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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Please list the two famous authors, and I will search for you. Maybe you aren't doing it right. I am here to help, after all...
  2. It's not a THEM. eMule is a peer-to-peer file sharing networking technology. Very surprised you haven't used it. Been around for ages. Give it a try. Or, maybe too difficult for you.... Easier to just type in the Google Search using Chrome, I guess....
  3. Sure. You could do that. Or, you could use eMule. What is your opinion about the ease of using eMule to download FREE books?
  4. Dear Friends, I don’t exactly recall when I first began using Project Gutenberg to download FREE ebooks from the Internet, but it’s been quite a while since I first clicked on this site: https://gutenberg.org/ “Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, as well as to "encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks."[2] It was founded in 1971 by American writer Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library.[3] Most of the items in its collection are the full texts of books or individual stories in the public domain.” (Wikipedia.org) I have enjoyed hours browsing through the many old books that are available on Project Gutenberg’s site. Years ago, I even found a great book written by a lady describing her travels around Japan at a time when, according to her, many of the coolies didn’t wear clothes. She writes: “That which to some extent answers to an hotel is a yadoya, which provides sleeping accommodation and food as required. The licenses are different. Tea-houses are of all grades, from the three-storied erections, gay with flags and lanterns, in the great cities and at places of popular resort, down to the road-side tea-house, as represented in the engraving, with three or four lounges of dark-coloured wood under its eaves, usually occupied by naked coolies in all attitudes of easiness and repose.” She writes a lot about the nakedness of people she meets in Japan. I am sure some here might enjoy this woman’s account. She writes, for example: “The Aino houses are much smaller, poorer, and dirtier than those of Biratori. I went into a number of them, and conversed with the people, many of whom understand Japanese. Some of the houses looked like dens, and, as it was raining, husband, wife, and five or six naked children, all as dirty as they could be, with unkempt, elf-like locks, were huddled round the fires.” This book is so fascinating that I have never forgotten her account. Here is the link to her published letters on Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2184/pg2184-images.html#page20 Gutenberg.org is a good deal. By comparison, reading an account written by the wife of a British ambassador to Japan, probably no more interesting, might set you back USD43.50, if purchased on Amazon: "A Diplomatist's Wife in Japan - Vol. II is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1899." https://www.amazon.com/A-Diplomatists-Wife-in-Japan/dp/3337167756 Gutenberg.org has plenty of books: I haven’t yet read most of them. So, Gutenberg.org is certainly one good option for finding a wide range of free ebooks for download. What sources do you use? Regards, Gamma Note: I hope this information, known by many, may yet be helpful to some who have never clicked on Gutenberg.org
  5. I don't like children, and never have. However, I feel great sympathy and compassion for children these days, growing up in this changed world, one not of their making. Therefore, I am willing to help, when asked. But I would completely draw the line at either living with them, or interacting with them, any more than necessary. And, I would advise always making this clear to any love interest W.C. Fields...Forever! Sounds like a Beetles tune, don't it. W.C. Fields...Forever.
  6. I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, and it was NOT fun. The entire region is seen by the USA as part of the United States. Any encroachment by China will never be tolerated. Let's wait and see what transpires. Things may get ugly.
  7. This sounds like very good news for the Cuban people. Cuban food is not so hot. Lots of black beans, and more black beans, and maybe some plantains thrown in, and then some mystery meat they call a "steak". "Do Cubans eat plantains? Fried Sweet Plantains - Cook2eatwell In Cuban cuisine, fried sweet plantains are one of the most popular sides, rivaled only by fried green plantains, or tostones in Spanish. The interesting thing is that these two completely different dishes are made from the same ingredient – a plantain". (cook2eatwell.com) Chinese cuisine, conversely, is DYNAMITE good. Chinese have been eating well since before anyone lived on Cuba, maybe. In my view, China is moving its forces into Cuba as a gesture of its benevolent soft-power policy. The US turned it's back on Cuba when Castro wanted to make friends. It's been a very long time that Cuba has been subsisting on black beans, rice and bananas, driving 1950s automobiles. No doubt, the Cuban people will welcome this Chinese fostered improvement to their customary diet. Cubans love spicy food, anyway. No worries, I think.
  8. “It is essential that anyone reading this book know at the outset that the author is apolitical. I was convinced in 1927 that humanity's most fundamental survival problems could never be solved by politics.” “Equally important, I set about fifty-five years ago (1927) to see what a penniless, unknown human individual with a dependent wife and newborn child might be able to do effectively on behalf of all humanity in realistically developing such an alternative program.” “In my Philadelphia archives there are approximately forty thousand articles published during the last sixty years which successively document my progressive completions of the whole intercomplementary family of scheduled artifacts.” Just in case anybody might still be interested in R Buckminster Fuller, and the GRUNCH that stole Christmas, my Friends, here you can either listen to the book being read for you, or you can, by referring to the attached PDF, read some of it for yourselves. About Fuller, it's always best to form one's own opinion. The Hippies in San Francisco, 55+ years ago, flocked to him. Does he speak to you, even today? Buckminster Fuller - Grunch Of Giants.pdf
  9. There are photographs of Fuller visiting Bangkok which are archived here" https://www.mplus.org.hk/en/collection/objects/photographs-buckminster-fuller-visiting-sumet-jumsai-and-sjas-architects-in-chalermnit-court-bangkok-thailand-ca38-9-2-4/ I would be interested in viewing them. But how?
  10. Would you agree with Bucky’s thinking that…“We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.” Buckminster Fuller Born in the same year as my grandfather, 1895, are Fuller’s books still worth reading today, and do they remain relevant? This book, Critical Path, was written a very long time ago, back in the day when Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman was so popular, and when Louise Lasser, the lead actor of that comedy who was also Woody’s wife, was still so frustratingly HOT. “Everything for everybody or oblivion”? Really? Why not read a few paragraphs, and then decide... The hippies are long gone. Bucky survives! Even Einstein tolerated him. "At Bangkok, on the Chao Phraya River, I find the most extraordinary history of the development of wooden boatbuilding as yet manifest on our planet. I remember how back in 1958, as I went along canals leading off from the Chao Phraya River, I kept discovering shipyards. In all America there are less than fifty boatbuilding yards now in operation. But in Greater Bangkok alone I saw more than 100 boatyards. To the boatyards of the Chao Phraya River and its canals the logging people inland and upstream bring seaward (with the current and tides) great teak logs, which are towed together in enormous intertied rafts. As we get into the Bangkok region, we see the great teak log rafts moored wherever there is spare waterfront." I think Bucky enjoyed his time in BKK. Fuller, R. Buckminster - Critical path (1981).pdf
  11. IMHO: Since you saw fit to emphasize the "two small kids" factor, I can only say that you may feel differently about two small children than I. I would never wish to live WITH children. I wouldn't even teach small children, even though I love to teach students beginning in the 5th grade. Any younger, and they are no more than ankle-biters, in my view. Therefore, be careful about this because it's not good for children, (all children require security and stability), to become attached to a new potential parent, and then have this relationship suddenly fail. Such a thing is really not good. And so, I would, from the onset, be thinking of the wellbeing of the kids, more than anything else, something that I care about much. And, as I say, I like young children underfoot just about as much as did W.C. Fields. If you don't know what I am referring to, then please check out this short clip I found on YouTube. I am totally in sympathy with W.C. on this one:
  12. I had never heard of this site until you linked it here. I doubt I will spend much time on this website, but I might have a look if only to satisfy my natural-born inquisitiveness for all things curious.
  13. I DEFINITELY agree with your view that it is NOT necessary to watch videos of people doing stupid things. This is why I did NOT post the video of my nominee for "The Youtuber Darwin Award" in the Original Post. It is sufficient to have someone else watch the stupid act, and then analyze the act, and what might have led to the act. Please, if you have time, refer to the video I posted in the Original Post, and see if this video meets with your approval. I am confident that it will. Thank you.
  14. Thank you for this word, ultracrepidarian, which is a perfect example why we need to use the "LATIN and GREEK ROOTS" flashcard deck which I linked in a comment above, together with the entire number of entries for this flashcard deck attached as a text file. https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1805911436 "Origin early 19th century: from Latin ultra ‘beyond’ and crepida ‘shoe, sandal’, with allusion to the remark ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ‘the cobbler should not judge beyond his shoe’, attributed to the painter Apelles of Kos in response to criticism from a shoemaker in Pliny the Elder's Natural History (AD 77)." (https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/) Concerning a more concise version of the Original Post, perhaps I will edit it down a bit, and then re-post it in a future comment on this thread. Still, all in all, I feel that, for my taste, the Original Post is already abbreviated enough, as is. Thank you for your suggestion, however!!!
  15. Great Circle Routes always make more sense.
  16. Dear Friends, We all must acknowledge spending way too much time on UTUBE, I would guess. UTUBE is a great resource that offers us brilliant lectures from learned scientists and intellectuals on almost any topic. I would never be one to speak against spending much time watching UTUBE if one were to confine one’s viewing to the more uplifting content on offer. However, there is another side to UTUBE which is a bit troubling. I am referring to the content uploaded to UTUBE by those who take risks seeking fame for doing stupid things. My heart bleeds for the UTUBERS who, in seeking a billion viral views, risk their young lives. Yet, still, for this select group, there should be “The Youtuber Darwin Award”, and I would really love to know if you might already be thinking of your Top Nomination, if you could only nominate one YouTuber, out of the many. HERE is my TOP Nomination. And, I must say, “It’s a DOOZY”. Also, I will not waste words here describing the video that led me to select my TOP Nominee. Fortunately, another UTUBER, a PhD in Psychology, has thoughtfully done this work for me. AND, I bet that you will agree that this PhD has done a bang-up job with his analysis of this UTUBER’s stunt. I would be very surprised if this PhD does not provide you with a few chuckles, as he relies on his rather understated DEADPAN humor to describe and analyze the fiasco. Before nominating your nominee for The Youtuber Darwin Award, please view the following video, and see if you can top it. If you can, I would be surprised. A truly interesting case. A textbook case in Abnormal Psychology, one might say. But maybe you can top it? Doing so will not be easy. Regards, Gamma
  17. I believe I have found, after a laborious search, a flashcard deck which will not only be of interest to older folks on this forum, but may prove of some significant value to the youngsters here, as well. This flashcard deck is all about learning "Greek and Latin root words (with English examples!)". What is the justification for spending time learning Greek and Latin root words, I hear you asking: "About 80 percent of the entries in any English dictionary are borrowed, mainly from Latin. Over 60 percent of all English words have Greek or Latin roots. In the vocabulary of the sciences and technology, the figure rises to over 90 percent. About 10 percent of the Latin vocabulary has found its way directly into English without an intermediary (usually French)". (Dictionary.com, October 2015) Therefore, it seem only logical that those who seek to attain a better level of reading comprehension will be interested in using such a flashcard deck as this to improve their understanding of English vocabulary by spending time memorizing Greek and Latin roots. During my time in the city where I live, I often see old farang men sitting in coffee shops for hours and hours, gassing away about nothing in particular, and every time I pass by one of these coffee shops, I am reminded of a gaggle of hens. Yet, it need not be this way. If only each of these guys were to bring their phones with the ANKI app installed, they could actually improve their minds through the memorization of Greek and Latin roots. And, no longer would they feel such guilt at whiling away their lives, gassing, without much to show for it at the end of each day. For the youngsters here, even the very young, we know that learning Latin and Greek roots early in life can pay off big dividends when these kids begin Med School, or even when they begin their science classes in high school. Maybe this list is a bit too long for the young ones, but, the beauty of the ANKI app is that it is easily customizable. And, with just a bit of time and effort, one can choose the roots one wants to learn most. In my humble opinion, this flashcard deck is the best I have found on ANKIWEB for learning Greek and Latin roots. But, please feel free to search for a better one if you do not wish to take my word for it. Here is the link to this flashcard deck: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1805911436 I have already installed this deck on my ANKI app, and I have found that there is no audio function included. And, in my opinion, audio is not actually that helpful, anyway, for Greek and Latin roots memorization. We all know that Latin is a dead language, after all! As I have previously done with the three (or was it two) other ANKI flashcard decks I linked above, I will export from ANKI a text file comprised of ALL of the cards in this deck and attach the text file to this comment. You may be surprised, but I once had a Chinese student who had memorized an impressive list of Greek and Latin roots. She became a true whizz at correctly guessing some rather abstruse vocabulary that she had never seen before. In fact, she, when she was just about to graduate 12th-grade, put me to shame, vocabularily speaking. Where is she now? She is going gangbusters at a top university in the USA, some school like U. South Carolina, maybe. Therefore, my advice is, when sitting in a coffee shop near the back gate of CMU, pull out your phone and use ANKI to review just five or ten minutes of Greek and Latin Roots. Five a day just might keep the doctor away.. It might take you only 10 minutes, total, to download the ANKI app to your phone, and then add this deck to your ANKI app. If you do not like this flashcard deck, then there are thousands of others. Selected Notes LATIN AND GREEK ROOTS.txt
  18. No! The previously posted photo is not kooky. (The photo I posted previously is conservative and handsome.) BUT....THIS ONE is!
  19. You know, I am really thankful you broached this subject of kooks in your comment, or I might have needed to mention the word, myself. In my view, if one wants to remain young in one's old age, and wishes to be creative at any age, then one should strive to be playful in thought and spirit. Let me give you an example: I don't know if you have read much of the writings of Richard Stallman, but he is one of my many heroes. Stallman was pretty much at the forefront of the opensource movement, and I think he might have even coined the term, COPYLEFT, as opposed to COPYRIGHT. He is also known for his work on the Linux Kernel, and we all now realize that almost anytime we use any piece of "smart" electronics, any electronic device, such as, even a smart toaster, or drive our cars, it is LINUX that is embedded in the control systems of all the electronic devices we see around us. Linux is so versatile because it is OPENSOURCE and the code can be easily modified by anyone to suit any specific requirement. Stallman has been viciously attacked in the past, but he just keeps on going like the Energizer Bunny. He is able to do so because, he says, he has a very playful mind. Is he a KOOK? Yes! Definitely. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman You can tell just from some of his photos... This photo is DEFINITELY NOT his kookiest, however.
  20. I have always been less interested in head-hair color, and far more interested in cross-sectional shape of head hair. I will attach an image to demonstrate the three basic shapes. What do you think? If you could choose for yourself, which shape would you opt for?
  21. Fuller books like this one are no longer in print. These days, although these books now seem to be in the public domain, and past the restrictions of copyright, still they are not so easy to find. So I have here attached a PDF file, just in case anyone might wish to read more about Fuller's concept of ephemeralization, and doing more with less. For some here, seeing this book cover, you may become suddenly flooded with nostalgia for the good old days. There is even an excerpt from Frank Lloyd Wright's review of Nine Chains to the Moon, which I mentioned in the OP. I have searched the net, and nobody seems to be reading Buckminster Fuller, much, anymore. Take a look at the attached file, and see what you think. Hopefully, you will find the quality of the attached copy, although rather poor, is still up to snuff. the-dymaxion-world-of-buckminster-fuller.pdf
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