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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. That´s thank you for taking me under your wings, giving me a place to stay and grow up as well as food everyday. Tuinuinui is an ungrateful SOB
  2. Nah, that´s not true. She has learned it all from YouTube videos.
  3. Thai conflict resolution at it´s best.
  4. I think it´s totally awesome that 50 million baht is equivalent to THB 50 million. I would never had been able to figure that out. regarding the rule, it´s a totally silly one, that shouldn´t get any support in cabinet. Talking about horrendous amounts of 50 million baht for Thai people. It should be enough that they have 1 million and common sense, instead of protecting the people with big brother antics. The sum of it all, is that silly people have to learn the hard way.
  5. No nothing like oyu thought. You entered it in the virtual world. Then the quality hit rock bottom.
  6. No it would not cost me anything. It would cost you your freedom. We will never be on the same page. that´s just why I ask you to move on when you see my posts. You know, otherwise, you will continue to get replies.
  7. Ok, Richard! That´s enough. Now they must round you up, put you inside and throw away the key.
  8. And we all know who that will be. 😂
  9. AI engines mimic what they are fed to mimic by humans.
  10. Nah, you write too long and detailed stories for being the real Bob.
  11. So, it´s the cows meat for my bananas, right?
  12. A Swede! Yeah, that why I left the country. He should have stayed home and dealt drugs. Not coming to Thailand. Hopefully they throw his arse in jail and throw away the key.
  13. First, the dogs here are a menace in every place and town. However, if the boy who is only 14 would have followed the law, he would still be alive.
  14. Just another deluded little boy, that felt the need for sex. Too many find it far too hard to control their inner nature of animalistic behavior.
  15. Ask the girl about what? Did you read the article?
  16. She was not the headteacher for nothing.
  17. Animalistic behavior comes to mind.
  18. So, you are referring to that your suitcase would be safer place? If you managed to open a safe with 000000#, then it was factory reset after the last person used it. Many hotels do that. If not in hotel, it was probably a new safe that was never used, as they mostly come with that standard code. And the poster you quoted was right. It´s more crazy to put your money in your suitcase, than to put it in the hotel safe. So, that makes his statement valid. However, it would of course be better to leave the money in a bank account and use a card or plece it in the reception safe, with a receipt of the money depisited.
  19. It must be nice up on your deluded cloud. Now you are accusing Biden, to encourage Zelensky in a way that made him respond militarily. Are you for real? Do you know that it´s a country´s leaders responsibility to protect the nation and it´s borders against invasion? Should he just sit down from start and fall for the demands? I mean, that might probably happen anyway, but at least the man tried and did what he could.
  20. ???? What did you just post. Did my teachers not listen to you?
  21. Okay, so everyone that think different than you, is waging and internet war for ego needs., Good to know. Now go back to the Trump threads.
  22. No, you are not special. You were chosen. It would take too long time to read through everything, so I just took one out of the pile. Ignore list? What? You´re not that lucky. If you feel bothered you have a list as well. Or, only know the name and that it exists, not how to use it. 🤣
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