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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. A great education, maybe, is only seen in the rearview mirror. Some schools are better than others. Best not to choose teachers who have no understanding of education. So many rip-offs, these days. So many substandard teachers hailing from so many countries, just wishing to pickup a few extra dollars, or rupee, before they move on. So many unqualified teachers, in fact. Always best to check out their academic credentials and qualifications, and native teaching ability, before enrolling in a school. Once one is enrolled, then there is no assurance that one will be granted a gifted teacher. This is just too much of a very complicated question. Goodbye, Mr. Chips. He is now long gone.
  2. What is great education? "I know it when I see it". The phrase was used in 1964 by United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart to describe his threshold test for obscenity in Jacobellis v. Ohio.[1][2] In explaining why the material at issue in the case was not obscene under the Roth test, and therefore was protected speech that could not be censored, Stewart wrote: The expression became one of the best-known phrases in the history of the Supreme Court.[4] Though "I know it when I see it" is widely cited as Stewart's test for "obscenity", he never used the word "obscenity" himself in his short concurrence. He only stated that he knows what fits the "shorthand description" of "hard-core pornography" when he sees it.[5] Stewart's "I know it when I see it" standard was praised as "realistic and gallant"[6] and an example of candor.[7] It has also been critiqued as being potentially fallacious, due to individualistic arbitrariness.[8][9]
  3. My Dear Friends, Fortunately, when I was young, I attended school elsewhere, before coming here. So, what do you think? If you truly wanted a first-class education, up to age 18, then would this place be best for you? What can you learn here, also? Just a simple question having so many possible points of view. Take care, my friends. I was not educated here, as you might have guessed. Best to all my friends on this great forum. Glob.
  4. Interesting you should mention this. As you know, according to some religions, there is a blessing one should recite for everything, including successful defecation. There is great beauty, thankfulness, and relief in being able to excrete successfully. Defecation is the final act of digestion, and, one cannot happen without the other. Therefore, it is just as blessed to defecate as it is to consume apple pie with ice crème. Unfortunately, one cannot have consumption without deification. On Mount Everest, too much deification is taking place, committed by too many armature mountain climbers. If the guys there do not pay enough cash to have the guides carry down their steaming droppings, then Mount Everest may need to be renamed. Such is the world that even the highest most inaccessible peak is becoming despoiled after only a few short decades. Does anyone believe that after 1000 short years our world will become totally unrecognizable.
  5. And, the Raspberry Pi .... still goes on.......FOREVER. Years ago, we knew about raspberries and pie. Now, we know just how important Raspberry Pi can be. Almost as important as 3.14159 Some like the raspberry, and others prefer strawberries.
  6. You see. When I first came to Thailand, I thought this tree to be hideous in its orange color. I did not understand this tree. Same as when I first viewed this painting... Now, I love this tree. Now, this tree is the most beautiful tree, for me. Living in Thailand has the effect of changing one's perspective. Seen from the perspective of Picasso, I wonder how this orange DELOINX tree, if that is the species it is, might have been painted. Even Picasso could not have improved on the beauty of this tree.
  7. My Friends, Before coming to Thailand, I had never seen a DELOINX. At first, I thought them ugly. After many years, I now find them beautiful. Maybe just like your wife, for example. Anyway, what is your favorite tree in Thailand? So many trees to choose from, just like everything else in Thailand. You are lucky to be here, for so many reasons. And, what you might not have appreciated when you first arrived, here in Thailand, does grow on you. Or, if it does not grow on you, then it might grate on you. When and if this happens, then you must leave. Regards, Glob.
  8. Maybe. However, there is no cure for pure beauty. Let me tell you..... I just witnessed our Moon descending like a giant orb on fire, slowly, .... down, down, down, until it finally disappeared below the mountains here. The Moon seemed to grow larger, the closer to the mountains it fell. A beautiful sight such as this happens only a few times in a lifetime, let me tell you. I consider myself blessed this morning. There is no cure for beauty, and even if a cure could be found, would one swallow such a distasteful pill?
  9. And, if so, Will this lead to a BOOM in Pattaya Nightlife Income for Bar Owners? My Dear Friends, If you know me, then you will know that I am an inveterate celibate, and completely safe from STDs, due to my celibate and conservative lifestyle. Yes, I am a man of letters, one who prefers study to bar pursuits, and chasing skirts. However, I have recently read in the rag “Nature”, that great progress is being made towards developing new vaccines which, in my opinion, might lead to eradicating certain viruses and other bacterial illnesses caused by conjugation with questionable strangers, whether for profit or just for fun. So, my question is: If we finally get some sort of mRNA vaccines which can totally wipe out the risk from engaging In and Out, then, will this new biotech change the world? Will it change the world, similar to the way The PILL changed our world in the 1970s? My guess is YES! If there were no longer any fear of STDs, then…. the SKY is the Limit. And, we will be able to do the deed, with anyone, as many times as we like, until the cows come home. Would you rather have this Silver Bullet for all STD infections, or would you rather have a cure for cancer, IF you had the choice? Personally, I would prefer to be able to do the In and Out, a million times, in my life, at no risk, rather than to be safe from cancer, some disease which I am unlikely to get, anyway, only once. When I was younger, I got the drips several times, and this was not fun. Back in the day, those were the dark ages of itching and pain. Soon, we will be able to skew with impunity, just as soon as biotech provides us with the armor we require. In fact, I would guess that, if NOBODY were afraid of STDs, then, Humans might even become more amorous than Bonobos. What do you think? And, will this not just be Grand for Pattaya Entrepreneurs, be they Freelancers or salaried men and women laboring away in bars? We can look forward, soon, to a fantastic new future. Let us say a Brave New World, the likes of which Huxley only wrote about. Someday soon, LOVE will truly be free. We will achieve a lifestyle that hippies of yore only dreamed about, while dripping. Please: Let us not be prudish. There is nothing wrong with skewing. I may be celibate; however, I am not one to rain on other’s parades. Regards, Glob Please NOTE: Stay Safe-Stay Celibate (this is what I do) Note2: Thank heavens, if all goes well with biotech, someday soon, condoms will become a thing of the past. (I have never worn a condom, but I know those who have, and they don’t like them.)
  10. My Dear Friends, In all seriousness, did you old guys originally come to Thailand in order to partake of a more traditional lifestyle, after reading the Mana Manee Books? Who is Mana Manee, anyway? Here she is, and here are her friends, too….! Some of you old guys might get tears in your eyes just considering all the tradition lost in Thailand, ever since these great and wonderful books were first published, years ago, when life in Thailand was purer and happier. OK. To be honest with you, I fell in love with the Maanii (Manee) Books, just as soon as I began to read them. Stories about snakes, horses, dogs, a monkey, and cats, in Thailand, are inestimably enthralling. So, in fact, and in all seriousness, how have these great books touched your soul, as they have absolutely touched mine. When an era is lost, whom amongst us feeling guys do not mourn. Some say that men have no soft spot in their hearts. However, I know that there are guys on the Farang Pub who surely do have a soft spot for such a touching thing as these stories which were created so successfully to instill good morals in good children, which is a very good thing. I think that these stories worked their magic. There is no doubt. And now, I just wish that these days of Manee could return, though I realize that this will never, ever, happen. Such the poorer we shall be for the loss. Best regards, Glob (There are various transliterations and romanizations of the Thai word for Manee มāนี . Take your pick, but please do not blame me, here, for using several romanizations, just to please nobody. Thank you.)
  11. Albert Finney. Finnicky eaters are not attractive. All men love a woman with a healthy appetite.
  12. Drooling..... I have not had decent cheese in almost 21 years, next month. However, no better lamb can be found other than what you can get in DaLian, China. Wild salmon? All this sounds really grand to me, after having eaten tuna from tins for 24 months. In my opinion, the world's cuisines can be arranged in this type of hierarchy: a. Chinese b. Thai c. Italian d. comida española e. Parts of Mexico (the good parts) f. F, or French, and does anyone enjoy French Cooking? Italian seems much better. Food is important. Hope you enjoy your fill of Norwegian delights, and perhaps some homecooked simple meals, as well. Drooling like a mad dog, now.
  13. Would your food taste better if you could know everyone had enough to eat? Every Tom, Dick, and Harry, as well as their children, too?
  14. From an alternative, and more important, perspective.... There are many families who are more concerned with just getting enough calories each day to keep themselves and their children moving forward. Many are not overly concerned with gourmet meals. This fact is something that we all think about, especially these days.
  15. Please just enjoy your food. This is all that we should ask for on the Farang Pub. Have you ever eaten an American meat loaf? Although we cannot recommend it, still there are those that swear by it. No reason to be a food snob. Eat what you like. Don't make excuses for eating what you love. Eat what you like: Have Faith!
  16. After so many months, food is more important than....even....sex..... This is not necessarily Thai food, and, actually, it is just 星洲炒米粉, xingzhouchaomifen. Still, during this pandemic, this is one of the many wonderful dishes I miss most. As regards Thai dishes I also miss, I would prefer not to think about them.... Too much sorrow when I think, too much, about what I have been missing.
  17. When things get back to normal, what is the Dish you will Enjoy Most? And, which is your FAVORITE Thai Restaurant in ALL of Thailand. My Dear Friends, If you are like me, then you will feel exactly as I, and you will have been missing some great Thai food, even as you have been restricted, by the virus, from fully partaking of the culinary delights of Thailand. Being in Thailand, and yet being somewhat restricted from enjoying the great food of Thailand, is the pits. And so, when things truly get back to normal, what is your favorite dish? And, just how much do you miss enjoying Thai food, and Thai company, during these times? As for me, being in Thailand, and being without access to the pleasure of enjoying great Thai food, is one of the worst impacts of this great worldwide pandemic. Time is ticking. During these past few years, so much food, which would have been best eaten, has not been eaten. Truly, this has been the greatest waste of this pandemic. So many great Thai chiefs have not been able to strut their stuff during these past many months. Such a travesty of wasted culinary delights, obviously. So many great tastes in Thailand, and yet, during these past months, some of us have been existing on canned food, basically, as if we were dining in our home countries. There is no doubt that this pandemic is coming to a close. And, when it does, I will visit a restaurant to order something I love most. What is your dream meal? Something, some dish, you can only find here in Thailand. If I were to die tomorrow from the virus, what is the dish I would regret not having eaten, just one more time? I am sure I know. And, yours? Regards. Glob
  18. Also, guys, during this impending Hot Season of Thailand, all that I have to say is this: Beginning about four hours ago, I set my AC thermostat at 16 degrees C. And now, the temperature in my rooms is about 19.5 degrees C. So, what do you think? Is 20 degrees C, somehow, too cold for Thailand's Hot Season? I think not. Also, is 20 degrees C considered to be some sort of EXOTIC temperature for one's living space in Thailand? During the Cold Season, I became inured to being far too cold for my taste. And then, gradually, I began to enjoy being cold. And now, I refuse to return to being too hot. Therefore, I believe, the best way forward for me is to just set the AC thermostat to 16, and hope for the best. Some like it hot. Some like it cold. Have you ever been to Harvard? Harvard guys like it hot. When I say that I might be experiencing a Hot Flash, I do not mean that I might have a Slight Flush.
  19. For those who may not have, nor choose to use, an AC during the hottest months of the Hot Season here, there is still relief if you just might focus on an image of Neptune. Neptune is one of our coldest planets, and Neptune is also blue. We normally associate coldness with the color blue. Therefore, if you might not have an AC during the Hot Season, you will still be able to avoid heat stress, maybe, if you just focus on this image of Neptune: Neptune is not a hot planet. The mean temperature of Neptune is a welcome minus 200 degrees C. Not too hot. Not too cold. Maybe just the best Goldilocks Temperature, for Thailand's hot season. Such an amazing planet. Maybe, someday, we will all be able to visit Neptune.
  20. You mean that the heat you are feeling is a sticky heat/ Anyway, as I mentioned above, I have 36,000 BTU of AC power going FULL BLAST, and, my room temp is down around 20 degrees C. Maybe..... Drink more water? Take care, Man! As this month of March marches on, the weather can only become hotter. Take care!
  21. OK. Please let me explain myself. Sometimes, when the roosters begin calling at odd hours throughout the day, and when the music festivals begin pounding out bass, enough bass to shake my house, and when the sun heats me up to almost my melting point, and when this becomes just about too much for me.....I begin dreaming of going underground. Am I the only one who has this dream? If I had enough money, then I would build a very small house with a very deep multi-level cellar, a cellar which would descend down into the earth, about 60 meters. And then, anytime we had a music festival in my neighborhood, then I would just retreat down there, and continue to enjoy my Peace on Earth, or below earth. But, what about lighting? Would I wish to live in the dark, way down there, underground? No, I would not. There is plenty of technology which would allow me to live below the surface of Thailand, noise free, and still be able to enjoy the sunlight of this wonderful place, as well as enjoy views to outside, even while living underground during times when roosters crow, or when music festivals here disturb the peace of the sane members of our society. For example, here is just one way to pipe in sunlight from above, while hiding from the noise aboveground: In addition, living belowground, during a nearby music festival upheaval, or a rooster crowing contest, or when your neighbor is just using a weed whacker, is the only way to go, if one seeks peace and quiet. All you need is money. If you have enough money, then, almost anyone can live a life of peace and quietude. Don't let noise cause you so much stress, if you can avoid it. You will be happier living a much more peaceful existence, even if you must retreat belowground, when necessary,
  22. Did you ever try living underground? Underground, if one goes deep enough, then the temps might be somewhere around 53 degrees F, or 11 degrees C. All homes should have an underground room, in my opinion, just so that one can escape the heat, and, most importantly, the noise of the many roosters in one's area, as well as the blasting of bad music, something which is otherwise almost impossible to escape. Build a deep underground bunker, is your best option, if you wish to live peacefully in SE Asia.
  23. As everybody knows, one of the most important marketing strategies of 7_Eleven is to maintain their store temperatures at extremely low temps. And so, every time a customer enters the store, then the customer is hit with very cold and inviting air. Therefore, in order to keep myself out of the Seven stores, and avoid buying junk food, it is better for me to keep my home environment at an EVEN LOWER temperature than the ambient temps inside the Seven stores. This is how I save money on junk food. What about you?
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