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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. If you have free peanuts, please try to send them where they are most needed. But you are correct. Unfortunately.
  2. After what I have witnessed during recent days, it just seems that Humanity is showing its true colors. For some of us, maybe, recent events might force a paradigm shift in which we see humanity more clearly. Maybe we can talk about racism within racism, meaning those who suffer insults due to racism ALSO practicing racism. Or, we can also think of this as simply dumping on the one below, just because one has been dumped upon... Maybe we can talk about land and water scarcity. But, down deep, it’s about the failure of Humanity, and not just about Failed States. I give up. I no longer care. Maybe this is the paradigm shift that many are feeling, these days, after the realization of the potential for cruelty and barbarism and uncaring of those “outside one’s group”.... Personally, I always thought my sympathies were on the “right” side. But now, I realize that even the “right” side is wrong. Humanity will always be humanity. And, after many years, one tires of humanity. Will you become a hermit, as I intend to become, from this day hence, as a result of what we have recently witnessed? Do tell…. PS: I do not believe that any AI is ready to replace humanity in the near future. PPS: And, more the pity. AI might be better, maybe Far Better…
  3. PS...to all you MODS out there.... If you do not like the way my mind wanders from painting doors to the singlehanded navigation of world, while heading down into the Southern Seas, then I feel sorry for you. But, if you check it out, Slocum was a woodworker, and knew the best coatings for wood, which kept his boat tight in the harshest of conditions.... CEDRIC, Man.... Where are you now, My Friend....? YOU are the MOD who should be banned, and NOT I.....me thinks.... Haha.... What a FOOL (buffoon) you are!!!!!
  4. Joshua Slocum, the SUPREME yacht builder and single-handed sailor of ALL F'ng time... chased by headhunters,... I just really wonder what JUICE he might have used on my doors... Of course... I should know.. Or I should be able to find out... Because... Slocum also documented much of his boat building, caulking, and varnishing, too! Slocum seems to have been an amazing woodworker as well as one of the finest seamen to come out of New England. Any guy here interested in woodworking should surely be interested in reading his accounts...
  5. Obviously, you are just a chip off the old block. You are so lovely. By kid, You meant a young goat, of course. Right?
  6. Since I have recently been accused of spouting NONSENSE.... What is Nonsense, anyway? Is it the absurd? Do you even know, CEDRIC, how to distinguish nonsense from sense? I think NOT..... There are ALL kinds of nonsense, Cedric. YOU, Cedric...are an IDIOT! Who would even hire you as a MOD, anyway? IF I were talented enough to post, here, some NEW VERSION of the Jabberwocky.... Then would you, CEDRIC, ban me for doing so? You TRULY are an idiot, Cedric..... Cedric, the MOD here, would not know the meaning of NONSENSE if it hit him in the ass. SUCH a little mind, has Cedric. How can he even QUALIFY as a Mod on this great forum? Such a tiny mind! Get rid of this guy! I mean..... Who would even wish to post on a forum with Cedric around?
  7. All I can tell you is that Thailand Rubberwood is.... BETTER THAN Norwegian Wood....
  8. Or, perhaps, it is not NONSENSE that people object to, around here...but maybe they.... Just prefer PRUDISHNESS.... Maybe they don't like to talk about..... Anything alien to their ken.....? YES...Cedric...... What? You want to ban me? Really? Why?
  9. Peter Frampton..... THEN and now.... Not nonsense.... Though some might say it is....
  10. Do YOU feel like I do?????? What's WRONG with this place.....ANYWAY? After all.... What IS....NONSENSE......Anyway??? Do you know? Do you care? Can you even define Nonsense? And.... Is NONSENSE important for our wellbeing? Where would YOU be without nonsense? Go ask Alice.....
  11. Personally.... I do NOT think that Brown Sugar is NONSENSE.... Do you? NONSENSE seems to be in the eye of the beholder. And, unfortunately..... There are a few here who CANNOT tell the difference between NONSENSE and SENSE....
  12. Maybe... Maybe one should just ask oneself.... What would Slocum use......?
  13. I saw the TAO brand, today. The clerk tole me that TAO was cheaper.... Not sure which brand is better, though..... I ONLY know which brand is STICKIER!!!!!
  14. By the way...guys.... I just want to say..... I have been here in Asian for most of my life.... Since 1971. And, SOME PEOPLE say that I post NONSENSE.... BUT, in my opinion, I do not. I only write posts about what might be interesting to me. So.... Anyone who wishes to NOT read my posts, then I have ZERO objections to your not reading them. The ONLY thing I object to....is that SOME PEOPLE say I am posting NONSENSE. THIS IS UNTRUE I do NOT post nonsense... And, I NEVER HAVE! Besides being in Asia since 1971...... I also grew up on SOMERSET MAUGHAM..... And so, I am just saying.... Some say that Somerset wrote nonsense.... And, for the guys that think that Somerset posted nonsense.... Then.... WHO is the fool????? REALLY JERKS MY STRING (chain) when some NITWIT tells me I am posting NONSENSE....and.... Said nitwit has NO FEELING for what is important to me..... Sorry for this rant.... But.... My fingers are just too sticky.... Take Care!
  15. I am not saying that this is not a good product. And, certainly, it seems to have done the job. HOWEVER, if I had it to do over again.... I would NOT attempt this without wearing surgical gloves. My hands are now so sticky... And, this stuff just cannot be washed off the hands.... No Way No How. WEAR GLOVES!
  16. Sure... I know this door might look like crap to the experts.... But, at the moment.... Expediency is the name of the game for me.... Next time, When I have more time...., I will do better. Please be kind in your critiques of my work.... Thank you.....!
  17. HI, Guys.... Let me tell you.... Originally, I had thought to never post another DIY Topic, ever again.... But then, after receiving so much support from you guys on this Door-Coating Topic, .... I really thought that I OWED it to you to provide my result... For example, I just think it is NOT RIGHT that someone might ask for advice.... And then not provide the result... If you get my drift.... So anyway, here is what happened: aa. I am a pretty LAZY person. And so, even though I am ALSO a perfectionist, I prefer to just be a guiding light, and guide others to get things perfect. bb. So therefore, since I was COMPLETELY UNABLE to buy Polyurethane, which is WHAT I WANTED, after reading all your good suggestions.... I just got super tired at the store. And I just bought any old thing, some sort of DECKING floor treatment. bb2. Also, this floor decking treatment was quite expensive....BELIEVE ME.... And I thought... OK. If this stuff is really THAT expensive... Then it must be GREAT! cc. So, I just bought it....because...as I say....Poly was NOT in stock...and who knows why.... dd. Well... I started early today, to use a foam brush (as was also suggested here) to coat the doors with one coat. And then, after about 4 hours (I realize this is not long enough, but I was in a super hurry), I just brushed on a second coat. ee. And, during this process, the LAZADA foam brushes kept breaking. AND, every time they broke, and while mopping up the mess....my hands became COVERED in this floor-decking treatment. If you want to know, I am using this stuff called PROTEGO Decking Oil..... And, I think it is SUPER GOOD...but....just don't get it on your hands...is all that I am saying! USE A GOOD BRUSH!!!! Don't buy what I bought, PLEASE!!!! ff. So anyway, after putting on two coats of this Decking OIL on the doors, I think everything will be HUNKY-DORY! gg. But, I still gotta warn you guys.... After getting this stuff all over my hands... It's not so easy to get off. Therefore, best to wear surgical gloves, or something, when using this stuff, and that is recommended. gg2. BUT, I had no surgical gloves... And, I tried alcohol to wash it off, but no go. Then, I tried two kinds of detergent....but no go. And, still, my hands are sticky as HECK.... gg3. You know...even if I wanted to give myself a handjob, which I NEVER do, I think it might be totally impossible. hh. Also, still know problem...because.... I only coated one surface of the doors, plus the edges. And, therefore, maybe someday, I will find some Poly, and do the other side of the doors, and so.... No loss. Wow, Man! Talk about STICKY FINGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it might be WEEKS before my hands get back to normal.... AND... Thank you guys for your great advice.... And, I just wish I had had the time and EXPERIENCE to follow your good advice..... THANK YOU!!! Best regards... Gamma PS: This is NOT a joke post. All of the above is true. I have photos. PPS: Speaking of STICKY FINGERS..... This boner is a model. Not Mick... No Way! This is what I use.... IT's OK!
  18. Yes. But, actually... I think I, as most everybody here, am surprised that it is not significantly lower. Somebody up there must like me.... As Newman says... At least I ain't yellah...
  19. Imagine what the world would be like if.... WMMR FM WWDB FM Were still the same as 55 years ago? Playing nothing but nonstop classical, jazz, and underground.... I know you were there, Man! Licks and Kicks FOR FREE on FM... Those were the days.... Without MTV trash. But, not so good if one prefers cartoons over books. Nobody, today, can read a book without pictures. Why is this not surprising...
  20. Correct. I am not telling you what you do not already know, but wish you did not know. Logically speaking.
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