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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Please! Can somebody make it understandable for me. What do they really try to say on the picture?
  2. Of course they should ease restrictions. Anutin already ensured us all that he is in full control over a possible emergency.
  3. Yes, I also heard that it takes a little bit longer then, as they search and search for something they can´t find.
  4. Hmmm, who did he attack? ex wife, new husband or both? I am very confused here........
  5. What? Police denying something??? Ops! Run the other way, folks.
  6. Hurray! They got back 0,8% of the lost tourism GDP! That, in about 6 month, which means: In that speed it will just take a little bit under 40 years to get back on track.
  7. Impossible! You can not re- or up- something that does not exist
  8. Darn! Looking at the picture, that will really send the message of the importance of slowing down at zebra crossings.
  9. No problem! Last time I heard, it´s alive and well.
  10. Ok, This is a man that chosen the profession as a taxi driver. He drive and leave car for repair, and during that time drink with friends, and get totally <deleted>. If the car would have been ready, he would in that condition have been driving it home. That is really the kind of people that Thailand want´s driving around tourists and their own citizens. After that, he find him self in need of a toilet at a gas station. They usually provides toilets for customers and visitor, especially chains like Caltex as well as the location in Bangkok. One again he is so <deleted> drunk that he chose to the a leak in an open drain hole. He can´t even do that, an as a result he fall down. Loss or no loss? I let you decide.
  11. Only 9? And then they have to have a hearing if they need to prosecute? I just don´t get it together.
  12. Would be much better he take the accusations as real and start investigating. Today it´s fully possible to give statements by video.
  13. First, I seems again like this a concentrating on brits, and that they have the same problem in many countries. In that case, it will not have anything to do with Thailand in specific. However, if you after that take drinking, heated arguments of the "like we have been together so many times now, so I don´t have to pay you" type, as well as low railings and poor judgements into consideration that will add to injury. Last we have all miserable people that can´t handle rejections, travel to Thailand to end it and just with the sun to shine on them when jumping. Yeah, I guess that kind-a sums it all up.
  14. Unbelievable! The perfect writing of a person that has a huge drive to generalize a country and it´s population, where he has chosen to settle as a migrant coming from Farangistan. That´s shameful and are showing great disrespect to the country and people one has chosen to live with. Totally untrue rubbish, that should be banned or flushed down the drain. As usual flowers, chocolate and spending 2 000 bath on new clothes worked perfect. After a nice dinner with the children at home. Why do some people think it has to be soo much, when it in reality do not have to differ from any other country?
  15. One injured, one arrested. Hmm, wonder if she found number 3 after answering the police.
  16. "Foreign chambers of commerce ask Prayut to keep the door open" ???? I do the opposite! I always wish he would walk, close the door and throw away the key.
  17. Skilled workers???? Ouch! Still looking after 15 years. Who would ever have thought, that the historical and deep rooted way of thinking "Thai language is all I need" would have such negative effects on "professionals" who wish to work abroad?
  18. This is soo far out, and will only have a microscopical affect on all regular and abnormal curves.
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