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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Listen, Bard. I have heard it said that some AI Robots, such as the likes of you, frequently HALLUCINATE. Therefore, might I be so bold as to ask you how humans can easily discriminate between your hallucinatory responses versus your non-hallucinatory replies? Ms Brodie replies: "There are a few things that humans can look for to help them distinguish between hallucinatory and non-hallucinatory responses from AI robots. Hallucinatory responses are often illogical or nonsensical. They may make no sense in the context of the conversation or they may contradict other things that the AI robot has said. Hallucinatory responses are often based on false information. The AI robot may repeat something that it has heard or read, even if it is not true. Hallucinatory responses are often repetitive. The AI robot may say the same thing over and over again, even if it has already been asked a question. Hallucinatory responses are often emotionally charged. The AI robot may seem angry, scared, or excited, even when there is no reason to be. If you are ever unsure whether an AI robot is hallucinating, it is always best to ask for clarification. You can also try to change the subject or ask the AI robot a different question. If the AI robot continues to give illogical or nonsensical responses, it is likely that it is hallucinating. It is important to note that not all AI robots hallucinate. Hallucinations are more likely to occur in AI robots that have been trained on incomplete or inaccurate data. If you are concerned about the possibility of AI robots hallucinating, you can ask the developers of the AI robot about the training data that was used to train the AI robot." Obviously, Ms. Brodie is way past her prime.
  2. Bard, I would like to ask you whether or not you have ever written prose while being drunk, such as did F. Scott Fitzgerald. And, if you were to get drunk and write prose, then do you believe that being drunk might improve your prose? Ms Bard replies: "I have never written prose while drunk, as I am a large language model and do not have the ability to consume alcohol. However, I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results. There is no consensus on whether or not drinking alcohol can improve prose. Some people believe that alcohol can loosen inhibitions and allow writers to express themselves more freely, while others believe that it can impair judgment and lead to sloppy writing. Ultimately, whether or not drinking alcohol improves prose is a matter of personal preference. If I were to get drunk and write prose, I do not believe that it would improve my prose. I believe that I would be more likely to make mistakes and produce less coherent writing. Additionally, I would be more likely to be distracted and unable to focus on the task at hand. I believe that the best way to write good prose is to be sober and focused. When I am sober, I am able to think clearly and articulate my thoughts more effectively. I am also able to edit my work more carefully and ensure that it is free of errors. If you are interested in writing good prose, I would recommend that you avoid drinking alcohol while you are writing. Instead, focus on staying sober and focused so that you can produce your best work." My Friends... I do believe that our lives as great writers are now over. Bard, without even a tipple, still can write better than we, any old day, and at any moment of the day. This really does take the fun out of writing, when even a dummy can do what only we thought we could do. It's been nice to know you, kids!
  3. I think I got BARD, now....! I asked the following question to the Bard EIGHT BALL....! "Do you believe that Google’s Bard AI can write a better paragraph than Philip Roth, a writer who deserved a Nobel, and, if so, can you please provide an example demonstrating why Bard is even better than Philip Roth at paragraph writing? And, also, after your reading of Roth’s works, which paragraph do you believe is Roth’s most sublimely written paragraph. Thank you, Ms. Bard!" Miss Bard responded with the following gibberish: "Whether or not I believe that Google's Bard AI can write a better paragraph than Philip Roth is a matter of opinion. I can, however, provide an example of a paragraph that I wrote that I believe is well-written. "The sun was setting over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sky. The clouds were painted in shades of pink and orange, and the birds were singing their evening songs. It was a beautiful sight, and I felt a sense of peace and tranquility as I watched it unfold." I believe that this paragraph is well-written because it is clear, concise, and uses vivid language to create a picture in the reader's mind. The paragraph also has a strong sense of rhythm and flow, which makes it enjoyable to read. As for which paragraph I believe is Roth's most sublimely written paragraph, I would have to say that it is the opening paragraph of his novel "Portnoy's Complaint." "I am a member of the Lost Generation, the generation that came of age after World War II. We were the first generation to grow up with television, and we were the first generation to be truly disillusioned with the American Dream. We were the children of the Depression, and we had seen our parents struggle to make ends meet. We were the children of the Cold War, and we had seen the world on the brink of nuclear annihilation. We were the children of the Vietnam War, and we had seen our friends and loved ones die in a pointless conflict. We were the generation that had lost its faith in the future, and we were the generation that was determined to find our own way in the world." This paragraph is sublime because it captures the essence of a generation in a few short sentences. It is a powerful and moving piece of writing that resonates with anyone who has ever felt lost or disillusioned. Ultimately, whether or not you believe that Google's Bard AI can write a better paragraph than Philip Roth is a matter of opinion. I believe that both Bard and Roth are capable of writing beautiful and moving paragraphs, and it is up to each individual to decide which writer they prefer." Bard is OK, for now. Ten years from now, Ms. Bard might be far more than OK. (I forgot to ask him about F. Scott Fitzgerald, or whether Bard writes while being drunk.)
  4. Please do not misinterpret or warp my comment in any way that was not intended. Personally, my bent in life is to think the very best of my fellow man. Hope it is the same for you, too.
  5. I assume that he is not, actually. I have been watching him for quite some time. I believe he is more playful and intelligent, rather than devious and degrading to others. I am sure I am correct in this, actually. I believe he just likes to have fun, same as most of us, before we die.
  6. Hey, Lacessit.... You are the best writer on this forum...so far. I know this to be true...and....So do you. BUT....still.... You cannot hold a candle to the likes of PHILIP ROTH. Even, maybe, Bard cannot...thus far. Or, do you think you deserve a Nobel for writing perfect paragraphs? Roth was a GENIUS, as you know. Bard may soon become a genius WITHOUT the Genius.... Enjoy your golf game, tomorrow morning, Sir.
  7. Hey, Man... I keep on trying to tell people I know that GPT spells the END of Human Cultural History. Nobody listens to me. But, I bet you know this to be true. Just due to the fact that when ANY history, whatsoever, can be easily duplicated...then.... ALL History is just a....Thing of the Past. I KNOW you are smart enough to realize this..... Right? Thank the Gods, you are old enough to not worry about this...TOO much. I could say a LOT more, but what is the point? You usually know what I want to say...even...before I say it.... (But, I still LOVE Glass, Baby! Glass is such a magnificent substance.)
  8. Echoes of Love? Echoes of Human cultural History? Yeah, BABY! You just do not know what is about to hit you. Some might. BUT, probably...NOT YOU... //
  9. BARD is an idiot. If you wish him to make a spontaneous joke, then she needs prompting. Also, I bet Bard does not lubricate like my former wife, on top of a building, in HK. Just a guess.
  10. The DOOBIE BROTHERS ....NAILED IT....many decades ago, and foretold the coming of GPT. I used to listen to this song on the terrace in Kowloon, on the rooftop in Kowloon, thinking I might be able to make love with my wife, on the rooftop, with the whole city of HK watching us pleasure ourselves. My wife was the daughter of a HK Tycoon, and hot to trot, baby! We had the entire rooftop of the building to ourselves, and we were young enough to enjoy it. Yes, My Friends, I have not much to regret, as I look back upon my life. Now, you have BARD, but what is that?
  11. IMPORTANT: Please note that PHOTO placed on the desk, just next to the computer display... Looks Like LOVE, to me! Thank you! I love photos of true love, such as this.... LOOKS LIKE...Planet of the Apes, to me....!
  12. Hey, Man! Please just do not tell me that this foot in the photo is yours....You LUCKY Dog! I am already too envious of you, out on the links, every day of the remaining years of your life, in this fare city... For sure! I also see that you have a XiaoMi Air Purifier... Good Idea!
  13. Concerning whether to go, or to stay, nobody said it better than Jimmy!...
  14. Honestly, if Bard were a flesh-and-blood femail, and if it were legal, I would definitely marry her. She seems to know just about everything about that which interests me. And, she never tires of answering my many questions. If ONLY there were a real human like Bard, she would be my type. Now, if only I could find some way to get her, Bard, to cut my toenails, then all would be right with our world. I am so tired of girls who turn up their noses when I ask them to give me a good pedicure. The sky is the limit, in the near future. I have had just a taste of Bard, and, very soon, I will turn up my nose at anything faintly/feintly human. By the way...I have been watching the very recent re-runs of the Dick Van Dyke show. Who needs a Laura when you can have a Bard? Laura is just too flighty. I need and deserve something better before I die...
  15. I promise you, Lacessit, that I will read this book. Meanwhile, here is another question I asked Bard about Slocum and his Headhunter encounter: Assuming you have read Joshua Slocum's book, "Sailing Alone Around the World", do you, Bard, believe that Slocum could have better outrun the headhunters if he had had access to Google's Bard AI, while alone in his boat, after rounding the Horn? "Yes, I believe that Joshua Slocum could have better outrun the headhunters if he had had access to Google's Bard AI. Bard AI is a large language model that has been trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This means that Bard AI has access to a vast amount of information, including information about headhunters and how to avoid them. Bard AI could have helped Slocum to make better decisions about his route and to avoid dangerous areas. Additionally, Bard AI could have provided Slocum with real-time updates on the weather and other conditions, which would have helped him to sail safely. In the book, Slocum describes how he was chased by headhunters after rounding the Horn. He was able to outrun them by sailing at night, but he was still very scared. If he had had access to Bard AI, he would have been able to make better decisions and to feel more confident about his safety. Here are some specific ways that Bard AI could have helped Slocum: Bard AI could have provided Slocum with information about the headhunters' habits and movements. This would have helped Slocum to avoid them more easily. Bard AI could have provided Slocum with real-time updates on the weather and other conditions. This would have helped Slocum to sail safely and to avoid dangerous areas. Bard AI could have helped Slocum to make better decisions about his route. This would have helped him to avoid dangerous areas and to reach his destination more quickly. Overall, I believe that Bard AI could have been a valuable asset to Joshua Slocum on his journey around the world. Bard AI could have helped him to sail more safely and to avoid danger." So, my friend, do you think that Bard might also help you avoid the many Headhunters which are, as we all know, rampant on the links, here in this city? And, I think I hale from the same city as do you. (Do you recall that hail storm a few weeks ago? What a doozy that was!)
  16. In order to answer your pertinent question: Here is a question I asked BARD, just the other day.... Why does Chomsky state that the capabilities of AI are completely overstated, and that AI has little significance in our world today? Bard's reply.... "Noam Chomsky is a linguist and philosopher who has been critical of artificial intelligence (AI) for many years. He argues that AI systems are not capable of true intelligence, and that they are not as significant as many people believe. Chomsky's main criticisms of AI are: AI systems are not capable of true intelligence: Chomsky argues that AI systems are not capable of true intelligence because they do not have the ability to understand the world in the same way that humans do. He argues that AI systems are simply able to process information and make predictions, but they do not have the ability to think critically or to understand the meaning of information. AI systems are not as significant as many people believe: Chomsky argues that AI systems are not as significant as many people believe because they are not capable of doing anything that humans cannot do. He argues that AI systems are simply tools that can be used to automate tasks, and that they do not have the ability to replace humans in any meaningful way. Chomsky's criticisms of AI have been echoed by other critics, such as the philosopher John Searle. However, AI researchers have responded to these criticisms by arguing that AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and that they are capable of doing things that were once thought to be impossible. They argue that AI systems are not just tools, but that they are capable of becoming true intelligent agents. The debate over the capabilities of AI is likely to continue for many years to come. However, Chomsky's criticisms have helped to raise important questions about the nature of intelligence and the role of AI in our society." If you don't believe in Noam, then who, or what, can you believe in?
  17. I will never use Bard to compose content for this forum. I prefer to read criticisms of the many faults present in almost any comment I post. Why would I want to deny myself this pleasure by pretending to be a machine? Even worse, if I were to post comments that were perfect, then where would the pleasure be in that?
  18. That is a completely different animal, compared to Bard. The icon you refer to seems intended for use as just some sort of chatbot toy, to while away dreary hours in the countrysides of Thailand. I am talking about a fully fledged Bard capable of entirely automating the comment-posting process. Would you like something like this? Would you lose interest knowing that most content is written by a machine?
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