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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. If I said no, then you would not believe me. if I said yes, then it would be untrue. The worst bird in the world is not a bird, but the foul Rooster.
  2. I average 1.5 omelets per day. Each omelet contains 5 chicken eggs (not the large ones). So...Each month, I eat about 45 five-egg omelets. I have good cholesterol levels (good or bad cholesterol, I forget which should be high and which low). Please remember that, decades ago, there was a widespread egg-cholesterol scare; I never bought into it, because there was no real evidence. Therefore, I just eat as many omelets as I like. Eggs are cheap and fantastically nourishing. 8 eggs per day is NOT too much for me. But you should decide what is the best diet for you. I am not an Egg Evangelist (Eggvangelist).
  3. FAR better to freeze 50 five-egg omelettes at minus 23 degrees C, And then just use the microwave to re-heat, and eat. I have two microwave ovens, and so I can simultaneously re-heat two omelettes when I want to add omeletttes to chicken stew, for example. If you make 50 at one time, then no need to clean the kitchen on a daily basis, which is the main reason...for me at least.
  4. Yes, but this post was about you, and I thought you would like it. Also, is it not quite interesting concerning the pluralization of the "egg" word? I just mean that it seems that the singular form, omelet, might be the same in both the British and American spellings. Isn't it odd how these things sometimes occur in pairs?
  5. Please pay closer attention to the post. I spelled it BOTH ways, first British & French, and then, finally, using the American version. The British version, obviously, was a tip of the cap/hat to you, as you might have guessed.
  6. I am just wondering if anyone here (experienced cooks) might be able to tell me how to prepare omelettes fast and in bulk. Up until now, I buy my omelettes from a small restaurant, and the cook is able to make 40 Five-Egg omelettes with fresh garlic in about 30 minutes, and individually pack them in plastic boxes. The price per box is Bt.35.00. But I find that she sometimes uses smaller eggs, and sometimes bigger eggs. She provides great service, yes, but I prefer to have the same portion size every time. Bt.35 per box seems a bit steep, too. Also, she doesn’t add tomatoes or chili, and I need to sprinkle on chili powder on top, which doesn’t seem to taste as good. I have gone online to try to find some type of automatic omelette maker, but what I have seen available is more like an electric frying pan which seems more trouble than it’s worth. Normally, I buy like 40 or 50 boxes and then just freeze them so I can eat one or two boxes per day. But if I could make them myself, I could add what I want, and I wouldn’t need to go out. Also, I don’t like the plastic boxes which are difficult to stack before discarding them. And I could easily use those plastic bags instead that most restaurants use to sell servings of jasmine rice. Maybe I might need a wok for this work. But, although I have a kitchen, I don’t have one of those gas burners to cook anything on, and so don’t own a wok. Is there any faster way, in light of the fact that I would prefer not using a burner and wok? I mean…Is there some electric-appliance solution? I like to cook many omelettes all at one time, so that I don’t have to do too much food preparation on a daily basis. Thanks for any good ideas. Note: If you have any simple recipes for omelettes, that would be good, too. I don’t eat processed meats, nor do I like any meat in the omelette. Cheese is good but I don’t buy cheese in Thailand. So, for me, I would prefer vegetarian recipes. Although, if you have a favorite omelete recipe of any kind, I would enjoy reading any offerings.
  7. My Dearest Forward Thinkers, Have you already made provisions in your will to request an autopsy? What is your reasoning? Do you just want to have “The Last Laugh”? Or, have you made the request due to far more logical reasons, such as better understanding of how you died, and were there any genetic contributing conditions, or are you someone that always suspects malpractice, etc.? Or, are you in some sort of relationship due to which, in your darker moments, you dwell upon the possibility of your loved one doing you in? Why would you do such a thing as to insist upon having your own private postmortem? And, even MORE interesting, what do you imagine an autopsy might reveal about you? A completely dissolute existence, with plenty of drinking and womanizing, while you were alive? As well, how do you envision your last 24 hours on Earth? Here is just one example of what I am talking about, and WHAT ABOUT YOU?: Absolutely NOTHING objectionable about the BELUSHI Last-24-Hour clip, above. NOTHING. I hope this Post has been thought provoking, because we need more introspective thinking around here. Regards, Gamma Note: Here is a ZIT!
  8. The total list of Dickensian Characters is actually not so easy to recall. Correct? We still remember so many of them, vaguely, And we have forgotten their names.
  9. Carton & Darnay = Charles Dickens? You can call me (Gamma) Carton, too. I could, so ignobly/nobly, die for a good yellow woman. At least, I have often wished that I had.
  10. My Dear Fellow-Literati, Have you ever taken a moment to consider which Dickensian character most represents you, your personality traits, your quirks? I often think about this question, and I would probably require more than one. I tend toward the embodiment of Wilkins Micawber on a good day. “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery.” But, what about you? For example: Who does not love sycophancy, after all? So which of these, or some of the many others, reminds you most of yourself? The thing about Dickens is that, He is one of the greatest writers that ever lived, And he wrote in English, Which is quite lucky for us, here. Don’t be bashful, friends… Out with it! Who are you….REALLY…? Regards, Gamma
  11. Letter to My Barber, and You, I want none of the above “hair/hairless” looks... What about you? And do you prejudge young men with the following haircuts? Gulag Convict Cut: We can see many of these “types” walking around. We are often left wondering if they were just recently granted parole, or what! Duane Allman Cut: Duane, even though I love you and miss you dearly, I just do not dig your cut. Billiards Cut: I cannot understand what this Billiards Cut is all about. Or, maybe I do. Maybe this Billiards Cut is all about NOTHING! NOTHING on Top; NOTHING between the ears, judging by the pate. THX 1138 Cut: This cut is not a choice. This cut is the Dystopian Sci-Fi Cut designed to strip the masses of individuality… As if anyone, these days, had individuality (Ha-ha). How’s that PC working out for you, so far? So, what is the consensus here among the members concerning these hairdos? What’s your flava, and why? Regards, and, Heading for Dystopian Bliss, Just like you, Gamma NOTE: Duane Allman…RIP, Man! You ROCKED THE WORLD, while it still WAS a world worth rocking for. (CUT YOUR HAIR, Duane!!!!) What a blast from the past....
  12. Just please do not tell me that you forget our discussion of the DRUNKEN PEASANTS beating a dead horse, and the nonexistent beaten horse in Catch-22 which I was sure existed, but actually existed only in the film, maybe. Drinking can lead to all kinds of bad behavior. Here is just one example: Why do drunken peasants and fools, especially in literature, beat animals, if they do? As for Kafka, whom you mention, he was very big on animals: "dogs, jackals, leopards, a tiger, a panther, a vulture, a cat, and a mouse; a few unspecified animals, such as a mole-like and a marten-like; mythological creatures, including sirens and a dragon; a kitten-lamb crossbreed; and several humanimal protagonists: a human transformed into vermin, a man who used to be a horse, and an ape turned into a human being. Nonhuman animals¹ abound also in Kafka’s personal writings." One day, we must speak again about that beating of a horse by a drunken lout, a beating that I am sure is in Crime and Punishment, and also in either the film or the novel, Catch-22. Some men lose their sanity when drunk. Even three weeks off the sauce, is an improvement for some.
  13. No NEED to reference any..."story". There are some mythical figures whom one never forgets. Those were the days... theblether beetlejuice etc etc etc... (mythical figures? Am I now speaking of Animal Farm?)
  14. I am not worried. I shall hide my light under my bushel until the time is ripe to allow it to shine. I will share my light only with those that will not disappoint me. I have been chastened in the past by not focusing my light where it should go. My beacon shall be a light of hope for the deserving few who, Like disciples will travel forth to spread the word I have related to them.
  15. Wishing not to be misunderstood, which has often been the story of my life, my sabbatical is one I look forward to with good health and much cheer. In fact, I plan to do a bit of payback for as long as my good intentions may last. During recent weeks, further enlightenment and understanding has gradually been gelling, and now seems solidified within me. Here am I, one with vast amounts of accumulated useful knowledge, a premier education, and too much time on my hands. Recently, I have come to the realization that I might use this time in a less frivolous way than has hitherto been entirely the case, maybe even to help partially avert a few of the disasters that lie ahead for our world. Some might misunderstand this statement, too, and mistakenly believe that my grandiosity knows no bounds. On the contrary, I have never believed myself grandiose. One can waste only so much time before, one day, or one evening, one finally wakes up to smell the coffee. And I have asked myself, how many words have I written in the past which may have fallen on deaf ears? How many seeds did I sow among thorns? And, would it not be better to do some payback, some sowing of seed in places where my seed will thrive? Ignorance is a curse in our world, today. I see ignorance almost everywhere. And now it is my humble plan to go forth among the ignorant, Quixote-like, and shed light where there is darkness. I will go alone, having no Sancho, and therefore wish me luck, as I shall need it. Again, I say... Ta-ta... Dear Friends...
  16. Being the Stickler for Detail that I happen to be, I just wanted to point out something I know that you know, but neglected to mention, namely that, depending on the process, some alcoholic beverages may contain minute percentages of methanol, both through the fermentation process and through the distillation process. I searched the net for a few good links clarifying this point, but was able to find only this, in short order: https://byo.com/article/the-alcohols-of-beer/#:~:text=One of the main pathways,be more careful of methanol. Being a chemist, you could easily tell us the processes by which this happens. However, I may not be available, for a certain period of time, to read your reply, should you post one, because, you see... I may be going on sabbatical in coming weeks, perhaps months. Everything is just so uncertain at this juncture of time. Life is full of these little uncertainties. I know that I shall miss my old pals, but also know that they will be very well looked after. Well...Ta-ta... (And, yes, I know both meanings.)
  17. Everybody likes Dudley. Everybody likes Fox. NOBODY likes Parkinson's Why? Thoughts?
  18. Was it not the "spareness" of the film that was one of its central themes? The film definitely had a plot. Although, the plot may have been difficult for some to appreciate, depending upon various factors, in some cases.
  19. The OP Title/Headline contains ZERO English words. The body of the OP contains 4 words. This OP is a better OP then all the rest I have seen during the past two years on the Pub Forum (including my own, especially, of course), combined. Therefore, sadly, you may not know that much about penises or the value of them, or, even, what ladies might say about them. Please think about that for a moment, or two...
  20. IMveryHO, THX 1138 is a masterpiece. I first saw this film when shown at university (when the film was first released). This film was highly recommended at the time. It's still doing quite well.. Even today... With Big Brother, and with our present-day AI fears, etc.
  21. I know it's a joke. But, lead poisoning from bullets was not an appreciable causal factor for death during this age of prohibition. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8057397/ Getting shot 50 times with a Tommy Gun is usually lethal by itself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thompson_submachine_gun
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