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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Nah, you will continue to complain. That sounds better for you. Wish you great happiness.
  2. Ever tried that on a calculator? You might learn something.
  3. Yes, but of course you see something wrong with that one too. Ever considered that the problem might be you?
  4. No, but spending so much time complaining on something you can´t do nothing about???? Either you just have to much time and do know what to do with it, or you are just too bitter. Maybe, one of those that burnt their bridges and can´t go home.
  5. Strange question??? Same like I should look at your nickname, and ask you if you are a Thai police in Chiang Mai? Do you understand how stupid that was now?
  6. If she can show a regular deposit into her bank account every month for at least 6 month. Then she can just take out a loan on the amount with her house as security.
  7. What do you know about me! Are you serious? I am not speak without any experiences. I have been in and out of the country with my whole family a lot of times. Been to Malaysia, Cambodia as well as Laos through land borders. No problem whatsoever. After that you talk about another country, and it´s easier there. Yes, different countries have different rules and laws which makes it have more or less paper work and restrictions. Instead of telling me that I know nothing, as I have been working in Thailand as well, you should concentrate on what you want when everything is so bad for you. Just go to the promised country where everything is so easy and live happy happy with your partner. Just doesn´t sound like Thailand is for you. Otherwise, of course you can do as so many others. Continue to complain in your own misery.
  8. Nah, not even dangerous. Missed the brain with a good 10 cm.
  9. Yeah, that´s a reality drill. 25 police to take care of two guys.
  10. Serial rapist? Must be have been going on for a while then. When he is arrested, it´s time to tell all women to lock the doors. What? How many are they?
  11. What? Why would I feel like they are treating me like a criminal for that reason? Of course I do, but I choose to see it as it is very good for old people or sick people as they might die and nobody report it. It´s assumptions and non-logic like the quote you just made, that just keep holding your grudge against this nice and beautiful country. But, by all means. Continue to feel like a criminal. Hope you are happy.
  12. Yeah. you must really love it here, as you spout garbage of everything in this forum on a regular basis.
  13. You definitely have problem getting that 1 and 1 makes 2, right? If a son talk to his father, and telling that he is taking the family somewhere over Songkran but do not say where? What do you make out of that?
  14. So, after that she believes that everybody else is same gullible, foolish and stupid like she was.
  15. Not in the same situation? I can not understand? I am living in Thailand permanently with wife and two children. What is it that I can not understand. There has never been any problem with immigration, nor any visa/entry or extension problems. Not at land borders, nor airports. Never have had a Thai policeman treat me any other way, than they treat the Thais. Never felt treated like a criminal. I guess that is just because I treat them the same way, and not demand any extra rights or treatment in this country. Neither do I see myself standing above the Thais or that I am more worth, because I spend so much money. Maybe you should try that and see how different life becomes. On here we only have 80% grumpy posters, with a negative attitude towards Thailand. Yet, it seems like most accept their faith and stay. Strange, but I also hear that the same 80% burnt their bridges back home, just to be able to afford their complaining life.
  16. I hope all will turn out to be good. However, it´s very worrisome that his son did not want to tell where they went. Sounds to me that he wish to hide something.
  17. No, there is no boat that has been sailing. Just a few bitter wanna be expats that couldn´t hack it in Thailand. Now they are just too bitter, and feel the need to spread negative information about the country. My guess is, that you might be one of them or you just listen to far too many of them.
  18. I guess that comes with the given information of some journalistic skills. The story has the quality of being written by someone that just found a keyboard.
  19. Actually, I have nothing against reading about what some people have done or are doing in their life. Sometimes, it can actually be a good story, with gripping life reflections. However, in this case you are absolutely right. This guy writes that he is used to writing and have some journalistic skills. Also, had the ambition to create a golf magazine for expats in Thailand. I am quite sure that dream went out the window same quick as the first short time went out the door. To write such nonsense as the OP has been doing here is next to self-inflicting pain. As I hurt when I read it, I can only imagine the pain writing such garbage. There is absolutely no journalistic skills involved here. It is also a story that is totally impossible to make interesting. The best thing to do under such circumstances, is just to refrain from posting and go on with life as it is.
  20. Darn machine! Now it´s creating human hair and putting it in the finished product. Better call the mechanic. The mechanic answer: shave you head, dude!
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