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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Personally, I think the Google YouTube Algorithm is brain damaged, Just a moment ago, Google fed me this irreverent tune: And, just a moment before, I had been listening to Chamber Music. Does this also happen to you? Or, am I the only one? How can this glitch be fixed? Do we need to contact Google, or something? Thank you. Regards, Gamma
  2. Concerning the word TUSH.... Yeah, Man.... I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood.... And, I loved every moment of the culture there.....! Somewhere in the Tri-State area. Loved it! Miss it!
  3. Hey, JT....! Did you notice that, in this song....they mention.... TUSH???? You are to sexy for your TUSH, JT.... Right? You love the word, TUSH, JT.... And, TUSH is a word that I grew up with, too.... In Philly. (Culture is important. And, I miss the Tri-State area, often.)
  4. I worry myself about just this thing. I guess you know the story of Michael Rockefeller who was boiled alive and eaten by cannibals, probably the Asmats, in New Guinea. Those guys love a good stewed Farang. After graduating cum laude from Harvard University, Michael served as a PRIVATE in the US Army. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Rockefeller Hit me up when I get to Pago Pago, though....
  5. So far.... ZERO to complain about. 3BB always anticipates my needs, and meets all my needs. I am just too sexy for my 3BB. (Such a rare pleasure for me..to be able to provide nothing but rave reviews about any company in this present world of ours.)
  6. According to input from my 3BB customer-service geniuses, every single one, 3BB seems to have a very healthy relationship with AIS. I also do not dislike AIS...but... TRUE is not my cup of tea. Anyway....Way to GO, 3BB! Farang in Thailand are lucky to have you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Probably, far better service than we Farang get in Farangland.)
  7. NO. I made a big spelling error in my previous comment: I wrote: Also, Lazada is not being run on AI. But I meant: Also, Lazada is now being run on AI. My typo affected the meaning of the entire comment. Typos and misspellings are hazardous to meaning. PLEASE NOTE: I think I need a new keyboard. Seriously!
  8. Internet/Phone User Folks, I am just too happy for my 3BB! I dunno why, .... But, every Fing Time I call 3BB, wishing to be let down, they refuse me, and only uplift me, instead. Here's an example: I called 3BB and told them I wanted them to GIVE ME a SIMM Card for one of my unused phones so that I could have free internet on this second phone. What did they do? They just said.....OK,... No problem. What they did was to give me an AIS SIMM Card for use on my second phone, and just downgraded my internet connection to my home computers by no more than half. Still, I have 500 Mbps up, and 500 Mbps down, which is plenty for me. So, I switched from 1Gbps up and 1Gbps down, to 500 up and down... (Up and Down, and In and Out, and, the old in and out). The main problems with 3BB: a. Their service operators are TOPS. They are always willing to help. b. 3BB operators are Geniuses. c. 3BB packages are much more useful for our needs. They care about customers. And so, they know the needs of customers. d. The 3BB operators speak proper English. No worries about wasting time with operators who are unable to communicate due to language problems. I have NEVER ONCE encountered a 3BB operator whose English skills were not more than adequate. I am as please as punch, with 3BB: Regards, Gamma Note: This is just basically a Public Service Announcement to help others on this forum. Note2: The only thing I have to complain about, concerning 3BB, is that there is nothing to complain about. Note3: I do wonder just who is in charge of the entire customer service experience at 3BB. Whoever is in charge...certainly....knows what he or she is doing. Note4: I have been using 3BB for some time. I remain completely positively impressed with 3BB, and I am a bit smitten, too, with the wonderful women manning the 3BB customer service desk at 3BB. Quite amazing, really, and especially comparatively, judging by other local services, and even other far less responsive services abroad, outside Thailand. Enjoy 3BB...if you will. I know that I will continue to enjoy the 3BB experience. Note5: Am I too sexy for my 3BB?
  9. "We're Sorry We don't want to lose you." Baloney! This message was written by some machine... Some AI Machine! Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Sure. OK...but... Personally, I have about Bt.5000.00 credit stuck on Lazada. I just want to get that money back. I am OK with ordering additional products that I need. However, as I have already stated, I must use the mobile app to use the credit to buy additional products. This rubs me the wrong way... And, you cannot tell Lazada how to rub you the right way....either,....as you might be able to do with.... Some girl in Pattaya, ie, (Rub it this way. NOT THAT way!!!!!!!) The customer is NEVER right on Lazada. Totally wrong for the proper retail experience. But, I have lived many years in China. I know The Chinese-Communist Bandits, and I know well the fact that the LaoBaiXing, the commoners, the common people, never have much impact on deciding good policy for anything, including the political system, or the retail system, in China. This is very old hat, to me. This system will NEVER change. (In China, the common people, the LoaBaiXing, have already been browbeaten into submission, and never think for themselves in most cases. They know no better way, especially after the impact of the Cultural Revolution. The Chinese, most of them, have become very docile and thought-controlled. They do not question authority, be this authority on a retail site, or from the local governments. They only rebel when it gets just too bad, such as when their houses fall down after an earthquake, or something. Also, Lazada is not being run on AI. Anytime we try to do anything on Lazada, all interactions and results are decided by AI....
  11. I am....ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT in agreement with you, Brother.
  12. Also, as I see Lazada becoming ever more intrusive, and more difficult to use... I am now seriously considering the use of AMAZON from Thailand. Some guys here have mentioned this option. And now... I will listen to them. And I will try it and see if I can get stuff delivered by Amazon, in stead of Lazada. I can accept a slightly longer shipping time, no problem. It's only the problem with import duty, and overly high shipping charges, which have kept me from using Amazon in the past. But, maybe the game has changed, and the worm has turned.... Maybe I can begin ordering from Amazon, which is what I would dearly like to do.
  13. The PROBLEM is that if you do not use the mobile app....then....you cannot buy new products from Lazada. You are FORCED to use the mobile app if you wish to use your credits on Lazada to buy new stuff. This is a HORRID policy, with XiJinPing's thumb in it....obviously.
  14. McCarthy was a nutcase, and it takes one to know one, I guess. I am anti-commie. But this does not mean I, in any way, agree with McCarthyism tactics. Live and let live. Let freedom ring! And, I also refuse to name names!!!!
  15. Two years ago, I was fully vaccinated against rabies at Ram Hospital. Maybe I need a booster? Yes. One booster per year is all that is required. Seriously, when living in a place where rabies is endemic, I opted to be vaccinated after being bitten by a rat on my small toe. Next time I visit Ram Hospital, I will get a booster. Again, I must say, that I have always resisted using the Lazada mobile app, and always will, no matter what they do.
  16. In fact, the guys in Taiwan call the Chinese gov: GongFei, which means Chi-Com Bandits. When we are forced to use our phones to interact with the Chi-Com Bandits, or their Running Dogs, then this just give them increased control over us, and allows them to collect more extensive knowledge about each and every user. I will ===always=== resist the ChiComs, and will fight to my dying breath, to remain free of them. Let Freedom Ring! This concept is in my blood, for example: This is not a joke. I despise the despicable ChiComs. And, I will not fall into step by using their mobile apps, either. I know you can understand me, even if I might seem a bit rabid about this subject, at times. The only good ChiCom....and all that....as far as I am concerned....
  17. They are all commies, when you dig deep enough. I am rabidly anti-commie.
  18. That is correct. Lazada as change a bit to force use of the mobile app for some functionality. So for me, this is not acceptable. My NOTE4 is not up using some newer apps, with updated code. So....ByeBye Lazada, for me. No retailer should ever ==force=e the customer to conform, unless required. Sounds like Xi has his thumb in this pie, maybe....
  19. a. Very good info about checking the ASUS website for CPU compatibility for various MBs. b. I will NEVER again purchase discrete GPUs, ie graphics cards, and I am with Torvalds....NVIDIA.....fU! c. Some of my monitors have support for daisy-chaining. Some are older, but still like new. Anyway, I prefer NOT to daisy-chain anything, especially external drives, etc. d. Therefore, if I cannot connect 4 displays to one workstation, then I will be back to the present circumstance of using two computers with total of 4 displays. e. Maybe I can daisy-chain two monitors. Then use the other two video ports on the MB to connect two additional displays. f. In this case, as someone commented, I bet that Apple OS and hardware are better at this than using either Windows or Linux, but this is only my suspicion. g. I will not be able to use ===any=== Intel CPU where I am forced to use other than a non-stock CPU cooler. So then, maybe an i7 CPU instead of my choice of the i5 3600K.... Maybe nobody is interested, but I thought that I might reply, anyway....
  20. Excoriation is sometimes a sign of approbation. I figure, this must be one of those times.
  21. Ups to you if you prefer redundant wiring hanging off your workstation. Personally, I prefer my workstation clean and tight..... The addon you suggest is not necessary nor is it a very elegant solution.
  22. Seems to me.... Social Media is just killing the King's English...as we speak! Seems to me....
  23. a. Never had I heard the term "prop" or "props" b. Recently, this slang term "prop" has come into vogue. c. Why? d. Is this a new term?.... e. I thought to myself.... And then, it hit me. The term prop must have originated long ago, even though I knew not what it meant. My guess is that it must be sort of a black-culture term that has now been adopted outside black culture, into the mainstream. Here's what I'm talkin' 'bout.... You got the slang word PROPS here, for sure, at least twice. Do you enjoy using the word, PROPS? If so....then..... PROPS to you! Personally, I prefer the way they talk at Oxford and Cambridge. Not too many guys at Oxford that can Jive Talk, is my guess. What about you? Do YOU speak Jive? Regards, Gamma Note: Love this scene. Most great linguistics researchers do..... Someday, I, too, will speak JIVE....
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