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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Maybe better advice to go eat and get the condoms before the massage.
  2. That was the best video I´ve ever seen! Very clear and showing exactly what happened. Anyway, nice to hear that one person smaller died in traffic this year.
  3. By the look of him, is just the regular guy with a bad self confidence, that is still searching for a group to fit in.
  4. There are so many areas where you can get massage. How they differ is that some give only massage, and some give more than only massage.
  5. Are you serious! The best thing you can do is ignore the chatter box. He´s just another farang with poor mental health that never came home again after his first trip.
  6. Prime directive: Avoid getting annoyed by people who post nosy and irrelevant posts on TV. Reason for being here: It´s the best place in the world for me. The Farang concerns: People who know me and my friends do not call me farang. They call me by name, so I have never had a problem with that.
  7. Mmmm. and what do you think the person that hired the gunmen and the gunmen themselves are connected to? Can it perhaps be drugs?
  8. After reading this, I am pretty sure that the problem has to do with understanding the meaning of Anti.
  9. Educate? Let´s hope they will do better than the general schools.
  10. The problem is not the laws. If people just used half their brain capacity........oooh....uehm... sorry, just woke up to reality.
  11. What you are doing is forgetting that people that think like you just wrote above are on an ego trip. You post that it´s based peoples right of choice, for THEIR health and well being. You seem to totally forget that it will also directly affect others. Therefore you can not call it discrimination, out of the reason it is protection. After that you have to look at the democracy we all want. In a democratic system, everyone does not get to choose. The majority gets to decide! In other words, the business owner will do the right thing to close for unvaxxed people, if they can not show a health reason from a doctor, that they can not take any shot out of health reason that risks their life. Like you posted above, you just must have Mao´s little red book on the nighty table.
  12. This can only be happening in Thailand. They totally missed the whole point! A marijuana party where it is illegal to smoke. What´s next? Criminalization of nails for all carpenters?
  13. Sounds like we should feel sorry for the parents in this piece of news. According to me they should be charged with murder, for letting a 4 year old take the responsibility for a 2 year old. Only if they do that, the lunacy of letting everything be can stop.
  14. According to me, it´s time for a self assessment. That does not read like a sane comment.
  15. I have seen them. They are horrible. Doesn´t make this better, though. ????
  16. I didn´t say they made it out of scrap metal. To me it looks like an overhauled ancient piece of train. I guess they had to fix it up and refurbish before delivering. Otherwise it would have looked like what it really is. A huge piece of refurbished scrap metal. Regarding your boredom, I have a great suggestion for you. Try reading only the piece of news on the top. That way you will not have to think about anything that "crops up" in every thread. ???? See, what a valuable little piece of information, I just gave you at no extra charge.
  17. Couldn´t he at least have asked his wife if it was ok to have a mia noi? Some of them seems to even live together.
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