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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. "Southern market doing a roaring trade as foreigners return to Thailand" I thought they have stated that false news was illegal. TAT is above the law, you MF
  2. So, does that mean it´s your fault or did someone put a gun to your head?
  3. You could try to empty the pool, clean it and refill. As much <deleted> you thrown in the water already, it´s damaged for life.
  4. Yep, I heard that they give´em away at Taksin Bridge, and the line already reached Sukhumvit Soi 4. ????
  5. It´s actually great that so many suddenly can be attracted to the old game hangman in mobile version.
  6. So, does that actually means that they all saw the bike riding all by itself? That´s magic!
  7. They were recommended to do a check-up at their closest hospital. May I add, that they might want to go a little bit further, and do a complete mental health check-up as well?
  8. Excuse me, just a note: That was just a lot of dots. When you spell something out you always separate the letters in every single word. Back to business. As most countries in the world today refer to the pandemic as an endemic, you have to take into consideration what that actually means. Hidden in the word is "end", which refers to that something has come to an end. What we all know, is that the virus will continue to co-exist with humanity for an unknown amount of time. However, that is exactly same as the yearly flu and many other viruses we have learned to live with. As humans on planet earth, we have a choice. We can continue to be morons and look at Covid-19 as a dangerous virus, and therefore prohibit and put up limits for our lives. As a second choice we can go back to the normal, not new normal, and start live our lives again.
  9. Excuse me!? But then again, with a handle like that....... ok, sounds good.
  10. Hey, remember he is always drunk. No need for that much work. Just push him and all will be fine. ????
  11. Yes, no doubt that massage is the most popular thing for tourists. Just one little thing. The massage chair is usually changed for a back room with a mattress on the floor or a massage bench.
  12. Instructions for unfreezing UK pension: Take it out monthly. The whole amount. Open the door and place it in the micro. Click defrost!
  13. No, you are not! By the way, I won´t put a lid on it, just because you want that. My guess is that you heard 1 or 2 Thais stating your facts. The real fact is that Thais do not speak bad about other Thais to foreigners.
  14. Are you for real? It´s you posting that I talk to much about beer! Just read the ffff***ing headline and you realize why! Read my post in other threads, and you see that I do not talk about beer where it is not the subject, with exception of a joke here and then. After that, I did not cut you post to make a different meaning. The reason for cutting is that you still post I go on about beer??? Read the HEADLINE, and you find out why. ???? It means exactly same like all other you post. All are excuses for drinking alcohol for the purpose of getting drunk, as a teenager would do some of the years. Seems like you never came out of it. That´s ok, though. We are al different and develop form and to different stages in life and different quick. However, I see that you have problem with everyone that doesn´t like your posting or agree with it. Maybe we just have to accept you are right and everyone else is wrong. After all, it´s Mac Mickmanus world of beer, right? If it were stalking it would be. As I see it, it´s just another poster that does not agree with you and trying to make other people realize why. If you pet a tiger or not, I can´t care less about. However, don´t teach it to drunk to get drunk. That falls under animal cruelty. For the last time, I will explain that I focus on beer in this thread because the Thread is about that. After that, you have been trying to tell me that it´s ok to drink with the purpose of getting drunk. I have explain what´s wrong with that, in my opinion. Your opinion differs from mine. I have seen that we do not get anywhere by continuing the conversation, and told you that we should end it at, I think 2 times. What I do know, though. Is that numerous reports, science and most people with common sense does not condone drinking for the sole purpose of getting drunk a good choice. That is only something which is designated to all the poor guys that came to Thailand and found out that they could not make a good life. In other words, something to run to, hide behind, just to get a good feeling now and then. As for me, I can do that without alcohol in my body. A fact that also leads to the possibility to engage in social drinking with both foreign and Thai friends. Last, do not accuse me of changing the meaning of your posts, as I did not do that. Now, let´s say like this. Leave it, or I will report you for stalking. ????
  15. Hmmm.... you clearly need to read the headline. maybe that will give you a hint why. If that was helpful, let me know. ????
  16. That was a lame excuse. "a friend told me", "this is what I heard Thai people say" and so on..... So, that does not mean that you did not write and post it online? I think you have to learn to take responsibilities for your actions. As another thing, just because I do not like you living in a foreign country looking down on the locals as a whole ignorant. Something that means, I will not keep it to myself. If you post something, you have to learn to deal with the different reactions that might follow. Also stand up for what you post and not blame others for it.
  17. Good for you. Clearly you have nothing to do, as you answer so quick every time. But, maybe you to your business/work at Thai Visa. ???? No have time with you no more. I actually have a family. By Mr. Beer
  18. And you live in Thailand, generalizing Thai people like that? Good luck. You will finally meet the wrong one, and truthfully you deserve it. You should feel ashamed, but probably do not have any clue so I do it for you.
  19. If it is galvanized water pipes, you will only have to replace them every 70-80 years. If you are referring to plastic pipes in Thailand, they are unpredicable. Can last for life times, but to be sure, just replace.
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