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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Maybe if I told you the right words? Baby, can I hold you...tonight? Words don't come....easily....! Forgive me. You can say, Baby, can I hold you, tonight. MAYBE.... What ARE the right words, do you imagine....? I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. Baby, can I HOLD you...tonight....?
  2. YES! Correct. And I think you are thinking of Chungking Mansions. Plenty of great Indian food in that great monstrosity of a building. But the most interesting thing about that building is the film....CHUNGKING EXPRESS..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chungking_Mansions
  3. Please stop trolling me. Find a GF, if you can, and.. try to be happy.. even if happiness may be beyond you... At least, try to be happy, why don't you?
  4. Are you smart enough to understand the meaning of CEDED IN PERPETUITY? Think about it.
  5. No. You are WRONG about a lease on HK expiring. But why should I correct your misunderstanding of this fine point concerning HK?
  6. You seem to be such an apt student of history... Congrats! But, were you there?
  7. Pre-1980 was better. No more flights to pre-commie HK, anymore... alas. That chapter of history is now so sadly closed. RIP
  8. Don't you ever have anything constructive to add to my Topics?
  9. You might think Thailand is exciting. Thailand is BORING compared to HK years ago. I feel sorry for you.
  10. No. I'd much rather be doing it at night on a rooftop in HK. Or in a small boat in the HK harbor. Ever read James Clavel while floating in the South China Sea?
  11. You have not lived Until you have done this... With your China Girl. How many here have made love on the rooftops of buildings in Hong Kong, before 1997, and before the British were kicked out.... Just asking. Ever been to the APPLE disco in Hong Kong, years ago? Any other interesting memories about HK before the commies marched in? Doing it on the rooftops of HK is pretty exciting. All those lights around and above you.... You know that someone is watching.... BUT.... Who cares!
  12. I do. I was sixteen, too. And, this song reminds me of that once-in-a-lifetime time... Those times are gone, all too soon. My advice to young people is... Don't listen to old people. Just GO FOR IT.... Skinny Dipping at night in a river, a pond, a lake, or, anywhere...is the best thing for you....when you are young. You will never forget your first time, no matter how long you live. These days, now that existential risks are ever-increasing, almost by the day.... Why wait??? Here today, And, most likely... NOT here, tomorrow.... So...go for it... Is my advice to all young people... These days are not typical days. We live in special times.....
  13. Hi Folks, I guess I will not be posting anymore UTUBE videos in my TV Topics, in the future. This is a GOOD THING, because, in my opinion, UTUBE videos, the popular ones, just rot your brains, as if most of you even had a brain. Many years ago, before UTUBE, I read books, books written by Roth. But, after UTUBE became so easy and CHEAP to watch, I stopped most of my reading, and became a slave to Google. NO MORE!, I say. I have recently received many warnings that I need to PAY TO VIEW UTUBE.... WHAT!!!!!???? Are you kidding me? Google wants me to PAY to view UTUBE GARBAGE!!!???? No way, folks. I am going to STOP UTUBE, just as soon as I can. I am going back to reading BOOKS. And I know where to FIND the titles of the books I need to read....TOO! I can find them in the BOOKS section on TV. I am not JOKING, actually.... When I read a book by Philip Roth, I feel good. When I watch garbage on UTUBE, I feel like something that the description of might be banned on TV.... Maybe, in the future, UTUBE might allow educational videos for FREE....but all others, must be paid for, in some way, by the viewers. Can you even IMAGINE listening to Vivaldi, a great opera, for example, and then having the opera stopped in mid-flight for a Google Ad? HERESY, I say. Fie on this type of model. So, what about you? Will you soon go back to books, once UTUBE puts its ADBLOCK into full force/ I KNOW that I will.... And, what is left of my brain will thank Google for this new ADBLOCKER BAN POLICY.... Thank you, Google... You are becoming ever more DETHPICABLE, by the day....the week...the year....the decade...
  14. If it were not for you, Crossy, reading my Topics, then I would stop, completely. You are one of only two worthy nice guys on this forum. And, your comments are ALWAYS a breath of fresh air...!
  15. I agree. Also, I hope you might enjoy the tears of this CLOWN.... QUESTION IS: How did he ever get tenure???
  16. Nothing is controversial about them! NOTHING. If you don't want to attend the University of Toronto, then this is up to you if you feel Toronto is just TOO controversial. Academic debate is academic debate. Academic debate is SUPPOSED to be contentious...
  17. You are correct that the average IQ is 100. However, average intelligence of the population has been increasing over the past 100 years, and the Flynn Effect is just an observation of this phenomenon. So, I really am confused about what does not make sense to you.
  18. It makes sense to me that you do not understand the Flynn Effect, in fact, judging by your recent challenges understanding other things I have posted. The point is that the general intelligence continues to increase. Why? We are not completely sure, however better nutrition, better vaccines, better health, and also environmental factors such as earlier attendance at pre-school, and mass media stimulation causing a richer environment at an earlier age, could all lead to increase in general intelligence in the population as a whole. Of course, the statistical calculations remain the same. However, the IQ test must be standardized over again, periodically, so that it compensates for the overall increase in general intelligence of the population, over time. All this is described very clearly in the literature. Maybe you should do some more reading. Also, the Flynn Effect says nothing about the reason behind the observed increasing general intelligence, which can be measure, and is measured. Hope this helps.
  19. Do you have any hard, and supporting, evidence for your claims?
  20. No worries, though! The Flynn Effect shows that, within one hundred years, the average IQ of the population could increase about one standard deviation (give or take a few points). "The Flynn effect refers to a secular increase in population intelligence quotient (IQ) observed throughout the 20th century (1–4). The changes were rapid, with measured intelligence typically increasing around three IQ points per decade." https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1718793115#:~:text=The Flynn effect refers to,three IQ points per decade. The question then begs: Can we wait 70 to 100 years for IQ here to reach average IQ in Hong Kong, as it is now?
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