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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Back on Topic...555.... I might try this: BUT, as I recall, these Model M keyboards were rather slow... Still, as I have stated, the keyboard makes a huge difference for accuracy and speed of typing. I just hope that I can soon find the right one for me. The Logitech keyboard, when it gets old, as is mine, becomes a complete piece if jung (of junk). For sure, the Wang An terminal keyboard was one of the best I have ever used.... No need to step up to a more expensive keyboard unless you type above 55 WPM, I would say. I can do 65 WPM on a good day. But, I am a very slow typist, and rarely write much, anyway.
  2. That's a very long link you posted. I just wonder how you might use Speech to text to add this link, if you wanted to add it somewhere. I mean, can you even read this link aloud? Might take about an hour.
  3. Personally, I love zombies of all kinds. Still, some, the youth, are obsessed with zombies, these days, and, I am not that far into zombies as they.
  4. Or, I am fasting too much... And, resultantly, have no energy to properly proofread...which...I must.... Rectify.
  5. No. I am the second-coming of Kerouac. I thought you knew. Totally a work of art, Man....
  6. How old are you? Are you old enough to have been young enough to have appreciated, enough, the Zombies? 1964 in the USA was a golden age, for sure. Where were YOU in 1964? Was your mother even born then? For some reason, the YouTube algo just coughed up this number: And, so, so many memories flooded in. Regards, Note: 1964 was a very good year....
  7. OK. Seriously, this time... Thank you. I will check it out. Appreciate it. I need to buy another computer which will be good enough to use in the year 2030. Or, maybe, even, in the year 2525...if Man is still alive.
  8. You are typing too slowly. Type faster.
  9. No need. I just need a decent keyboard, one which costs more than Bt.150, made in China.
  10. I simply detest reading whatever I have written, and rarely do so. It UPS to YOU if you wish to read. I won't discourage you, however, I would advise against it.
  11. In fact, I would be that the majority of people here have never typed using a high quality keyboard. The difference is like night and day. Correction: In fact, I would bet that the majority of people here have never typed using a high quality keyboard. NOTE: This keyboard I am using? Trash. It's OUT THE DOOR, and on the side of the road, just as soon as I finish typing this sentence.
  12. I operate on this theorem. Hasn't let me down, so far. So far, not yet a sonnet, though.
  13. What is your purpose for learning passa Thai? Do you love the language? Is it the ROUNDNESS of Thai script which really turns you on? Or, is it that you hope to find a GF, and impress her with your pillow talk? What is your motivation for learning a language which is not spoken in most countries of the world? My motivation is: 1. I enjoy learning things which are interesting but not useful. 2. I enjoy learning dead languages. 3. I like to be able to talk to taxi drivers. Also: "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday and for the rest of your life!"....you just might need to speak passa Thai, if you stick around here, long enough. Here's looking at you, Kid... Note: It doesn't take much to see that learning passa Thai "doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world." And, THIS is why I love learning passa Thai...maybe....
  14. Hi Folks, On January 1st, 2024, I made a resolution. I resolved to master the Chula 4000 Deck on AnkiWeb. What are the odds? Could YOU do it? In my opinion, learning the Thai word for twisted is the best word to start with. Twisted and Disfigured is a word to learn, from the very beginning. And, Somerset Maugham, himself, was a bit twisted, too. a. I have made some progress on this deck, already. b. This deck is based on the Chula 5000 highest frequency vocabulary words that I know you know about. Actually, this list of vocabulary words is VERY Famous in Thailand, among university students. c. I have my own plan to memorize the 4000 words in this deck within two years, before I die. d. If I should die before I have completed this goal, then I will these words to you for memorization. Here is how I plan to use Anki to learn these words..... 1. I will use 3BB-AIS SIMM on my unused S3 legacy phone in order to use ANKI during my walks. 2. While walking, I will use the ANKI app, six days a week. 3. I will sit by the pool, if possible, and just focus on ANKI during the next two years. 4. When I was younger, I thought nothing of memorizing 2500 Chinese characters within a single semester at my university. =============== This deck I recommend is not recommended without reservation. If you do not have the commitment and resolution, not to mention the resilience, to conquer this deck, then, please, do not even try. Mastering this deck is more difficult than climbing Mt. Everest. And, only fools climb Mt. Everest, as everybody knows. Contrarily, few fools will be able to memorize all of the words in this Anki deck containing 4000 academic words in Thai. Are you up to the challenge? Or, would you be one of the fools stupid enough to try to climb Mt. Everest..... Here is the link to this glorious Chula 4000 deck on Anki Web: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1046557073 Just go to this link that I have posted, and download it...and then..... Two years hence, you and I can compare notes concerning how much progress you have made, compared to mine. May the best man win. Regards, Gamma Important Note: TIME ON TASK If you are willing to spend the time, then you can definitely get through these 4000 words in less than a year, just by spending two hours each day, six days per week, every week. Also, this just might help you stave off your impending dementia... Who knows?
  15. Thank you for nothing! Also, you might be the ONLY one on TV who truly understands me. (Honestly, I think this might be true.) Note: Do you actually know anything about drawing teeth? I have seen it done on the streets of Hong Kong, years ago.
  16. It Ain't Me Babe no, no, no, it ain't me, babe, It ain't me you're looking for, babe.
  17. All types of computer equipment is crucial for kids. The more the better. This does not mean that they should not also be reading books they can hold in their hands, and learn to love, however....
  18. What might be the best keyboard to avoid typos? Obviously, one need good tactile feedback when one is toing nothing but touch-typing. Here is one suggestion: Of course, hands down, the best keyboard I have ever used was the WangAn Terminal keyboards. Wang An produced the best keyboards for their computer terminals. These are no longer available. Therefore, is there anything, today, which can come close to the feel of the Wang An keyboards? Amazing keys, now defunct, unfortunately. Regards... Note: Obviously, one needs good tactile feedback when one is doing nothing but touch-typing. (OH, NO....This product has sold out.....)...: Therefore: What might be as good for a slightly lower price? Still, you get what you pay for..... NOTE5: I have never used a better keyboard than this one on the Wang An terminal...except, maybe, for the keypunch machines made by IBM in the 1960s.....
  19. Just in case you might wish to voice your opinion regarding the best INTEL CPU for a price of USD 350.00, or under.... What is your best desktop suggestion? a. Must have Intel cooler supplied with the CPU b. Must have integrated graphics (UHD 770) I cannot accept i5 3600K, since the CPU is supplied without any Intel CPU cooler. (Or, I would wish to buy the i5 3600K IF Intel supplied a CPU cooler) Care to voice your opinion? Thank you.
  20. Lazada is no longer on my list of potential retailers to supply me with almost anything. I do wish that Amazon would come to town.
  21. Google still has a ways to go to catch up to me, ... Obviously. Note: For sure, I will be replaced by some Google AI within the next 4 or 5 years. Therefore, enjoy my submissions while they last.
  22. Also, in days gone by, we could listen to songs about the TAX MAN...and not much appreciate them. But now, we need to be fed songs about SCAT!? A bridge too far. Will this progression to the bottom never cease? SCAT MAN....Indeed!
  23. When in reason, I am up for it. However, music from the Scat Man is just too much. Somewhere, we must draw the line. PS: And now, they are trying to get me to subscribe and pay money for this? No way! PPS: i guess everybody inside Googleplex believes everyone outside Googleplex are complete MORONS, or something....
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