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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. For some reason, we are talking apples and eggs, here, and you do not get my meaning, for some strange reason. I am talking about getting a decent education, by age 18. You know, something like you might get at Phillips Exeter Academy, for example. But, not really. I am talking lesser known schools like The Hill School in Pottstown, or the very Shady Side Academy. Most schools are garbage. Or, not really. In fact, most students should not be in school. Instead, they should just be robots. And, we know how to program robots, do we not? Most likely, your children are robots, I would guess.
  2. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking Great book https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8520610-quiet I can only assume that you have already read this book.
  3. Anyway, before you die from Putin, which is a real possibility, then, please listen to Cripple Creek. Earl Scruggs is to die for. (Don't blame me. Blame Putin.)
  4. Chimpanzees could not do THIS...right? We are the only intelligent life in the universe.
  5. Was it really necessary to expand NATO eastward? Was it worth it? Revolution must come from within. Self-determination means just that, baby.
  6. Flags are for idiots. No matter what the colors. Flag waving is barbaric. I would rather throw tomatoes than wave a flag. Humans are just as logical as the chimpanzee. So, bombs away, baby! Kubrick new this.
  7. Decapitation is always the best solution, in these cases. Why is there such hesitancy, so far?
  8. If Putin does not back down..... Then, let's NUKE him. He thinks he is the only guy with nukes? Or, let's put a Trillion Dollar Price on his piggy head. Time to OFF the Putin. And, then, we can all get back to living our lives. Life is hard enough without guys who ride stallions bareback, and then take photos of themselves doing so, one might think.
  9. Why do we men need to live in a world in which prostate enlargement is something most of us must look forward to? Why can't we live in the Land of Oz where our Dreams come true?
  10. My Dear Friends, When I was young, I never paid much attention to my prostate. I never even asked anyone to milk it for a semen sample. However, these days, I must say, although my prostate is not exceedingly large, still, it has begun to cause me reason for concern, Some guys are worried about prostate cancer. I never worry about cancer of any type. The thing I worry about is this: Should my prostate grow large enough to obstruct my flow of urine, then, ....would I not be in an emergency situation? Probably you feel the same. Cancer is something we can deal with, easily. However, if we should experience a sudden enlargement, then, who might we call to fix it when we are unable to pee. Most guys, I guess, normally need not worry about this. Still, what I worry about is this: In the unlikely event that my prostate were to become infected and enlarged, then, I might need to be catheterized, and this would be a traumatic experience which, even I, might not be able to tolerate. It is one thing, for example, to go to Pattaya, in order to have one's prostate massaged, and to pay good money for this service. And, it is a very different thing for one to go to a hospital just to be catheterized by a nurse one does not know, in a cold emergency room. I am sure that most guys agree with me in this. Let us hope that we can stay OUT of the hospitals and IN the bars, instead. Best. Glob
  11. If I have provided you with your greatest amusement of this day, just by posting two lines on the Farang Pub, then.......
  12. I beg to disagree with you. However, I will not argue with you, to no purpose.
  13. As you say, there are exceptional schools here. However, the schools you mention, which are attached to Thai universities, as you know, are exceptional. I can name another, which I will not do, here. The students are exceptional. These students are amazing, and they are able to gain full scholarships to attend first-class universities, abroad, as you know. Then, when they return, they work for the government, or in teaching, for many years, in order to pay back the price of their tuition. I know you think I do not know this....but I do. In my opinion, this is a very good system, since it allows the talented and smartest children to receive an excellent education, at government expense, overseas, and then return to pay back for what they have received. Quite a good system.
  14. Do you mean dating schoolgirls of age 50? I have known quite a few. Anyway, just for you, I will supply you with the following definition of Mental Age: MENTAL AGE, intelligence test score, expressed as the chronological age for which a given level of performance is average or typical. An individual’s mental age is then divided by his chronological age and multiplied by 100, yielding an intelligence quotient (IQ). Maybe you are a Mensa candidate?
  15. Actually...NO! I mean when a girl has a Mental Age of 150, and a Chronological Age of 50. Nothing could be finer.
  16. OK. Thank you very much for your understanding of my stretch! Again, thank you. I got freaked out when some guys did not get the connection. Tks.
  17. So, just to be clear: If one is dating a woman whose Mental Age is at least Triple her Chronological Age, then..... What is there to complain about?
  18. As you know, there are two, or more, ways to measure age: a. Mental Age b. Emotional Age c. Piaget Age d. Chronological Age e. And, many more. Personally, I prefer to date a woman who has a Mental Age far more advanced than her Chronological Age.
  19. Again...sorry. My main point was that it is almost as difficult to identify a "good education", as it might be to identify pornography. Of course, I was not equating the two. Sorry.
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