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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. Deriberate, for sure. But, Wyman's reading list, for his Yale course, is no joke, as I mentioned. You are a reader, and a learner...and so... Have at it. Wyman's course is very engaging, and is intended for grad students. AND, as he states in the beginning....paraphrasing.... This course is NOT for everyone, since he trounces on Sacred Cows. (pretty interesting, for sure)
  2. No. She first asked me if she could hold my hand. And then she did. And then, realizing that she was corrupting the morals of an underage kid.... She removed her hand from my MGB stick shift, and then apologized, profusely. She had thought that she was the cause of the embarrassing situation, when actually, I had intentionally maneuvered her into her delicate position. The only thing I had not expected, at the time, was just how....unnerving it would be for me to reap the rewards of my months of planning. I had my eye on her for months. I had planned it. But... in the fruition.... Seducing your friend's mother is not all that it's cracked up to be. And, also, she was sort of a family friend, too. ====== She was no Anne Bancroft, either. ======= Maybe it is not so easy to transgress cultural and societal boundaries. MAYBE, if she had not been so embarrassed...then...she might not have taken her hand off my stick shift, so quickly.
  3. One wonders when this useless division will end. Probably...NEVER.... We just cannot overcome, as MLK said.
  4. Please rephrase your comment in Swahili, just so I get your drift, Man. Or, you can call me ASHANTI, anytime. This is just a comment based on my notice of a definite SHIFT to Afrocentrism in America, after the BLACK POWER movement of PRIDE, so many years ago, but not before you were born, I realize. In my opinion, this is all well and good. But, no matter what color I might be, ASHANTI is a better name for me. (Anyway, as Mick Said, I have many, many names, powerful or otherwise. You can call me Mr. ShowerCurtain, if you like. It's all the same to me.)
  5. You really should have attended the FULL COURSE at YALE given by one of the foremost lecturers in this field. I attended EVERY lecture. https://oyc.yale.edu/molecular-cellular-and-developmental-biology/mcdb-150 WYMAN is DYNAMITE. Fantastic course. You need to read all the books in the sillybus, too. (Not Joking!) "About the Course This survey course introduces students to the important and basic material on human fertility, population growth, the demographic transition and population policy. Topics include: the human and environmental dimensions of population pressure, demographic history, economic and cultural causes of demographic change, environmental carrying capacity and sustainability. Political, religious and ethical issues surrounding fertility are also addressed. The lectures and readings attempt to balance theoretical and demographic scale analyzes with studies of individual humans and communities. The perspective is global with both developed and developing countries included." This guy is .... SMART!
  6. One more thing, Sir. Please don't think that I did not pick up on your mention of the world CATHARSIS, after I had previously mentioned Freud. Because, of course I knew what you were thinking. You were thinking that, just because I was toying with my best friend's mother, this might have meant that I secretly wanted to sleep with my own mother, but toyed with another mother, as a surrogate for my mother. Just so you know that I knew what you were saying, is all I care about. Still, great advice about where not to put the Vaseline! I am not sure where you should put it, however. Vaseline is a bit too....petroleum for me.
  7. And, of course, those who did not make it to 40 were the lucky ones. It's all about perspective. I must assume you were alluding to the Dickens thing, "Bleak House", when you used the term BLEAK. So, as you say, there is no wonder why we continue to have children, despite our very bleak future, albeit at an ever-decreasing rate. Once women get educated, they just don't seem to want to give birth to children in a world such as this. And, who can blame them. Note: Good advice about the Vaseline. I have never used it.
  8. Have you ever experienced the IMPOSTER SYNDROME? But.... On a different level? In my case, I do not doubt my own abilities. I am just beginning to believe that I have been an imposter most of my life. I tried to fit in, even though I did not believe what most people around me seemed to believe. For example: What is really important to you? And then, why do you not follow your beliefs? You know you are mortal, yet you act in ways which seem to deny your acknowledgement of your mortality. Such curious behavior, actually. It would almost seem as if you are acting in ways which will hasten your own destruction, just due to your fear of your own demise. It's like, the closer you get to oblivion, the more you chase it. This is all too Freudian for me, I fear.
  9. Seriously: Why do people on this forum ask me why I prefer to be 70, rather than 7? Is not the answer already overly obvious to everybody? One thing, for sure, I do feel for those who are 7, these days. I never speak my mind to our children, simply because I do not wish to heap more onto an already extremely difficult situation. So then, why even mention it? I only mention it because most readers here are as old as the hills, just like me. ===== Before I went back to Penn, I attended a rinky-dink college in Iowa, just for the fun of it. You would not believe just how dumb those farmers' children were, by comparison to the city kids at places like Columbia. So, really, this is the divide between Philly and Dubuque, I guess. ========== I would not tell you anything that I do not believe. Therefore, I must mean whatever I write.... Right? ========== You can make up your own mind about the quality of life for a person being born in a world with 3 BILLION souls, or 8 BILLION souls. You might argue that, with 5 Billion more souls, then the world is a more productive place. This is true, of course. And, it is also true that I have watched the film, "METROPOLIS". But... Have you?
  10. How could you have noticed this when no one else has? Actually, anything I might post is merely tolerated, and often with much ridicule and disdain. Still, if there is only one good reader, then I am thankful. I only post that which rings true to me.
  11. This topic has suddenly, and unexpectedly, led me to question my own personal....MORTALITY! Surely, I must be immortal. I had never thought otherwise. Maybe... If I might die soon.... Then... I should get me down there to Pattaya.... And get me some of that Old Time Pattaya Religion....
  12. When I was 17, I never believed I would live to see 2000, and Y2K. Yet... I did. And now, I just wonder... How much longer God might wish to keep me around. As we all know.... It's ALL up to HIM. I just wish I could have one more day with a REAL China Girl.... Even one more minute might be good. Sure, it is true that I already had TEN THOUSAND MINUTES with my China Doll. But, just one more minute? No WAY!
  13. I will ALWAYS love the DOOBIE BROTHERS. Some of the music so aptly epitomizes the entire meaningless of my life. I LOVE THEM.... On the fault line...ALWAYS. Such a funny band. I was heartbroken when they broke up. All good things...as they say.
  14. Over ten more years, if I am lucky. Maybe eleven. As you say, you hit the nail on the head. Therefore, why should I even try? The answer is: I should not try to accomplish anything unreasonable, and ILLOGICAL.
  15. Alexander was interned here, which looks quite nice... Not a potter's grave, by any stretch, for sure.
  16. Of course! Alexander Prokhorov was a great writer. He lived to age 85. He wrote, "The Theory of a Small". There are many more long-lived Russian writers, such as he, of course, and too many to list here.
  17. The point of this topic is to show that TENDERNESS, EMPATHY, ETC., are important qualities in marriage. Otherwise, no matter how old you are, you just might have a 17-year-old stealing the heart of your 50-year-old Thai wife. And, it won't be her "brother', either. I thought you understood the point, here.
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