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Posts posted by Gottfrid

  1. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    What is wrong with my statements? 


    How many of the expats feel appreciated in Thailand for who they are, their culture, and how do we adopt? 


    Is there a dfference between the more wealthy of us, those who barelymeet the requirements or do not meet the requirements? 


    Difference between those who succeeded in relationships and those who do not?


    Being a young man, who do not fit in, have no other options, how do you think they are vulnerable to negative subcultures and dangerous sub cultures? 


    Blaim the colonization for all their problems, not so different we claim immigrants for (some of) all our problems we are facing in our countries. 


    Both  is a negative downspiral 



    Just need to answer the first question. I feel appreciated in Thailand. That from my wife, my children our friends and neighbors and the people I meet. However, I do not bring my culture here, as I adopt to the culture and ways of living and doing things in Thailand instead. In that you will find the biggest reason why I am and feel appreciated.

    Of course there is a difference between, between the ones who meet and not meet the requirements for a permission to stay. The difference is that the ones who meet them are here legally, and the others are not. It´s also a difference between the ones who succeed in relationships and the ones who do not. Usually that goes down to intelligence and moving slow as well as making the right choices. Not fishing in the bars and get married after a week.

    As a young man, your have to do your best to fit in, and not take your culture and ways of living to a foreign country. Also, you need to associate with the citizens in that country and accept them for the way they live and do things. Not colonize in segregated groups with only people from your own country of religion. See, no need for negative subcultures and dangerous sub cultures. Just melt in and accept your new home instead of making all from problems to fighting and killing an bombing.

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  2. 1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:


    Your ears must be painted on.



    And the breed most likely to bite is….


    According to the Kennel Club, the number one breed in the UK is the Labrador.  

    Other breeds that were highlighted in the report included German Shepherds, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Border Collies.

    This data comes from a report published by pet insurers Animal Friends.  The company found that almost a third of incidents involved delivery workers and postal staff.

    In fact, Royal Mail revealed that in 2014, there were over 2,600 attacks on their staff, with Nottinghamshire recording the highest number of incidents.  Royal Mail postal workers deliver to over 29 million addresses across the country.  


    While this report doesn’t show Labradors in the best light, in January 2016 the Jack Russell Terrier came under fire.  Liverpool Police released figures that revealed Jack Russells were responsible for more bites in the city than any other breed.

    I mean serious attacks that you read on in the news.

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  3. 18 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

    “Her support has brought me to tears. I want to warn others about these scams. I hope the cyber police can track down these criminals.”

    No, the cyber police can not track down these criminals. My wife did the same, a year ago. I told her from start but she did not listen. Anyway, I got her to wake up when they were in the early stage. She got back 3 time, but then they asked for more to complete, and I managed to stop her and report. She only lost 25k but it´s still money. She reported, and they do nothing. Not even answer phone when called after and asked what happened with the case.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 6/10/2024 at 11:18 AM, MalcolmB said:

    No such thing as a bad dog breed, only bad owners who don’t train them.

    Ok, I could argue about that with you, as I see it as there are bad and good dog breeds. However, that has no point. What has a point, is that you say there are bad owners. However, you do not hear much about pudel attacks or labrador retriever attacking children. But now comes the big point. It is more risks with the breeds pitbull, rotweiler and so on. Let´s just sum it up like fighting dogs so we know what we are talking about. Now it just happens that we, humans, are at the top of the hierarchy among living and breeding things on our planet. Something, that means we have to adjust our environment to be safe for our children. If we then have bad owners, that means allowing these kind of breeds will create an unsafe environment.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    The military junta took over in 2014 overthrowing the Yingluck regime. It continued to support the storage of this rice until junta chief and PM Gen. Prayut vacated the government in 2023.

    Likely, the rice storage (paid by the junta government) was maintained as evidence by Prayut in its original quality to prosecute Yingluck. But she fled prosecution and Prayut did not win the PM in the 2023 election. So there appears now there was more reason to continue expensive storage.

    Yeah, or just use photo evidence, right?

  6. 19 minutes ago, Charlest1971 said:

    Actually, it wouldn’t be too complicated to put some kind of monitor, inside the sauna. Or a bracelet that is connected to the reception or administration office. An alarm goes off on the monitoring equipment, if someone has spent more than hour, in the Sauna or Steam Room. Or just get the staff to check the sauna every couple of hours. Surely someone tidies/cleans the sauna, during the day? 

    Sure, it wouldn´t but I have still not seen it anywhere.

  7. 3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    I had no idea 7-11's even had a restroom for public use. I would never even thought to have asked. I don't really see what's wrong with this policy, it's pretty much the policy all over the world with many establishments. 


    Yet the Thailand blame game is in full swing. 

    What game is in full swing after 3 comments before you posted?

    Yes, even if you don´t know. 7Eleven is offering restrooms in many countries, and usually open to see, with a door connected to the shop.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    No, apparently you are not in the sharp group of members (to use your words); you're the one who posted that Paisan fell into that "stupid enough" category by providing his name in response to the "stupid enough" question!

    If you have a problem with that, just scroll by and leave it as is. Have a nice day! And you know, the article already provided the name, so it is still there to find for everyone. Will you contact Thaiger now and complain as well?

  9. 49 minutes ago, realfunster said:

    Well quite, it’s health and safety gone mad !

    Just think if they had a standard policy (employed by many venues in more safety conscious jurisdictions) that a member of staff quickly checked the sauna every 30 minutes, then the woman might have survived. Hardly a major hassle for staff to do that is it ?

    You are right, it´s not a hassle, but I don´t know. Do they in other countries? I have been taking saunas in Sweden, England, Germany and Spain. Never had anyone come check.

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  10. 16 hours ago, ChumpChange said:

    So they aren't going to go into any gay district and chance being seen or spotted by someone they know.

    So, you don´t see it as a bigger chance getting spotted by someone they know in the areas of people they pretend to be?

  11. 18 hours ago, hankypankee said:

    Thai women often tell me I’m a handsome man. Do you think they really mean it? I don’t go to bars. Most of the women telling me this are just in normal places like shopping malls, 7-11s, and local stores or restaurants. Often it’s just out of nowhere. I’m just an average looking guy. Never considered myself handsome. And I am a bit shy, so I’m not the kind of guy who goes around chatting up a lot of women. So I don’t feel like I’m encouraging them to say this. Do you think they maybe they wanting me to approach them for a romantic relationship when they say this to me? I can’t really tell. 

    Really!? Thai women comes out of nowhere and just tell you that you are handsome. No, they are not! Sorry to burst your bubble, but that it not at all included in a behavioral pattern or cultural ways for a regular, not bar or massage working, Thai woman. I am pretty sure, what we have here is Thai women working in the shops where you buy things. Not like you sit drink a coffee and a Thai girl just shows up, and tell you your are handsome. The ones that tells you this, just wants you to keep on shopping or come back next time.

    But, please by all means, approach them with your delusions and try your romantic whip. Just be prepared that they might have a bigger whip and knows how to use it. 

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