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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Everybody already knows what you just found out. Beethoven was a scoundrel, too. Some say that Herbert Von Karajan was a member of the Nazi Party. Need we mention Wagner? Are you saying that the Jews should stop listening to Wagner? Or, are you saying that we do not know that Carrol was probably a pedophile? Out with it, Man!
  2. Hamilton Books is the publisher. The author's surname begins with the letter J. Now, you have all the information needed to find this book.
  3. The towels in the locker room are always new and extra fluffy. There is a sauna. But there is no massage Photos were taken around 2005, as you can tell from the model year of the white automobile. I sold both condos at Agile in 2013 and 2014. No point in hanging around China after the new Emperor came to power. The writing was on the wall. I have no idea what Agile looks like now. Many of the owners and golfers at Agile were from Hong Kong. Food at the clubhouse was OK. Almost ZERO farang there, initially. Very luxurious inside the gates of Agile. But outside the gates, typical commie squalor. Without freedom even living in luxury soon becomes a bummer. And, even the rulers of China have become prisoners of the world they have created. Thankfully, the CCP still has Musk on their side. Musk has become the CCP's Token White Man. Someday, Musk will learn a great lesson.
  4. You must be joking. These days, having a serious discussion about the REAL world seems to be the very last thing that the majority wish to have. Chomsky, at MIT, tried to have an intelligent conversation with the world, beginning back in 1968. The result was that most people rejected and ridiculed him. James Hansen was ridiculed for attempting to hold a discussion in the 1980s. Jack Nicholson said it best. You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the truth.
  5. Yes. There really ought to be a name for the newly rich who treat others like dirt. I think the French have a word for it. I don't mind the game of golf, per se, however I detest the status baggage that accompanys it, in Asia, particularly. Also, I don't like assenine, rediculously-colored golfing attire. If I could go back to the year 1970, at Waynesbarrow, then I would tee off in nothing but a jockstrap and yell fore! Also, I would make it a rule that all clubs be made of hickory. In addition, I would remove all ball washers from the course. I used to hate it while watching men so meticulously wash their balls at every tee.
  6. Even worse, is when one is too thin yet perceives oneself as too fat. Maybe this is why Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
  7. Oakmont sounds very familiar. Or, maybe I am thinking of St. Davids. The reason I don't like Waynesboro is that I can never remember how to spell its name. Also, in 1970, the club was full of new-rich types, prancing about. Watching new-rich duffers on a newly established golf course is like watching dogs shoot snooker ... One doesn't know whether to laugh or cringe. Oh, by the way... What do you think about the Agile course in Zhongshan? Take the ferry from HK to Zhongshan, and it once was paradise before Xi's time. Maybe I'll upload a few photos.
  8. I'm TOTALLY against drugs, my friend. Except, everyone should be grateful to live in the age of antibiotics and vaccines. Smallpox is no fun. This is the disease which makes one smaller. Thankfully, I have been inoculated. If Smallpox ever escapes the labs in North Korea, then everybody around the world will become shorter. Thankfully, the Gates Foundation is on the case,and we need not worry about this eventuality.
  9. If you want cheap food which is delicious, nutritious, wholesome, and healthy, then please just head for the nearest university. Don't be afraid of the students. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. Major universities have up to a dozen cafeterias strategically located throughout the campus. Also, while at Chula, you can also sign up for an intensive Thai language course. 15 hours per week of Thai. Plus food at the cafeteria. Sounds like pig heaven to me. Most tourists are idiots. Why bake oneself on a beach, when one can just as easily learn Thai at Chula in an air-conditioned classroom with dynamite instructors?
  10. Do you know George Fazio? He designed this course: https://www.pga.com/play/pa/paoli/waynesborough-country-club/0928800 https://www.yelp.com/biz/waynesborough-country-club-paoli I just want to tell you: Never go there. I once was a member at this rinky-dink place. Established in 1965. In 1964, twelve far-sighted local business and professional men saw the need for a top flight, family-oriented country club in the Paoli area. Meeting at each other's homes, they conceived a club with first rate facilities that could be enjoyed by every member of the family. Today, the activities and facilities of Waynesborough Country Club accommodate the interests and requirements of over 600 members and their families. True to the planning and work of a dozen visionaries over 40 years ago, and with the tireless and imaginative efforts of dedicated officers and committee members in the intervening time, Waynesborough Country Club continues as a premier full-family country club. The only good thing at this course are the geese, which you can kill at Christmas Time to have your Christmas Goose, and cook it at the clubhouse. My advice to you is to stay off this course and read Dickens, instead. On the plus side: "A real 5 star country club. The golf course is immaculate and plays as a true test of championship golf. The course plays over 7000 yards from the tips and the course plays fast and long. Fairways are tight and fairly wide. Greens are amazing and very big. Easy to get lost in them and if you are a high spin player you will rip the ball off these greens. I didn't like how many plugged lies my group got in the bunkers both off the tee and greenside, we had 5 in our group which seems a lot, but the one non plugged lie I had they played beautifully. If you're fortunate to get the opportunity to play here, you'll enjoy it. A real special place!" I have never been a joiner of anything. This is why I hate all Country Clubs. I respect your love of golf.... But... This is why I hate golf: Do you see this nitwit bonnet he is sporting? This is Fazio, the guy who designed the course. Who in their right mind would ever hire a designer who had no style sense? To my mind, this guy looks like a... Anyway, I am too rough a person to play the refined game of golf. I prefer to listen to others with their stories of holes in one, and how they caught a fish in the par-three pond. Diving for balls was really what I loved to do most. Enjoy your exercise, my friend....if we are still friends, which I doubt.
  11. CM, of course. When in Thailand, I eat only Thai food. When in ChengDu, I eat nothing but Sichuan cuisine. When in Taiwan, I never eat Taiwanese food, other than SanBeiJi. One thing I NEVER do is to Chi Doufu (eat beancurd) in Taiwan, just because it's sort of a pun. I will never again be in the Tri-state area. Therefore, I have long-ago banished Tri-state food, such as lebanon baloney from memory. Maybe I am better off without the nitrates and nitrites? Who knows. Concerning extravagant meals, I have already lost my interest. Concerning extravagant anything, I have lost my interest. Maybe it's the Thailand Effect? People can achieve happiness and fulfillment with a heck of a lot less. CM is better than Naples, Florida. In Naples, Florida, it's almost impossible to live without at least two Mercedes and many pairs of designer shades. Here in CM, one can subsist with a dozen 3M two dollah sunglasses which will last beyond the grave. In fact, I have included my dozen cheap 3M sunglasses in my will. One box of a dozen 3M sunglasses, 24 bucks, to my relatives. I just hope that they will use them wisely, and not squander them. Great Topic! Who does not like food? Who does not like peaches? Who does not like a peach tree painted by Van Gogh? Who can afford to buy a Van Gogh peach tree? Here, where I am, who can afford to buy a kilo of broccoli? Almost nobody at Bt.100 per kilo.
  12. Are you so vain that you still think I am seeking your attention??? Anyway, truth be told, you are an excellent writer, or a writer of excellence. Obviously, I am not even half the writer you were, when you were in your prime, like Miss Jeane Brody. I canna spell, for one. You are older than I. So, in Thai culture, I should call you Pi. Take it easy, Man! I respect you. Remember when you corrected me? I had stated that plants require phosphorus. And you corrected me. You said that I meant phosphate. But, I did not mean phosphate. I meant phosphorus. By the way: The weather is now FINE for golf. Here up north, it's almost an autumn day. I am surprised that the leaves have not yet begun to turn color. Enjoy your golf outing during this glorious cool season. I used to love golfing in the month of October when the leaves were turning and the Canadian geese were landing on the green. I used to be a member at Waynesborough Country Club, way out on the Main Line. Take care, my friend. I wish you a very good afternoon on the links.
  13. Health reasons? Funny you should mention such a thing. After having ceased all outside dining, April of 2020, I have experienced ZERO intestinal upsets. But is ZERO intestinal upsets worth the forgoing of amazing Thai food? No! Just as ZERO Covid does more harm than good. During the past 2.6 years, I have spent ZERO on restaurant dining, food delivery, or green tea yan. Also, during the past 2.6 years, I have even forgotten how to order food in passa Thai. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself, having missed eating over 1500 Thai dishes that I would have eaten without the pandemic. And then, I think how lucky I am to have not been on a respirator while being fed via a stomach tube with not much flavor, at all. In my opinion, Chinese cuisine is the best. Thai food is a close second. True Italian food is an even closer third. Cancer patients, for example, cannot taste the difference when undergoing some types of chemo and radiation treatments. This is why I am grateful to be able to enjoy my food, no matter how meagre the menu. Please don't misunderstand me. I could easily dine on prawns and crab everyday if I wanted to. It's just that I would prefer to be eating XingZhou Chao Mifen. And, just before the pandemic hit, our chef from Sichuan returned to ChengDu. After he left, it's been nothing but rice, cabbage, boiled eggs, etc. Nobody here knows how to properly work the stove. Thankfully, we are able to divert attention from food to other artistic pleasures,such as the paintings of Van Gogh. We have been reading Vincent's letters to his dear brother. These touching letters are so poignant that they almost entirely relieve us of any fixation on food. As well, we have been reading several culinary-related books, mostly Italian. Despite what you might think, we still consider ourselves, considering the world's present state, to be living high on the hog. So, please don't cry for me, Argentina...
  14. I agree with you that skin color makes no difference to me, simply because I am better than that. And, also because, I prefer to live in a place where skin color is all the same color, except mine. However, if I were not white, like Jasmine Rice, and if my skin were black, for example, then I still would not mind being a Token Black Man. And, ALSO, I am fairly thick-skinned. So, I don't mind being called a token anything. Culture, on the other hand, is important to me.
  15. Furthermore, I think you do not understand why I come to this forum. I come here simply because there are a few here who seem to have a wickedly dry and biting sense of humor, well written. Sometimes I come here to be derided. If I were not derided, often enough, I would leave this forum. I love to be mocked and ridiculed without mercy. This is the main reason I am here.
  16. Haha! I think it is YOU that does not understand that I don't care about the audience in this forum! As for your calling yourself a "pale face", I am just pleased that you picked up on the James Fenimore Cooper allusion, because I was not sure you had it in you to do so...
  17. You are only able to naively say such a thing because you have never tasted brown sugar. Brown sugar, as everybody knows, is not the same.
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