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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. SATO is Good. He is interesting because after birth in Japan, he immediately chose to move to the mean streets of Philly where he discovered the delights of BAROQUE, Baroque EVERYTHING. Who knows if he ever survived on Cheesesteaks while in Philly. But then, he made an even better move, after a spell at Julliard, to take up his bowing at the Netherlands Bach Society. All in all, Sato has made many good choices during his short life, so far. Anyway, as you will agree, this Bach Society is a gift to the world. We can live where we want, and still enjoy the ultimate in music. Nothing, NOTHING, tops JS Bach. Everybody knows this. No debate is even entertained on this matter.
  2. Strangely enough, unlike in the Netherlands, in Thailands, I have never seen people gather outside a house, in droves, just to listen to people sing the praises of JS Bach. Maybe, someday this will happen in the Thailands, it is hoped. One can only wish. Again, wishing everyone here a very pheasant and Blessed Sunday on the last day of the Blessed Songkran Holiday. Again, Happy New Year! Although, in almost cases, I do prefer instrumental JS Bach, yet, once in a while, the Human Voice is also acceptable for a change in listening pleasure. Viva JS Bach! But not, so much, Viva Zapata, because, Hollywood Productions get old, while JS Bach is Eternal. Regards, Globby
  3. IF one is to survive in East Asia or SE Asia, without going completely BONKERS, then there is only one FINAL SOLUTION in order to escape the RANCID ASIAN POP Music...ONLY ONE Solution. And that is JS Bach, and Bach played as loud as necessary at any given moment, especially during Thai Holidays and Music Festivals. Years ago in Thailand, years before amplified music, during a time when we could often listen to classical Thai and Chinese instruments being played by masters with no need for electrical amplification, then we could have probably gotten along more easily without so much JS Bach to save us. But times have changed. Today's pop music is not music, for the most part, and is not, culturally speaking, Thai, either. The pop music which is being blasted at us throughout the nation, in the countryside and in the cities, is mindless rancid garbage compared to what music should be. Therefore, the only way to survive is to either dig a sound bunker 10 meters below the surface of the earth, or to play JS Bach, or, when the Music Festival is upon one, then you will need a bunker AND Bach. By the way: I have been enjoying the Netherlands Bach Society for a few years. Often, Bach is played on period instruments. In fact, I often prefer modern instruments, just because they sound better. And yet, I enjoy period instruments, as well, when in the mood. The Netherlands Bach Society is a service provided free to the world. I just hope we feel sufficient gratitude. Free is a very small price to pay for Sanity. Regards, Gammy
  4. I plan to move to Chiang Rai in the future where I will be able to listen to more JS Bach, and also enjoy a more culturally traditional Thai life with plenty of Chinese Green Tea. Or, I may choose to live in CM half the year and CR the other half of the year. I may opt to live in Chiang Rai during the Smoky Season, and return To Chiang Mai during the Raining Season. It's all up in the air, this year, but I hope to make the move in the relative future, yet only for six months of each year, if possible.
  5. My Dearest Friends, Above all, Songkran is a family holiday, and family is important above most else in Asian cultures. For those who are a year older this year, I wish you an even better new year. I like almost everything about Songkran holiday, other than the water fights and loud "music", or what has been called by some, the mindless and repetitious Thud, Thud, Thud...Thud-Thud...Thud, Thud, Thud...Thud-Thud. There was some of that this morning beginning quite early, but it seems to have mostly dissipated as of SongTome-Krung. There is only one change I might make to Songkran, for those who enjoy music: I would try to promote more love of JS Bach. The diversity of JS Bach is broad enough to appeal to everyone. JS Bach has composed music for almost every occasion, and most of it is unforgettable. Try this on for size for this year's New Year Celebrations: aa. Opening Chorus Herr, unser Herrscher from St John Passion BWV 245 | Netherlands Bach Society bb. St John Passion (1725 version) BWV 245 - Jacobs | Netherlands Bach Society See you guys on The Other Side. Happy New Year. Let this be a time in Thailand where, as usual, there is good will among men. And, May JS Bach continue to grow on you, and everyone. Regards, GammaGlobulin
  6. Some still refer to Thaiwan as Formosa. Thaiwan is a more appropriate name, in fact.
  7. So anyway, the most that can be easily gleaned from this tune is that this guy Nanker has begun supplying this girl with diamonds, and Nanker also hints that he will supply her with more. However, he continually warns this girl not to play with fire. However, what is unclear is why her mother lost her diamonds, and why she must get her kicks in Stepney. Also, it is not discussed whether these were blood diamonds. We only know that, if this girl does not play with fire, then she will have more diamonds. She will have others. Such an unsettling song. And, as well, this song pops up in the Finney film, Shoot The Moon. Likewise, this film ends in such an abrupt and unsettling way. For example, in the final tennis-court scene, Finney, after being beaten to a pulp by his estranged wife's lover who built the tennis courts, reaches out to his wife, aptly named FAITH. However, Faith seems reluctant to grasp the hand which is extended to her. Therefore, this Fire song is not only CRYPTIC, as was stated above, but it pops up in an equally cryptic film. The song is amazing. Finney is always amazing. Play it again, Sam! And, by the way, what about Rick Blaine? Did he and Ilsa ever meet up again, after the war, and get it on? If one is of a certain temperament, maybe one should refrain from listening or watching content like this, unless one is willing to pay the price of lasting uncertainty, and sleepless nights.
  8. Well, I think old Nanker dropped the ball when he wrote this song with no resolution to it. The song stops abruptly. There is too much left unsaid. Why could her father not be with her mother, for example. Did he die prematurely? Did his mother kick out her father to be with another man? Will the daughter follow in her mother's footsteps? Has this guy Nanker never said more about this song?
  9. Shoot the Moon? This tune popped up in this Finney film, as well. Rather haunting. RIP Finney... We all love and miss you. Thankfully, Mick is still jumping; He's not dead yet, by a long shot.
  10. Dear Friends, During the past 58 years, have you been puzzling the meaning of this rolling enigma? There is too much left unsung in this threatening song. What kind of kicks? Who is the old man? The father, the husband, or somebody else? Back in 1965, what was it REALLY like to live in Stepney? And then, how was it in Knightsbridge in 1964? Were the two places, Stepney and Knightsbridge, better than cities and districts that one might find in the UK, today? I love chamber music. I love Baroque classical music. Is this FIRE song the closest to baroque that there is? How much do you love this song? Is it even possible to dislike this song written by Nanker Phelge? Who is this guy Nanker? What a name. Whatever happened to the young woman? Did she move to Stepney, eventually? Regards, Gamma
  11. Yes. A miracle. Every breath I take, Every move I make, A miracle. In fact, I am stardust. That's the real miracle.
  12. How can my God say He is not God? This makes no sense.
  13. Have you prayed today? I did. God spoke to me, immediately. God always answers my prayers, immediately. God said to me, "I am not God" .
  14. There is almost nothing that disgusts me more than the mention of football. Still, there is one thing worse. Anytime anyone mentions the name, Knute Rockne, it makes me upchuck.
  15. Truly, as you say, it's TERRIFYING that Bobby Dylan received a Swedish Nobel for just being so mediocre, compared to major poets and writers of his generation, who were not recognized. Thank God, if there even is a God, that Bob's true legacy will have been to further cheapen the significance of the Nobel Prize for literature. For example, Philip Roth, who was passed over, needs no introduction. Obviously, the infallible Nobel Committee are not gods, afterall.
  16. Sobeit, Man. One thing I learned long ago... Never discuss politics or religion with ANYBODY who is a true believer. Also, never discuss sex or money with your wife. Always be celibate, Man! Keep things non-confrontational and copacetic. You're bound to live longer if you do.
  17. By your mention of a Nobel Laureate, and a high school student, in the same sentence, I have no doubt that you are referring to Bob Dylan. Bobby was OK while singing about his big brass bed. Such lyrics! Bob's lyricisms were High School, or Middle School. Lay, Lady, Lay... Sounds more like a young teen's wet dream, and not a Swedish Nobel. No poet worth his/her salt would even speak to Bob. Everybody knows he is a joke. His simple rhymes grate on the mind, and stick to the shoe like bubblegum.
  18. If there is God in Man, then He must be carefully hidden, too. I have yet to witness a true Godly man. Although, I have met many who professed to be so. Many a baptist have I met, not pure enough to baptize his neighbor. Billy Graham's son was my dorm mate. Therefore, I say unto you, if we are created in God's image, then, perhaps, He is a lesser God than we originally imagined. Still, God is God.
  19. Sometimes, when I think about God, I am thankful to Him for providing us with the oceans. God gave us the oceans as a carbon sink. God did not give us kitchen sinks. Kitchen sinks were created by Man. Anyway, this God-given ocean continues to soak up the carbon spewed out by his flock. But, due to His flock's spewing of carbon, God's ocean is becoming more acidic. As we, God's flock, continue to add evermore CO2 to God's oceans, God's oceans will become like seltzer water, and God's creation will continue to die. God provided us with the perfect place to live happily with each other. In return, did we properly husband God's garden? Or, did we eat too much of the apple! Chauncey was a good gardener. Why can't we, too, be more caring of our garden, like Chauncey? God loves Chauncey. You should love Chauncey, too.
  20. I could be wrong. However, I am fairly certain that Fyodor fully covered this topic over a century ago. And then, Richard Dawkins contributed his two cents. And, before Dawkins, there was Timothy Leary. And, there was Mao Zedong, too, who did his best to stamp out superstition. And then, there was Bergen-Belsen. Where was god then? 50 thousand years ago, when Man was still alive, where was god? Does God exist only on our planet? Or, does God exist everywhere throughout our universe? After Suckerberg creates his Metaverse, will Suckerberg also create a Meta-God to rule his Meta verse? Or, will Suckerberg actually be risen from the dead to rule over the Metaverse? So many important pressing questions. Too few satisfying answers. On a clear night, looking up at the Milky Way galaxy, I sometimes wonder if there is another Gamma, like me, staring at me, as I gaze at my doppelgänger. Sometimes, I think that these thoughts are just too much for my pea-sized brain, and that my mind will explode and become one with the Heavens. It's like.... It's like I can almost touch the hand of God. Reminds me of a mural I once saw in some cathedral, probably on the ceiling. CO2 is rising, year by year. Very soon, if this keeps up, we shall all meet our Maker.
  21. You are, with little doubt, not full of hot air. On the other hand, nobody is saying that you are not man enough.
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