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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Not, think too many have gone as there are still restrictions as you say. You might be better of, by asking questions about this in the Malaysia forum. If you just want to know quality and scenery, of course. ????
  2. You can try and leave it with a trusted shop for cleaning. It might work. However, that depends on how old it is and how much you have used it. I can be so bad that it´s just time to change. It´s really not that expensive if you order online, and can replace it yourself. If you order and leave it to a shop for replacement, they will automatically charge you a 700 - 1 000 extra. Keyboard not Lenovo brand, but working about 600 - 1 000 baht Keyboard Lenovo (or copy Lenovo, what do I now ???? ) about 1 500 - 2 000 baht.
  3. Tourists do not need a bank account. They are supposed to go home after their happy trip. I just told my version, out of real life experience. I suggest you do that to, instead of butting in to every comment that doesn´t fit your way of thinking. As for Bangkok, I have been given CoR, from immigration at the counter/desk. Was 5 years ago, though. Maybe they changed that to worse.
  4. No, I don´t have a work permit. Never been needed to open a bank account.
  5. Don´t need the info. Don´t need to talk to any manager. I just go to the desk and open an account. Have 4 at the moment in different banks, so I doubt I will be needing more. ???? Where am I negative? The only thing I have been needing is a passport and a certificate of residency. Also said it is easy in an earlier post. Again, where am I negative? Can´t hide the truth, can I? I am proof of that they do not use the information and guidelines you posted. As this you posted: Notes: Contact addresses for both Thailand and overseas must be provided (hotel and P.O. Box addresses are not acceptable). It´s not a MUST!
  6. Yeah, they information is nicely written. Only very sad, that they are not using it.
  7. Yes, and I though my answer was specific enough. If connected to BOI, they will help you with a bank account. Seems like you missed some of that great knowledge you are posting about. What I was doing was helping you.
  8. Why wouldn´t that be easy and why did you wait 2 weeks for a certificate of residency? They issue that as you wait. It takes 2-5 min.
  9. Start at the end here, where you again are using many. This time together with "it happens"??? What is it really? Is it that it happens, or is it many, as in very common? Already there you crippled your effort to sound like guys that come to Thailand fall victims to so many bad girls. We all know that it happens, but are too quick to put the blame on one part. Let´s just put it like this. We all know that there are good people and bad people. Some people don´t go together out of different reasons. When that happens after marriage, it´s almost always in favor for the female part in every country. That´s only one reason to not look at Thailand and Thai females as they are conning you. A person know they can not own a house, yet they build. Out of convenience they put car and other valuables in the girls name. What is it also that tells you, the people you hear talk are correct. What says that they are good people? That they talk to you every time they have 5-6 beers inside at the local corner bar? Here it can also be the man that are cheating, as you also should say you hear many talk about. It can also be that the man is not willing to pay for everything that the girl want. In that case you did not read the signals. A big number of girls in Thailand that connects with foreigners are from poor sections of life. They are clearly showing that from start. As you talk about bar girls. If you chose one like that, you will have to know you will be the breadwinner for life. Any other thoughts are stupid. I can not for my life understand why you are talking about falling in love with a prostitute. That is for losers and Dickmans as I tried to explain. That´s also stupid. In that case the foreigners stupidity, as the girl is seeking a better life. That´s not conning. Would you marry a girl from the Red Light district in Amsterdam? At last, a stupid comment about finding a Thai lady in bed with her "brother". Here you make a clear example of a person spending too much time listening to stories from disengaged, broken and lost it all losers. As you say many again, that must refer to your selected group of people your are associated with. Or you just read to many stories. In all places in the world, a person must think with the right head. If they do that, they will soon find out the truth. As for me, you don´t have to worry about any "brother". Actually she have one and also a sister, but everything is above board. That, are like thing I checked at a very early stage. At the same time I did not go to the best first bar and picked number 47 or the first girls that served me a beer in Thailand. that would also have been stupid.
  10. There is no problem at all opening a bank account in Thailand. This question has been bored to death in several threads in this forum. After that you are talking about BOI???? In that case you would know they have people taking care of opening bank accounts for all people connected with BOI related affairs.
  11. Now you went out in fantasy again, with the use of many, an age specification and that old Thai lady have such greed. Sound like you´ve been too burned to see reality. The alternative, is of course that you only gather information from pure losers. Guys that come to Thailand and can´t hear the warning bells and the red lights because Mr. Díckman has clouded their judgement. That is not something you can blame neither Thai girls nor Thai ladies for. It´s purely the stupid foreigners fault.
  12. I think you should ask yourself, if you are acting smart. My opinion is that it´s really dumb to react on that you do not get a bag for free. They sell them for 4 baht to everyone. What makes you special and entitled? Just because you bought a couple of bottles of booze for 10k? Does that make you extra special or does it make the bag free for you especially?
  13. Thank you for sharing such a wide variety from your fantastic vocabulary. ????
  14. What? Are you insinuating that Thais have bad language skills? ????
  15. No, in reality there is no difference. You are right there.
  16. Did you come to that fantastic conclusion all by yourself, or did you have to peek on the logo first?
  17. I think you have reading difficulties. I did not say he was like the rest of us. I posted he is a person, like the rest of us. Are you trying to insinuate that he is not a person? That´s really wacko, if that is the case.
  18. A little bit misinformed part of your post. The part that you can not own a car is 100% correct, but there is no problem in the world driving around freely in Vietnam. A friend, or girlfriend, can own the car. After that it´s possible for most Americans and Europeans to convert their driver license to a 10 year Vietnamese one. After that you are free to drive any regular car wherever you wish in Vietnam.
  19. Yes, I have observed that you mostly focus your negative post on government, other authorities and the police as well as the justice system. Partly, I agree with that it´s not the most optimized system for every single individual. However, most systems, how bad they seem to be, offers a positive side for most parts of society. I do not say that they are right, but I can also see the advantage for the people who grow up with such system and the general tradition in the way of living and thinking in Thailand. The bottom line, is that I believe we have to broaden our minds and understand how people live and how the society works. After that, we will just have to accept it as things are done. It´s not our country and we can neither change anything, nor feel better by complaining about something all the time. As you say, most of us look at our home countries to be a worse place for living. Then, in my mind, why complain when you actually feel that you came to a better place? That is is just the eternal search for perfection. Many fools have tried, and most of them finds out that the grass was not at all greener on the other side. To sum it up, as long as the Thai people do not complain to much, make a revolution or anything else to make a change. Just leave it up to them, and just be happy that you found a place that you feel better in. Most of the bad stuff does not really affect your life anyway. The small things that does, you just have to deal with as taking the bad with the good. Comparing, and probably come to the conclusion things aren´t that bad as a whole.
  20. The usual talk about Thailand is so bad, so need to chose another country garbage. Vietnam is not an option for most retirees at the moment. Nothing wrong with Thailand, and no need to make it sound more bad than it is. Most people that planned their retirement well have no problem at all. It´s just in this forum, all the ones that wish to complain on a daily basis gather to measure their levels of negativity.
  21. Have to correct you a little bit here. First, his name is Mike Tyson. Iron Mike is what we normally call a nickname. Second he is not a tiger. He is a person, like the rest of us. When looking at the video, this is also something that has been made up.
  22. Not exactly. Just know that my wife done the same. That is SCB, but she got yes from many before she decided.
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