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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Correct. Last time, they gave me black soybeans. After that.. I gave up, having been... "Dazed and Confused".
  2. I just wonder, as Animal Farm continues to evolve, will Gamma become just another Snowball, and meet the same fate, including attack by guard dogs, and misinterpretation of intent, by the animals, of Gamma's past, present, and future?
  3. The appliance you mention is quite an AMAZNG addition to any kitchen, and something I have not seen before. I want one, for sure! Note: Which of these do you think is best for the money? Are they available in Thailand or China, do you know? I will buy, for sure! I have 3 large Panasonic rice steamers, but the DUO, as you say does not do rice well. (I don't like cooking fumes in the house, and so electrical appliances such as this are best, especially when all rooms in a house are under AirCon.) Maybe the Duo can do a better job on Black Beans, compared to a slow cooker, too. The price in Thailand for any of these is bound to be higher, even if they are available.
  4. "Fornicate yourself?" What kind of friends do you have, anyway? Anyway, I was not suggesting that you ask your friends to do the desiccation, but rather suggest that baked beans, after cooking, can be dried and then reconstituted with water, and that they will taste the same. So, my question is why you do not just buy something like "freeze-dried baked beans", which can be shipped over without the water, and then add Thai water to the beans? Think of your poor friends carrying around suitcases of baked beans when such backbreaking effort can be easily avoided if you choose the desiccated option, instead. And why don't you just buy the dried/washed beans to begin with, and then get a slow-cooker, and make the beans yourself? I bet that your beans would be better than any beans from a can, for sure. This is what I plan to do. I really do not like, too much, food from a can. I have read too many stories of soldiers in the field surviving on cold beans in the can. Won't you need to cook your rice, anyway? Or, do you just eat the beans as a single course, without eggs, sausage, bacon, tomatoes, etc.? I only mean that you will need to do quite a bit of cooking even if you use canned beans, and so why not just cook the beans before you cook the other things?
  5. Respectfully: Did you watch the video I linked, which shows exactly how this is done? The guy in Maine, USA, uses a machine which desiccates most of what is in the can, except the piece of ham/bacon fat that is often included in every can of baked beans. What I think that I will do is to just make my own baked beans using a slow-cooker or an oven, or something, because, after searching here in CM, at the larger retailers, I think canned goods are mostly overpriced. Maybe there is a wholesaler in Thailand that would sell directly to consumers if one were willing to buy in sufficient quantity? But this I do not know yet. Anyway, I, too, should add beans to my diet, and I have been aware of this for some time.
  6. Climate change will cause great disruption to society, not unity. Massive population migration across borders, disruption to the food supply, is unlikely to lead to increased harmony on Earth, is my guess. Be that as it may, I am now concerned about other issues, such as Global Warming and the resultant sudden evaporation and disappearance, due to rising temperatures, of even the words I write.
  7. That's like saying, "I'm set on Okinawa". I just had a look at the UTUBE videos of Loi Kroh Road. The women there remind me so much of the women on Okinawa. Even the way they move is almost identical. Much the same VIBE, too.
  8. No, I think it's Luke Warm. (He must be back to RSVP, once more, and practice his French.)
  9. Thank you. In fact, another commenter earlier suggested the auto shop route, and it is the best suggestion so far, I think. Lazada? Never again will I buy anything like clothing or jeans or curtains, or anything like that. Name brand electronics equipment from reliable suppliers, through Lazada, is still OK with me, though. I wish you Sweet Dreams. I also posted a very nice TOPIC about the use of podcasts to induce sleep, fast. Would you like me to PM you the link to that Topic of mine? No charge for doing so....
  10. I really doubt that I will find Cuban Black Beans cooked to Cuban-style perfection in Chiang Mai. Therefore, my original intention had been to buy, at a reasonable price, the dried black beans, same as is used in Miami and Cuba, and just cook these beans the way I remember them in "Little Cuba". The cooking is easy. The sourcing of the beans has been difficult for me. Where to buy dried beans? Is there a Thailand importer? There must be, but where? If I were in the US, then I would just buy a product such as this: If I could find these dried beans, then I could cut down on my consumption of 5-egg omelets for breakfast and snacks. In Florida, and probably also in Cuba, pork/pork fat is added, maybe. I have never eaten pork in Thailand, and so I would probably do a vegetarian Cuban recipe, and just make it spicier. I also like those red Adzuki beans, but they are quite expensive, and I do not like to pay prime-rib prices for beans, ever.
  11. It's not as if I have not been warning you for some time now.
  12. Thank you for your endorsement of this indispensable tape. It may work better on other things around here, than on my office chair.
  13. Yes. Bed sheets on the chair are impossible. I have tried tying them down with everything available, but they still slip to the floor. Slipcovers are OK because they are designed for this, and they are "fitted". Also, the faux leather on the arms of the chair are in equally poor condition. Probably, the easiest solution is the Auto Shop solution, Or, maybe the Final Solution, if that does not work. I would not need 9 pages to discuss the need for a single person to have three microwave ovens. As you say, though, this could be a Topic to consider. I will try to complete it before my upcoming sabbatical begins, in earnest.
  14. As I tried to explain, it is my opinion that for me to post such a Poll would only reinforce in others their opinions that I am a pompous, pretentious, prik, and an adze. I don't want to sully my sterling reputation over a single TV Poll. Do you have any objection to posting this Poll, in my stead? I would surely endorse the Poll that you suggest. Can't you find the time to upload it? How many minutes could it require? The longer you delay, the more in suspense we will be, awaiting the results. Will you do it? Please.
  15. Please upload an image. A Bt.2000 leather desk chair, I have yet to see. Even ten years ago at OfficeMate, the cheaper leather desk chairs were over Bt.5000. I am very interested in seeing what you were able to buy for Bt.2000.
  16. Maybe. But, what if my office chair were the only seat in the house? Then what?
  17. Years ago, in Florida, I became hooked on the Cuban Black Beans which are available in almost every restaurant in Southern Florida. This is one of the few things I miss about life in Florida. Several years ago, I tried to find these beans for sale in Thailand, but failed. Does anyone here buy and enjoy this Cuban food in Thailand? Cuban Black Beans, with garlic and chili, made according to the traditional Cuban recipes is amazingly tasty with Jasmine Rice. I would like to get back to eating more beans if I can find an easy and cheap way to solve this problem. I do NOT want to get into cooking myself if I can just buy imported canned Cuban Beans at the right price. Otherwise, I will still be willing to do the cooking, as I used to do myself in Naples, Florida, once a month, and then freeze, just using my slow-cooker. The cooking process is extremely easy, in fact. Here are a few photos of the recipes and the finished product. Maybe it's only the black beans that I am lacking. I have not seen this variety of beans in CM, at Tops, Lotus, or other places in this city. IMHO: Cuban Black Beans (the recipe) is FAR BETTER than traditional baked beans. THIS is what Black Beans look like in CUBA! And, when the girls eat black beans everyday, then they turn out like this: Everybody should eat more beans. They're good for the heart. Regards, Gamma
  18. By the way: It's my belief that the faux leather on these chairs wears out more quickly when the sitter wears poorer quality clothing. Jeans cause increased wear. Expensive trousers are better. No trousers is even better, from my experience. But these days, I have taken to wearing silk pajamas, originally popularized by Hefner years ago.
  19. I am using older i5 CPUs. Insufficient power for what you are suggesting.
  20. Yes. I agree 100%, I have a driver that must know the best places for this work around here. Bt.1200 is super low cost for this kind of work.
  21. I don't play games. I try to be useful. This requires MUCH time sitting at desks. The CLOTH slipcover solution would be best. Easy to wash in the machine. Then, good as new. Also, in the cold season, more comfortable.
  22. I have two desktop computers, and also notebooks, which I often use at the same time, while sitting at my desk chair. I uploaded a Topic to the DIY Forum recently concerning my need for more desk space, using two very large doors, and one extra door for my bread machine and three microwave ovens, and chicken roasting oven. I need to spend much time in my desk chair, and they wear out fast. This is another reason my cloth slipcovers would be a superior solution, compared to re-covering using some faux leather material.
  23. I tried using bedsheets. But, they kept sliding around, and then off the chair. So, I just bought a new chair. Now, I think I might try the automotive repair shop solution, to check the price. Those covers that your wife is using, I think you really need to secure them to make them work. I know from experience.
  24. It's in the video. SIMPLE! Some guy from Maine shows us how... Simple and effective. Or, if you want the Heinz brand and don't want to dehydrate yourself... Same principle. Just Google it. You could probably save a lot of money on overweight luggage. You are removing about one pound of water per can! Plus, you do not need the can because you can pack in plastic PE bags. Best solution, I would think.
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