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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Personally, I still very much wonder if I will live out my natural life, even though I am old. We first began worrying that we might not, sometime around 1962. This constant worry is always with us. How much more difficult must it be for someone just turning 17? Someone turning 17, this year, might have 90 more years to think about the Doomsday Clock. So, would I wish to be in their shoes? Someone 17? The answer is no. I am thankful to be over 70. But still.... Sometimes, I wish I were 17....
  2. I mean, just for one.... I am SICK AND TIRED of waiting for the BOMB to go off....
  3. We might also ask ourselves: Are we BOOMERS the very first generation to be THANKFUL that we are old?
  4. Yes. Given geopolitical events. Given environmental trends. I must agree with you, wholeheartedly. I consider myself extremely fortunate to now be over 70. Absolutely.
  5. Please listen to Noam on Wokeness, not to mention the cancel culture....
  6. MIT? Do you think this happens at MIT? CalTech? Do you think this happens at CalTech? If not... Then.... No problemo....
  7. In my opinion, preference for being older in this world of ours....2023 Has almost nothing to do with wokeness.... But, I could be mistaken.
  8. Which or Neither Would you consider to be an "acronym", In the technical sense?
  9. In your opinion.... Who did it better? Brubeck? Stranglers? I know.... Most of you don't even know what I am talking about.... So solly....
  10. So, anyway....just for the heck of it.... I decided to turn off the UTUBE adblock..... And...watch a few GOOGLE ADS.... But, what did I see? a. Google served up ads in passa Thai, which I appreciated. b. Google served up ads on NOTHING of interest to me. So, I ask you.... a. Does Google know me and my buying habits as well as it TOUTS to advertisers? b. So, then...IF NOT.... Is Google actually scamming the advertisers? I would say.... YES! So then.... What is the point of forcing me to watch UTUBE ads? Is this not just a total waste, for everyone? If ONLY Google knew me as well as it thinks.... But, Google has NO CLUE about me.... Same with the mods on this forum, maybe. The mods don't know, actually, why I love TV..... SO MUCH.....
  11. Another forum member, GECKO123, wrote this: "Not a fan of prolific posters who use the forum as an antidote for boredom, a form of psycho therapy, or because they are attention whores generating mostly unreadable gibberish. Phrases like "those who have the least to say, talk the most" come to mind. What Neil Young said about Charles Manson is apropos: "He wasn't what you call a song writer, he was more a song spewer." Over-thinking at its worst. Headache inducing. Tiresome. Yes, I'm talking about the content spewers who have taken over this forum. Posters who hit 1,000 post counts without achieving at least a 1.00 "like" ratio, especially in a short period of time, should be either be removed or be limited to no more than 5 posts per day. They violate the number one rule of writing: "respect your reader," not to mention the number two rule: "Have something to say." As surely as the Gilgo Beach killer snuffed out his victims, posters like this have snuffed out this forum until it's been reduced to a handful of posters engaged in unreadable, repetitious, and inane bickering and repartee which alienates everyone who doesn't enjoy this type of content." AND, I thought about what he wrote, after he wrote it. AND, I think that, although he might be correct in some ways, still....I think he doesn't understand the purpose of the TV Farang Pub. I think the Pub is for writing and reading about almost anything, within reason. I do NOT consider myself to be a spewer, although some might. I also don't care about what Neil Young said about Charles Manson, nor whether it might be, in some way, apropos. Also, any nitwit who uses this FRENCH word, apropos, I immediately take a disliking to.... So, I am just saying that I think this guy, GECKO123, might not appreciate my posts. And so, maybe he should listen more to Neil Young.... I lost my virginity, the second time, to this song.... Down by the river.
  12. ALSO: Why the F would anyone want to come to the TV Farang Pub to talk about, or discuss in a truly serious way, SERIOUS topics? I would not. I never do. I hope it's the same with you.
  13. Wait... Actually.... Sometimes, a wasteland can sound good.... Destroying my desk at the moment......
  14. You know.... Just a few days ago.... Some guy posted a RANTING-COMMENT here, complaining that this TV PUB Forum has devolved into inanity. The comment basically stated that the comments here are posted by the same <deleted> who post just for attention-seeking, and that these comments have caused the forum to deteriorate into, basically, a wasteland. So....I am responding with this Topic, in rebuttal. Because, I know that you guys are not the fools that he thinks you are. For example: There are many ways to thoughtfully reply to the Topic. You might mention loss of personal freedoms. Change in the educational system, now, versus then. Extreme worry about the future of the planet, as we know 17-year-olds often think about. And, maybe, just how happy you might be to NOT need to be a 17-year-old in 2023. And so much more. Maybe you are worried about children, these days, I do not know. Or, maybe you are gung-ho about the prospects for young people, today, in 2023. Anyway.... I only posted this open-ended question so that you might prove this guy wrong.... What a rant he wrote. Yet, maybe he was partially on target.... He thinks you guys do not want to talk about serious things. Is he correct?
  15. This question is NOT about age. This question is about 2023. And, about being young or old at this specific period in history.
  16. NO. This is NOT a trick question. You add up all the plusses and minuses about being 17 in 2023. Then, you compare to being 70 in 2023. And then... You voice your opinion. And you give your reasons for your opinion. This is NOT a trick question. It's a serious question, for a change.... ((Also, a rather more complex question than is often asked on this forum, I might add. Why not think about it. Take your time before replying too flippantly...))
  17. I hope that your wish will very soon miraculously happen, even before we all know it. I love Japan. I love Kyoto. I love Nara. I love the tea ceremony in Nara, as well. Not to mention the temples and shrines in Kyoto, which I also love.... Thank you for your encouragement....
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