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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. I was not referring to bodily functions, but to the behavior pattern. I think we all know that all bodily functions are natural.
  2. Soo, what you are posting is that it´s basically only leftists doing polls. Or how should we understand your method this time?
  3. You are very right that the world looked different than now regarding land and borders in the middle age. However, we have learned to discuss and are supposed to make more sensible discussions today and try to refrain from war. Ukraine, was together with 14 other countries a part of Soviet Union. Since then those countries have broken free and become their own units. Are you trying to state that Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are no countries? Here we are talking breakouts in modern history, but maybe that passed you understanding.
  4. We can end it right there. At the moment, it´s all speculation. Give it 6-12 months more, and you will see how wrong you were today.
  5. Why would I do that. It stands Italian. Can´t you read?
  6. No, I think the girls arrived.
  7. Come on now! We need a word from our premium posters. Let´s see how many that is going to blame the woman for recording, and say that she is perverted and that it´s totally natural to bring out the member and satisfy yourself in public. Come on now nutters!
  8. Are you joking? Don´t need beer? Never heard of that. Total rubbish! You have to stop with this nonsense.
  9. And how, exactly, are they going to prevent this. Are they going to issue an idiot card to unstable persons, and have a guard checking at the entrance? Forgot, it failed already, as there will be no enforcement. Back to the drawing table, huh?
  10. Being hired as a consultant for the Thai government, which I am pretty sure he is.
  11. It depends on how big the error is. If I get raw chicken, then it will definitely go back. Happened a few times. And of course, if it comes out like you say, and you ordered totally different, then they would either have to fix it, or take it back. No so much problems with that, though. Might be around 10 times in the last 20 years, so that could have been in any other country as well.
  12. No, it doesn´t! That statement goes with no regard to nationality
  13. That is a reply, signed Richard.
  14. It stood in the post I replied to. It was during 1 week. You can also find that in the calculation in my post you quoted.
  15. This kind of says you are wrong!
  16. Ok, got it. In this case it was a foreigner. He owned the Kangaroo Bar on Third Street, Pattaya if I remember right.
  17. Hey! You heard it here first! The tax is not at all for anything connected to better health. It is 100% connected to filling the empty coffers.
  18. Yeah, but that´s perfect for people that sees gambling the right way, and engage in fun and recreational gambling. 5 000 baht entrance fee? So, then they have to win 4900 baht and will still be a loser. 😂 Hey! Most commonly there are 5 wheels on a slot machine. What was the 5th wheel? An arse? 😂
  19. It´s great that they reveal an informants name in open media. Now all that are affected by this and his actions know where to go.
  20. This start to be really bad. Seems like an elephant kills a person almost on a daily basis now.
  21. Ok, saw that now when checked. I thought it was possible, as one guy I new who owned a restaurant in Pattaya actually had a number plate on his, but probably just a fake then.
  22. Yes, they are if registered, but this one is not. On the side of that, I think they have same rules like motorbikes in traffic.
  23. One looks almost happy and the other one sad. Delusional people, and once again Brits!
  24. Yeah, and you also have a degree in psychology, right?
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