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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. I am beginning to come around to your views. However, I am still using an Intel 2500K CPU, with a stock cooler. And, I must admit, that this CPU is not considered extremely low power compared to the newest i5 Intel offerings... Tks! Still... One might guess that there must be a good reason for Intel to offer integrated graphics on this K-rated CPU. Not sure why, if Intel intended this CPU to be used, in some cases, without a discrete GPU...
  2. Thank you. And, I will look again. It's just that I have always found that if I minimize complexity, and strive for simplicity, then I am always thankful for doing so...in the end...and after a few years of use, too.
  3. In fact, for anyone to entertain the illusion that, if the US allows Israel to remain in its present location, there will be any chance for peace in the region...is just completely ludicrous. I have been watching this situation during the past 60-plus years. Nothing has changed. And, nothing will change until the State of Israel is moved. The only question is: Where do we move it.
  4. IF purchasing the i5-3600K CPU, then...I will choose this CPU Cooler. Hopefully, it will be in stock somewhere in Thailand. This CPU is made in Taiwan, which I prefer. The only alternative would be to not buy this CPU, and choose some CPU from Intel with a stock CPU cooler already provided in the box. The downside to choosing a non-stock CPU cooler for the Intel CPU is that, from past experience, the third-party coolers bomb out after awhile. And, I have never had a stock Intel cooler fail, even after 10 years of use.
  5. If you are sure... I am DOUBLY sure! This is the Chi-Com-Bandit Way!
  6. Actually, I do recall your comment about this, and I was suitably impressed by your idea of the Santa suit.
  7. Making Merit is an integral feature of the culture in Thailand. Happy to hear that you are in step with this custom/tradition. Note: Not a bad Topic for a Saturday/Sunday, a time for reflection.
  8. Still, in all seriousness, allowing others to see one's good deeds while in Thailand is a good thing. Not only in Thailand, but also in Japan. In order to become an accepted member of village life in Japan, it is necessary to do good deeds for the village community. There is nothing wrong with this, and a lot right with this, I believe....
  9. Really: I actually want one of those Stair Steppers...which...I think....might cost me Bt.50000.00, and not Bt.5000.00. If anyone wants to gift me one, then just say the word.
  10. Just curious concerning the various ways members here Make Merit while living in Thailand? What is your favorite way to Make Merit? Making Merit is crucial to a happy life in Thailand, not to mention our hopes to live a happy life in the next life? Regards, Gamma Note: I realize that many here do Make Merit, and I want to know the best ways. (Please note: The question marks in the Topic are typos. I will replace my defective keyboard, very soon. But, I will not purchase on Lazada.)
  11. So then... I am not the only one. I have had 5000 Baht on Lazada for over two years...and just too exasperated by the ridiculous rules and hoops to jump through to use it. So, I plan to not buy on this site unless I must.
  12. They told me. They do what the AI software tells them to do. They have no authority to step outside the directives of the AI. This is obvious, or should be, to anyone.
  13. I ONLY use Cash Payment on Delivery. When I return a product, I get a credit. And, to get this credit, I must agree to have the credit go the Lazada wallet. This is not a good system. I MUST use the mobile app to get the option to use the credits in the wallet to pay for new orders. This is the way it is. Read this and weep, Sir.
  14. Not exactly. Policy is still decided by AI, and the humans just report what they are told to do by the AI which runs the platform. No humans are really involved. This is the same AI software that controls social media and social reward system in China, presumably.
  15. According to the Lazada help desk, using payment from return CASH credits must be done using the MOBILE app. I am only reporting what the help desk stated. And, I am unable to select my return credits as a PAYMENT OPTION. This is that situation on my Lazada account in Thailand, as of this moment.
  16. As usual. Next year, I will learn the Thai phrase for Right Turn Please.
  17. Even if not in Thailand, I would still be highly motivated to continue my Thai language studies, just for the enjoyment of it. There are those in Illinois who do just this: At my university, we learned PLENTY of things which were not useful. And, I not only paid much money to do so...but...also... Appreciated it.
  18. Can anyone explain to me why I should not, or cannot, if I choose, use my Samsung Galaxy S3 for another 38 years? a. I purchased the S3 Galaxy in 2013 b. I purchased the Samsung Note 3 in 2014. c. I purchased the Samsung Note 4 in 2015. I am tired of buying new phones. I already have enough! I gave my Note 3 to a friend, back in 2014. So now, I have two good phones, the S3, and the Note 4. So, anyway, my GALAXY (Galaxy) S3, externally anyway, looks the same as if I just got it new, out of the box. The screen is still brilliant. Therefore, if the Voyager One can last 46 years, and still function quite well, so far out in DEEP SPACE, with all sorts of radiation hitting it, 24/7/365, then why can't my S3 last just as long? For some reason, so many apps just refuse to load via Google Play for Android. Why is this? Repeat... Why is this? Does Google think that, if they do not support my phone, then I might buy a new one? Google is CRAZY if they think this! I will NOT buy another Android from Google....at least....not until....they support my old phones. Are they NUTS? Look at this!: Voyager One is still working just fine! Plenty of scientists, around the world, are uploading new software for Voyager, even as we speak, presumably. So then... Here I am on Planet Earth, and still no scientists are willing to upload software to my S3 which will keep it working for another 20 years? Why, I wonder. My S3 has enough RAM for my needs. And, the CPU is still OK for my needs, if only they would provide some improved software, as they do for Voyager. What's going on here? Three phone have I purchased, during the past decade. Isn't that enough for them? Also, I recall using this phone for about 40 years.... No worries! Also, when I was young, Captain Kirk encountered Voyager One, deep in space, and Voyager had been much improved. I am not asking them to improve my S3. I am only asking them to support it, properly, with software upgrades that work! Or, if nobody will, then how can I install upgrades myself to keep my S3 working well for about another 8 years, at which time I shall purchase something OTHER than an Android. We need to take control of our devices, folks! Regards, Gamma
  19. Never a truer word spoken. Thank you. Nice to read the truth on TV, for a change.
  20. Take Albert Finney... ADD John Huston What do you get? A true Masterpiece. Unforgettable. Sticks to the ribs.... Speaking of bones, mind you.... Enjoy: Also, almost incredible that this amazing film is offered up, for free, on YouTube. Maybe Google is trying to up its ante to attract paying subscribers? Who knows....but....enjoy it.... While it lasts. Regards, Gamma Note: Incredible. Amazing novel. And, Huston did it some justice, too.
  21. Have you ever wondered why Asian women are so fascinated with the iris of the Farang? Most of the women I have known in Asia, just can't get enough of my ireses. Sometimes, while sitting over a coffee, they just cannot help staring into my eyes. Why? The reason is... The Asian Female loves blue eyes. I know you might have thought that the reason Asian women are so attracted to Farang is just because Farang have....a.... Fire Down Below..... This misconception is a total fallacy.... Because, what the Asian Female loves more than anything is a Blue Eye, and NOT the One-Eye This is completely understandable. Take a look at this cat above. Irresistible, in fact. So, why did you think the Asian women find you so loveable? Once the Asian Female looks into your blue eyes, then you got her completely hooked. I have known many women in Asia who can't get enough of gazing into my eyes. Most Thai men wonder why women prefer the Farang. My guess is this is the reason. What do YOU think? Regards, Gamma
  22. Old Blue Eyes Now we know just how great he was. "Friday with Frank"...in Philly, on WWDB..... Those were the very good years.
  23. เลี้ยวซ้าย เลี้ยวซ้าย เลี้ยวซ้าย เลี้ยวซ้าย
  24. Maybe try a Cherry? As long as it has a more tactile feedback, then it might be good.
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