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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. No, but you have to choose. Guest house 7 days x 350 per night or a woman 1 day for 3k. Pick your poison.
  2. Didn´t condemn anybody at all. What I said is that I can feel your pain, that you according to my must have everyday. Good for you if you not have. After that I just posted my reason for living here, and that my eyes looks at under 60k as madness. That´s an opinion and not condemning.
  3. Thanks! I can feel your pain. I do not move to another country just to be a survivor. That´s pure madness in my world.
  4. Yeah, I got that. I am happy to hear you got it down to the bare minimum. ????????????
  5. Yes, it is! It´s also sad to hear the system changes in such negative ways. However, you did right to calculate with the need of 90. That´s why you have 55 now. Think about a person that would start with what you have now. They would only get 30. That why I state a high number, because it creates safety.
  6. Oh Yeah, Baby! ???? I was was actually talking about a life. Not getting by scraping it through. That´s not why you relocate, is it?
  7. Yes, I am, hence the problem with some currency movements. However, it might not be. In that case I will guess savings, that will not last enough long time. Otherwise no need to worry, right? Too many people do the big mistake of putting their trust into big dreams of air. Just doesn´t work in the long run.
  8. What! Even considering moving to and living in Thailand with smaller than 60 - 80 K THB per month. That´s just out of touch with reality.
  9. Oh my God! Who is it that are sitting searching for this stuff. Are they bunkered in a cellar somewhere with 1 000 boxes of documents like in the KGB era? Maybe they even have a bonus system when they find something.
  10. Why do you repeat returning to your passport country, all the time? Yes, it´s 100 % correct that you can stay and do not have any problems if you meet up to the demands for the correct visa. Yeah, maybe plus a little bit of annoying document an IO that woke up on the wrong side might ask for. Not a biggie! Just because land borders open, that will not open up the possibilities for people to get the right and correct visa. That will just lead to misuse of the correct types of visa, and that people believe that the authorities will continue to allow that forever. A tourist visa is just what it says. For visit the country during the time it is granted for including possible extensions. Not to get one after another to stay forever in a country. A Non-O visa is for visiting family, work or long stay. Granted for 90 days, with a possible extension 60 days for visit wife or family member. Otherwise they are designed to be extended for a period of 1 year at the time. Not to be abused by 3 month border runs. Also the multiple entry Non-O visa that many retirees and married persons used to stay long time before, just because the rules and regulations was not followed by certain embassies. They will probably in the long run get shut down, as they should as they fill no function. Regular Non-O with multiple entry document does the trick perfect. I sincerely hope they will clean up these filthy loopholes in the system. Let´s say like DT! Let´s Make Thailand Great! ????
  11. I am pretty sure, it´s not only my interpretation. Guess you should ask the authorities about that. I have, and that´s why I can give the answer, not comment, like I just did.
  12. Yes, and in my opinion that is not strange at all. The Covid extension was created for one purpose only. That was for making it possible for people who could not get a flight home to be able to stay and ride the storm out. But, as with everything, it is set into a system and used for the wrong purpose. Ok, they have been nice and kept it for a long time now, which also make them defeat the original purpose. Still, it´s nothing at all that everyone is entitled to on a forever basis.
  13. Actually, I do not remember where, but I read something about that the laws have been moving that way. Courts are now starting to consider that after a certain amount of years. But, anyway! It´s just to marry, buy cars and a house. Hell, why don´t just fix up ma and pa´s house at the same time? We know it already when we settle here, and the rules have been the same for ages. Either we can live with it, or it´s just not the right bag for some of us. ????
  14. Hey! No problem! Just feel free to not get old and wise at the same time. Cheers!
  15. So, then it´s as usual. Rife incompetence regarding priority and distribution.
  16. That is not remotely off topic. It is quicker, cheaper and environmentally friendly. Also it was to be taken as a suggestion. OP is free to do as he/she please
  17. You have to go a little bit Sherlock on this. Is it important? What is it for? How will it be received? Have it been the same before?
  18. Are you joking? Have you missed all statistics? Just US 13 against Thailand 32 per 100 000 persons. But ok, it´s almost same, right? Really? What planet did you just land from? Don´t forget your test at arrival.
  19. Ouch! You are using to fancy terms. They do not have a clue what systematically means.
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