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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. What I mean is, Man.... I went to sleep in 1979, when our world was already ENOUGH divided.... And now, I am just waking up to a world which is EVEN MORE divided.... What happened, Man?!!! Division like this.... SUCKS!
  2. By the way.... What ever happened to GREAT Black Music? Did it get sidetracked for some reason? YES....it got sidetracked in America, somewhere.... Who cares, anyway, now that this has happened? Do you know what happened? You don't. Do you know what happened to Black Names in America? No. You don't. I could tell you, but you would not listen. Who cares, anyway..... Just call me LATASHA! Wow, Man, I really don't prefer PC. What about you?
  3. What I can say is this: If you have a Thai wife who loves you.... Then.... All you got to do is try a little tenderness All you got to do is hold her. Squeeze her! Don't tease her. Never leave her!
  4. Most people alive, today, might not know that, back in the 60s, men might not have treated their wives with enough tenderness. It just was not enough appreciated. And then, some singers began singing about this very problem. I recall one singer, particularly, who addressed this issue... His song went something like this.... This is why they call these guys...SOUL BROTHERS... Just because they got soul. They know how to satisfy, and keep on satisfying. What can I say?
  5. And, in addition: The old guy, 50-YEARS OLD, who so much loved to spread his cheeks with Vaseline before walking 18 holes....like he was spreading butter on bread..... As I now recall it... He worked for a petroleum company. (I am not lying. Just too strange. Even I could not fabricate something like this.)
  6. Thank you, for taking this topic seriously. There is nothing to lose. I say I will... But, I know that I never will. I am just not the flirtatious type, maybe.
  7. In order to stay true to this true story, I need to mention one more thing: One time, in the locker room, at the golf-course club house, this woman's husband mentioned to me his secret for keeping his thighs from chaffing while we walked all 18 holes. What he told me, you might try. His secret was to use VASELINE to keep his cheeks from chaffing and chapping. I kid you not. In the locker room at the golf club, he always had a jar of Vaseline which he would spread between his cheeks and thighs, just before heading out to play 18 holes. Which, of course, made me think.... Did he also need to use this jar of Vaseline, just to get his wife properly lubricated? Well, I might imagine so. Those were the 60s. And, men such as he were imbeciles. What do you think? Was it weird that his wife was rife for the flirting? Just a story about Human Sexuality, and no more, in this Sociology Class of Ours, maybe. VASELINE... A Little Dab Will Do Ya....
  8. Thank you for reading so carefully. In fact, since this is a TRUE STORY..... I once had a chum. His mother got the hots for me after watching me dig up her lawn with my pickaxe. We went for a ride in my MGB down to the city in Philly. She held my hand. My flirting with her finally disgusted me. I just don't go for older women. And then, 20 years later, and who knows why, I actually told my chum that his mom had come on to me. And, that is the end of the story. I never heard from him, again. All I can say is that this family was originally from New Hampshire. What more is there to say. It's so easy approach women whose husbands deny them any warmth. ============ Here are two videos to prove my point, in case you might wish to debate me... Both videos were produced at The University of Pennsylvania. Maybe you can stop laughing long enough to learn something from these videos. Maybe, if you keep your woman happy, she won't look for a handsome 17-year-old. Who knows. Just think about it....maybe. But, you gotta watch the two videos first. These are HIGH CLASS VIDEOS, dudes....
  9. "Even while she was giving head.... She NEVER lost her head." Hotter than Thailand, EVEN!
  10. Any joshing, aside, I have listened to Rostropovich playing Bach over 100 times. This never gets old. I recommend this to you if you wish to remain sane while the GPT world around us becomes shattered. Just a piece of advice. "IT UPS TO YOU", as the Thai Girls say.... And.... The Lou Reed Colored Girls Go....
  11. This is the best question asked on this thread. In my opinion, he would just stop everything, and listen to....ROSTROPOVICH Why? Anytime you got a HUGE cello between your legs, then there is no room for consideration of any negative thoughts. Therefore, Keep a Cello between your legs, ....girls....instead of a FARANG. You can't go wrong....
  12. As well, Sir, judging from your past-posting of your disgusting dental bridgework, I can only presume that you are one who possesses a playful nature, which can't be all bad. Or, can I just call you, Mister? Anyway, Sir, in my opinion, you are just about the only one here on this forum worth fooling around with. This is why I posted this topic, principally, with you in mind. Also, you posted that photo of your pedicure. So, then, how old was she, not that it really matters? Personally, I would be happy to clip the toenails of any sexy woman, if only I could also have the chance to look up her skirt. But, I just do not get it.... I mean... Probably there is very LITTLE to be seen when a girl clips your toenails and looks up your shorts. Tell me if I am wrong. I would hate to be mistaken, in anything, even about the Big Bang Theory. And, in your case, is the Big Bang just a Theory, not based on personal experience? Also, as I have found, if you choose the wrong woman, then....a few days later.... You are bound to have Quarks in your Shorts. This is just another reason why I remain celibate in Thailand. There are just too many flavors of Quarks floating around in Pattaya. Leptons, too.
  13. Actually, for me, this age is not arbitrary. I am just saying that, many years ago, there was a girl of 43 who was more voracious than any other I had known. Now, after much water under the dam, she is 71. And so, I am just looking for the same experience, all over again. Does this makes sense?
  14. By the way: I hope you will not mind my posting this HOT Topic. These past two months have been record-breakers in the HEAT Department, as far as I can feel. In fact, enduring this heat, here, reminds me of the novel, Tropic of Capricorn. At this heat, there is NOT A DOUBT that BUTTER would melt, just about anywhere. I have always found Marlon to be a disgusting actor, even when he was young he was too fat. Any GOOD actor would not have accepted any of the parts that Marlon accepted. I am talking about guys like Richard Harris. Compared to Harris, Brando was just a pussyfoot. But, listen... NO MATTER HOW HOT it might get, this year, with the El Nino, just stay cool, and turn up your air. One thing we all know about sex with an older woman, they are so much more susceptible to HOT FLASHES. This is why you need a High-Powered AC, if you want to score. The more powerful your AC, the more likely you are to have your way with her. Some stores here in Thailand say that you need a certain number of BTUs per square meter. So, whatever they tell you, I can tell you that you need to DOUBLE the BTUs if you want to score. For example: Normally, in just a very small space, I usually have about 36000 BTUs going FULL BLAST in my small bedroom... When the temp goes down to about 17 Degrees C, then the old lady is so happy that she goes down, too. I am telling you guys.... It's not only hormones that count. Old girls love it cold. Just try it, and see if I am stating what is not absolutely true. Thank you. Try it. 17 Degrees C...is the Magic Temperature. Believe me. (40 Degrees Outside in the Sun. 17 Degrees C in your bedroom. What would you expect to happen???)
  15. If I had known that I needed to provide proper CITATIONS, for this interesting non-academic topic, then I might have used The Chicago Manual of Style: Or, the very OLD and trusty...MLA Style Sheet for high schoolers. Please remember! Concerning REFERENCING: "Properly referencing your sources can not only help you to avoid breaking the University's strict plagiarism rules, but can also help you to strengthen the arguments you make in your work." Personally, I ALWAYS follow Oxford rules when posting anything on any forums, including this one: https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/guidance/skills/referencing I hope everyone does, too. I feel so sorry for kids, these days, who don't care much about plagiarism. In days gone by, plagiarism was a NO-NO. Everything else was fair game, including the coeds. Oh. The Good Old Days. Plum Pudding, etc.... Regards, Gamma
  16. The thing is: I have discovered that, no matter how old a man might become, he is still fascinated by the color... PINK. That beautiful PINKNESS is something that I have not seen for so many years. Yet, I will NEVER, ever forget that color. You might even say that, that color of PINK is what most virile men live for. Yet, I will not settle for less. And, I will never settle for anything over age 43. It's just not worth it. Over 43, and those hormones decline. And then, what do you end up with? Nothing worth Schtuping,....for sure. So... Therefore.... I would FAR prefer to remain celibate, any old day, rather than to rub up against a woman past her sexual prime. Sandpaper is just NOT sexy.... Sorry. But, this is the way I look at human sexuality, these days, after much research. Regards, Gamma
  17. Also, since I prefer very slim women in jeans, and since there are more slim women in Thailand, then Thailand is the place I need to be, and I remain hopeful. There is always hope, even though I am a complete introvert, concerning women.
  18. But...Back to the original topic, at hand. As for me, I can tell you TRULY, that I would rather have NO NOOKY, at all, than to Nook with any woman over the age of 43. This is why, for many years, I have not Nooked. If you can't have decent Nooky, then why settle for less? Also, I will never pay for Nooky, because this is not interesting to me. Maybe, someday, a few years in the future, when I am 75, I will find the right 43-year-old for me. I will not hold out too much hope. Neither will I fully give up on this quest. Someplace, probably in Thailand, there is a 43-year-old woman with a very slim and gorgeous body, just waiting for me. When I find her, or when she finds me, then I will not tell you. All that I can tell you is that, when I find her, I probably will post far fewer topics on TV. Best regards, Gamma
  19. Of course, as usual, you are correct. And, as you also know, fantasies are less harmless. It was the touch of a 50-Year-Old woman that made me go from 80 to ZERO, in a hurry, while on the EXPRESSWAY, going 80, that night. It is one thing to fantasize about SCHTUPING your best-friend's mother. And, it is something else to actually SCHTUP her, as you might know. Regards, Gamma Note: I am, even today, so very happy that I do not need to deal with the awful memory of SCHTUPING my best friend's mother. Note2: Things like this might look sexy in a Hollywood Movie. But, in real life, a woman of 50 is no longer that enticing, unless in a perverted way, through the eyes of a 17-year-old adolescent with nothing but sex on his brain.
  20. Of course, this is just the same old story about FORBIDDEN FRUIT, which always tastes better in Summer Months. I guess you already watched the film.... LAST SUMMER (1969) That was a hot number during the waning of the Vietnam-War Years. Hot Times in the Sand. The JUICES were Flowing!
  21. What a wonderful Sunday Topic, in my opinion. No need to thank me for this true HIT of Honesty. Best regards....
  22. Dear Friends, I am just wondering about this question. For example: When I was 17, it was easy for me to satisfy a 50-Year-Old American woman, a friend of our family. She loved looking at my bod as I used a pickaxe to dig up tree-roots in her yard. She used to sit on her porch while watching me swing my pickaxe, and the Thud, Thud, THUD, of my pick as it buried itself in her lawn seemed ultimately fascinating and riveting, for her. She could not get enough of it. Anytime I was digging up her roots on her lawn, she would prepare a tall glass of iced tea, and sit on her porch, just watching me. She was not hot. But, she was not a virgin either. And, I thought that my digging around in her lawn might provide her with a bit of amusement. And, for sure, I knew what was going on, even if she did not. I would take off my shirt, in the month of July, and the sweat would roll down my torso. I had been a world-class rower at the time, and handling a pick for an hour was, by comparison, like fiddling with chopsticks, to me. When I was young, I enjoyed seeing this 50-Year-Old Mrs. Robinson leering at me, with her son sitting next to her, not having a clue. I guess this is why we guys, who have a very HIGH IQ do these things, just simply because we get bored in the month of July, when the Dog Days are not yet upon us. So, .... Now that I am 71, do you think I still have what it takes to satisfy a woman of 43? I have no idea what women think about me, actually... Maybe you can tell me. Regards, Gamma Note: By the way, after all that pounding on her lawn, digging up tree roots with a pickaxe, I finally asked this old lady to go for a ride in my MGB, on the Expressway, down to boathouse row, to see the lights. With the top down, going 80, she held my hand. Such a let down... TRULY!
  23. I recall reading that just one shot from a blunderbuss could bring down 250 birds, in South Carolina. Not sure if this fact might be of interest.
  24. Sorry. I should have stated 0.17 caliber. Anyway, you got this huge cartridge behind this teeny tiny projectile. And I stand behind my claim that this projectile exits the barrel at 5000fps. No need to look it up on the tables. Anyway, when that prairie dog sticks his head up, It's like BLAMMO! Game over. Anyway, the 0.17 magnum rifle is the fastest projectile I know of... Other than a rail gun. It's just a simple fact of Physics. Just remember 5000fps. That's tops.
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