutty chickz.
  18. AS you couldn´t imagine that my whole post was a joke of the OP.
  19. Every single day before I get my first beer. That´s real anxiety! Imagine turning around in the morning, and the only thing you see is the last empty bottle since yesterday. You look at the time and it´s only four. Oh my God! It´s a full hour left until the first Mom N Pop - Shop opens up for egg, vegetables and beer. Imagine how victimized I feel all the time!
  20. Nah, how can you say that? If somebody breaks into my house and point a gun at me, and I managed to eliminate the threat. Then I would say that the right man died. ????
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