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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I will never use Bard to compose content for this forum. I prefer to read criticisms of the many faults present in almost any comment I post. Why would I want to deny myself this pleasure by pretending to be a machine? Even worse, if I were to post comments that were perfect, then where would the pleasure be in that?
  2. That is a completely different animal, compared to Bard. The icon you refer to seems intended for use as just some sort of chatbot toy, to while away dreary hours in the countrysides of Thailand. I am talking about a fully fledged Bard capable of entirely automating the comment-posting process. Would you like something like this? Would you lose interest knowing that most content is written by a machine?
  3. Dear Friends, (Yawnnnnn?) According to The Atlantic, AI is wrecking havoc everywhere on campuses around the world: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/05/chatbot-cheating-college-campuses/674073/ So my question is...What about FORUMS around the world. This new BARD character now released by Google is much smarter than ChatGPT, and even smarter than the smartest member of our forum. So then, do you think that it should be permissible to just use BARD to formulate replies and comments based on what one has already written in the past? Certainly, this would save much time. And, we might certainly end up with better quality comments, too. But would there be a downside to having BARD comment for us, while we do other things such as baking bread, or crocheting socks? I have just begun testing BARD, and you know that Bard is freely available to us here in Thailand, unlike ChatGPT which has a waiting list, and is restricted in some places. For example, I asked Bard about my friend, Noam Chomsky, and maybe I will post Bard's DEEP THOUGHTS, below, if this might not cause any IP controversy. I think if Bard replies to a question of mine, then I should be able to share Bard's reply provided I give intellectual attribution, or something. So, it seems to me that it might be difficult to cull out all AI written stuff from any forum, although Google is working on it. Yes, We Do live in a Brave New World, now, for sure, and like never before. You had better believe it, Honey! Best regards, Gamma
  4. Yes. It is neither one nor the other....agreed. Did you ever work for Corning? Corning, years ago, donated glass blanks to me for my projects. I have only good things to say about this glass company. I still recall the good old days when we were not so sure how to make glass fiber which was flexible to carry light and still be usable for the real world use of the great Internet. To me, that day when we did not yet possess the glass technology seems just a moment ago, looking back. Life here on this orb is just so very fleeting. By the way, as I am sure that you already realize, within the next decade, Humankind will completely lose History. History will END, and this is a Known Known. To me, this will be the gamechanger to end all games. Wait and see, my friend.
  5. Glass might drip with gravity if gravity has enough force, and given the right temperature. I have actually seen this happen on planet Earth.
  6. Been there; Done that... If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?
  7. According to Ookla, you can expect at least 50 Mbps internet connectivity speeds in Mongolia. I know what you are saying. You wish we could turn back time. Oppenheimer said the same thing. Bombs Away! AI is coming for you.
  8. One thing that freaks me out is that products we use will continue to get cheaper. And what about a Monet? Someday, soon, a Monet will be worthless. I even worry, these days, that, one day soon, even human beings may become superfluous, and worthless. So far, Somchai, the man delivering my water, is important to me. But his days are numbered. You and I will soon be antiques.
  9. Yes, my friends, The coldest temp there must be to be cuckolded... 戴绿帽子 Wearing a Green Hat. This is why, when you visit China, no matter how cold the weather,... Please never wear a green hat.
  10. I don't know why. Many years ago in Asia, fridges were considered a status symbol. People would place their fridges in their living rooms, for all to see. These days, fridges a less expensive. I use fridges with inverter motors so that they don't wake me up at night. But, if you really want to know why refrigeration is important for health reasons, then think of vaccines. My refrigerator is quite effective. Although it's cheap, the freezer compartment goes down to MINUS 23 degrees C. I don't consider this cold, at all. Did I ever tell you about my driving in Canada where the temperature was MINUS 51 degrees C? Minus 51 is really cold. My fridge does go down to minus 40, sometimes. I have used 3 digital thermometers to verify this. But, still, Timmins, Canada gets colder. Go see for yourself, if you doubt me.
  11. Today, Lazada just delivered two hats I ordered that make me look like A Great WHITE Hunter. The hats were good quality. The hats were identical. The hats had a wide brim, for the sun. And, the hats were unbelievably cheap, too. How does this even happen? How are these fine hats so cheap? Polyesters? Is this just a MIRACLE of Logistics combined with Cheap Labor in China, plus good design provided by Foreign Buyers and Importers in the West? Simply MIRACULOUS to press a few buttons on the keyboard and have, almost incredibly, so much largesse show up on one’s doorstep, AND delivered by a, normally, quite-curtious motorbike driver. It’s a MIRACLE! The above is a good example of the BEST of Times. As for the WORST of Times… I will not bore you here, at the moment, with an example of this because I am just too darned happy with my hats from China. NEVER wear a GREEN HAT in China, is my best advice to you. Yes, My Dear Friends, It is undeniable that we do live in the BEST of times. But, my obvious question to you is….HOW LONG CAN THIS LAST? How long can we continue getting MONEY FOR NOTHING? Am I joking? No. Because, it would truly be a joke to think that we will continue to get Money for Nothing, in perpetuity. In case you might think that I do not often think about this question, then you would be wrong. Note: I was so happy with these hats, that I ordered FIVE more! Soon, I will have THREE Khaki, THREE Army-Green, and THEE Navy Blue. And then, I ordered some more. I am not joking, my friends. In fact, I have just counted the hats I ordered off of Lazada, and I now have over 15 polyester hats. Is this hat-buying some example of our throw-away culture? Actually, NO. Because, I fully intend to wear these hats until the day I die, and then donate them to the temple. And, these hats are so good that they should outlast me…MANY YEARS. Sometimes I cannot believe just how cheap things have gotten. For less than a dollar, for example, you can buy so many things, such as a tumbler or a refrigerator thermometer. I have two fridges. And so, I bought two thermometers for each fridge compartment, which equaled SIX thermometers, in toto. When I was growing up, we didn’t have even ONE thermometer for the fridge. I don’t even recall how my mother took my temperature. I think she just put the back of her hand on my forehead, or something. I am only saying that we have too much cheap junk floating around. I cannot say that I am not happy to receive this cheap junk when it is delivered. But. I must put a stop to this. I will run out of space for the deliveries from Lazada, very soon. I now have TWO or THREE of almost everything I need. What good is that?!!! Just as an exemplary example, (exemplary meaning a warning in this case, and not a desirable thing), I happen to have 4 microwave ovens. I do not know why. FIRST, I began buying the second as a backup oven. And then, I bought a backup oven for the backup oven. The same thing happened with the ACs and the Fridges. Nothing lasts very long, these days. And, therefore, you need a BACKUP for whatever you buy. This is why I have 4 microwave ovens, I think. What about you, in your household? These days, you ALWAYS need a BACKUP for just about EVERYTHING…. This is a known-known, as Rummy would have said. Regards. Note: Whatever happened to RUMMY, anyway? I really LOVED that Dude. They don’t make men like RUMMY, much, anymore, it seems. Truly, I would love to see Rummy on the TV, again.
  12. Pea Brain, you mean. Yes. The bane of my existence, even from my early age. And, thank you.
  13. Hi, Chickenslegs, I know that you are reading this topic. Care to share a thought, or two?
  14. Jack Nicholson. A New Jersey original. Will there ever be another quite like him? Five Easy Pieces I would gladly give my life, just to see him do one more movie. Jack in a midshipman's hat. Jack Nicholson. He had the eyebrows. And, most of you can't handle the truth.
  15. By the way, when grinding glass in order to produce a mirror suitable for gazing at the stars, then the heat of the grinding produces a supercooled glass fluid. Some guys just think they know something, when actually, they don't know enough in enough detail. That's right. Glass can become a supercooled fluid during the glass grinding process. Hole in One, Baby!
  16. Do you want that I should tell you who is this COOLEST dude UTUBER with his BEAUTIFUL house which he built himself in Thailand? He drives an old truck wherever he roams. His UK home is by the sea. Who is he? A very unpretentious soul is he. Try as one might, you just can't find nothing wrong with him. He calls himself, James, but probably not his real name. Seems that he came to Thailand and fell in love, 20 years ago... And now, he is wishing he were in Portugal. Maybe it's not so easy to come to Asia, live here for 45 years, and then NEVER return to the West. 45 Fing years in Asia, Man! Try, if you will, to wrap your pea brains around that number! It's only logical that most of you haven't a clue what I'm gabbing about. But, I never hold this against you. Do I?
  17. Leave it to Beaver to set the record straight. But then, can you explain clearly the mechanism for grinding optics for telescopes? And, why will glass drip due to gravity, given sufficient time?
  18. Thank you, Sir! As you know, I always know, that you have my best interests at heart. Again, thank you!
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