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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Of course..... 24 months.... I will live in Thailand, My Kansas,.... 24 months of service, or 240 months of service,.... All the same to me. I will be happy as a clam with 3BB. Until the day I die. Unless, I move to Arizona....of course.... I am 110 percent satisfied with 3BB Service here in Kansas...from the service operators...to the.... Guys who come to my door. There is simply NO BETTER service in Kansas...that.... I have found. I know that long-term residents must agree with my assessment, too. Best regards, Hope this helps.... Gamma
  2. If what you are saying is true....then.... I am very pleased to have been able to mention this great 3BB deal, here on TV. I think UTAH is an OK State, but still not quite as fine as Nebraska, the land of Johnny Carson. IF your friend in Utah is in the least bit appreciative of my efforts,..then...let....HIM.... Send me a letter of gratitude. By the way....I am....in NO way....a.... Sales Rep of 3BB. I am just a very satisfied customer of 3BB...and....when I find some great service....these days...then....I feel obligated to..... Spread the word to the people I care most about....who are....of course....the.... Member of TV.
  3. Regarding items 3 and 4.... Like you, I have no clue. I doubt I care, as well.... But, still, such a super deal for me.... Thank you for your reply...because...otherwise.... Some here might think I was joking, or something.... Tks!
  4. If you don't know something.... Or, if you do not know how to "fit in", ...then... Just... Ask Jeeves!
  5. Sorry... I have not yet replaced my keyboard.... Give me time, please, JT> Thank you!
  6. You mean... He is not another Jib Rogers, I guess. Actually, Jim Rogers took the motorcycle journey in China, many years ago, that I would have died for.... Actually, no joke, I think... At the time he did his travels through China, China was just opening up. How he every got the OK to travel around China, by bike, at that time, is something which still puzzles me.... Maher, by comparison....is....an... Udder nitwit.
  7. No. You are correct. I would never cheat you, Mr. L.... And, you yourself know me enough to know that I never would. So, anyway...just call your 3BB service provider, and ask about this plan. I don't want to spell it out, too much, here. Still, why would they not give you, Mr. L., the same plan they gave to me?
  8. Think, again.... Mon Chéri....because, in the USA, I could NOT be happy anywhere other than.... Gladwyne, or...maybe.... Darien, Connecticut.
  9. As you know, here on the Forum, I do my best to be helpful, whenever possible. So....recently.... I happened upon an amazing deal, from 3BB, one which I could just not turn down. Also, as you know, I am simply in love with 3BB. So, here is the New Deal I have subscribed to: a. I downgraded my service from 1Gbps (both up and down), to 500Mbps (up and down). b. 3BB gave me an AIS SIM Card for my second phone: My second phone is the Galaxy S3. This is the phone I hope to use for another 37 years, until the year 2061, February 10th. c. By changing to this new plan provided by 3BB, I will save about Bt.100.00 per month, and also be provided with the AIS SIM card, which will give me 20GBytes of Bandwidth per month. Plus, if I wish to use the second phone to call out using my new AIS SIM card, then I will just pay as I go. d. This means that, in toto, Toto, in this Land of Thailand, one which sometimes seems like Kansas to me, I will now have a NOTE4 using Dtac service. Plus, I will have the same great STABLE service from 3BB which supplies ethernet connection to my desktop computers, PLUS, I will also have an AIS SIM card for my second phone, which I will use for exercise and language study during my exercise, all at a cost slightly reduced from my original service with 3BB. e. In my view, 3BB is WAY ABOVE any service I have ever tried in Thailand. I doubt that I am wrong. However, this Topic is not a debate about internet/phone services in Thailand. NO. This Topic is just a heads-up to any of you who might not be aware of this unique 3BB plan, and who might like to consider this plan, as an alternative to what you might now be using. Again.... This is NOT a debate. Maybe there are better plans out there, ones which can provide the same basic options of the 3BB plan of this type. One thing though...I still have my DTAC phone service on my Note4. But, I plan to downgrade this to the bare minimum for calling out, and internet access using the Note4. I do not go out much. And, when I go out, I rarely use the Dtac internet on the Note4. IF you find this Public Service Announcement useful...then.... YOU know what to do.... Just give me a LIKE. Of course, if you know me, you also know that I could give a rat's-adze about...so-called...LIKES, which I occasionally find to be less than sincere. Seriously, though....I am SUPER Happy about having found this new 3BB plan. I only found it by calling 3BB and asking the service operator, who did her very best to help me meet my mobile needs. Kudos to 3BB...as....I... Always say. Best regards, Gamma Note: Just do not say I never gave you nothin'......
  10. Maher is a pseudo-intellectual, who is extremely intelligent...in his own mind. In actuality, he is just a bombastic nitwit of the 4th kind. Hate this guy. His opinions are soaked up, verbatim, without any filtering, by his tribe.... They will all go to their graves with supercilious smiles that even the most skilled undertaker will be unable to remove from their sour pusses.
  11. Let's go to investigate. I will be quite busy during the next several months, up until October, 2024. However, November is workable, if you really want to take off to another planet with me. Timothy Leary's not dead..... Anything you can imagine is doable. Let's go.... Someday, soon! November! Mark this date on your calendar... Please!
  12. FLAB is FABulous. Get your young wife on-board with the look of the new you.
  13. By the way....Mr. Frog.... I would say that you are the ONLY poster here with whom I might be willing to share my one-way-space-capsule with on a transit from Earth to Mars. This is saying a LOT, My Friend....
  14. Only by a hair, or two.... Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder.
  15. I think you meant ROTTEN Gamma.... But, I choose not to quibble with you.... Over your misusage of the term I would prefer.
  16. IMHO...all motosai are ROTten...for use in this environment....
  17. Yes. A motosai can be a scooter. There is actually no engine-displacement restrictions on the motosai classification. A motosai must have two wheels, however.
  18. Sorry, but I neglected to mention that the documentary in question was recently declassified on YouTube, just four weeks ago. As for me, IF and only IF, I were the right gender, then I would happily volunteer to be taken to Mars. However, I would insist that they provide some sort of transport which would allow me to travel completely alone. I don't do well when I must interact with Earthlings for an extended period of time, say about five minutes. I know that I would be perfectly fine if they just strapped me in a vehicle, like "Ham in a Can:, for the many-months-long transit to Mars. I guess we all recall Ham in a Can....those of us old enough, these days.... This is Me, in the year 2024. Send me, if you will...and... Send me NOW, please! Mr. Musk, are you listening out there? RIP, Ham! In the past, some here have called me Ham, too. But, I don't recall why. I could do far better than any ordinary chimp. Even Nim Chimpsky was not as intelligent as I, I think....
  19. A motosai is a type of motorbike usually ridden by tourists in Thailand.
  20. Yes. I am most pleased that you found it, too. Very informative and well-researched, I might add. Hopefully, this documentary will help the Forum Members stay up to speed on the cutting-edge developments now happening in the field of space travel and procreation in space.
  21. Hello Earthlings on TV: Some here, I know, believe WE Americans never walked on the Moon. But let's forget about American Moon Men. This Topic has nothing to do with Moon Men. Three days ago, I came across this recent documentary which explains why Mars Needs Women. But, why should Earth share our women with the Mars Men? Still, IF we must, then we must share and share alike. And, in this case, do you know any women here in Thailand you would volunteer for a Mission to Mars, for the purposes of procreation with The Martians? Musk has talked about this very same subject. Do you think that Musk agrees that we should take suitable females to Mars? On an extended journey to Mars, what kind of woman would you take with you? There is just so much meat in this documentary suitable for discussion on the Forum. Let's all treat this Topic as something serious. We have entered a new age of interplanetary travel. Reproduction on Mars is now something that we must carefully consider if we are to reach the Dream of Musk. And, what should be the ratio of females to males on Mars in order to promote maximum longevity of our future existence on the Red Planet? I am quite curious about this entire thing.... A new life on Mars for the protection of the Human Race. Regards, Gamma
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