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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I have no physical heart problem. And, ever since I elected to give up dating women, I also have not pain due to lost love. Love is Pain, for sure. Yet, for over a decade, I have not experienced even an iota of pain due to this. ======= I am only saying that I cannot stand the heat, anymore, after living inside my house, with the AC cranked up to max, for many months. What I am saying is that I need to re-acclimate, maybe, by opening my windows, and just letting the noise and pollen come in, as usual. Also, no matter what one might say, I can tell you that....if one chooses to increase one's AC cooling capacity, by DOUBLE what most AC technicians recommend, then you will feel COOL and comfortable. And, you will reach bliss and nirvana while the AC is running. However, once you venture outside, then you will suffer a shock when the heat hits you. The best way to avoid this is to exercise during the hottest hours of the day, which I actually do. As you know, from my past posts, I never wear a hat in the Noon-Day Sun, either. I LOVE my ACs!!!! Best investment you might make while living in Thailand, IMHO. Take care. Glob!
  2. It could be hot flushes, for some. However, I am speaking of my Male Menopause, and so it is Hot Flashes. Take care, Dear Charlie! Always enjoy your input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hot-flashes/symptoms-causes/syc-20352790#:~:text=Although other medical conditions can,treatments for bothersome hot flashes.
  3. I drink plenty of water. Also, I watch good films. Still, after staying inside my house, while keeping my temps here around 22 degrees C, now I am no longer acclimated to very hot weather, as I once might have been, when I first arrived in Thailand. I am eating and drinking OK. Thank you!
  4. Although I am NOT a Girl, yet, I think this year is going to be HOT like a Cat on a Tin Roof. And, I believe I will experience Hot Flashes for the first time in my life. My Dear Friends, I do not wish to write to much here, especially concerning such a sensitive topic. However, things just keep getting hotter and hotter. I used to Like it Hot, but not now, the older I become. As you know, the more we age, then the more difficult it become to offload heat through sweating and heavy breathing. Fortunately for me, I am using about 36000 BTU of cooling power in a relatively small area of my abode. When the outside temp goes up to 38, I can easily cool down my room to lower than 22 degrees C. When the temps get this cold, I feel frigid, and no longer experience Hot Flashes. I was never frigid in my youth, of course. My advice for you older men, especially those who need to keep cool, is to invest in an AC system which will allow you to drop the temp down, compared from the outside temp, by at least 18 degrees C. This decrease in temperature is no paltry amount, as you know. Hot flashes, when you get to be my age is no fun. And, also, if one wishes to work successfully, as one ages, then one needs to factor in climate control. I love my ACs. ACs are so much more valuable than a GF, in my opinion. I am sure that this must also be true for you. Best regards, Glob Please Note: If I had my wish, I would invest in some heavy duty industrial cooling equipment, and convert one of the rooms in my house into some sort of skating rink. I am sure that doing so would also be attractive to some women in Thailand. Some might flock to my home, just to enjoy the exotic temps which I would dial down to minus 70 degrees C, similar to temps we sometimes get up north during the winters in upper latitudes. Note2: Love that film, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, as well as the play.
  5. Ice Storm is a great cult film. You should watch it, and appreciate it if you can.
  6. Just a follow-up to the film, Ice Storm, directed by Ang Lee, from Taiwan. Anyway, I, personally, have been stuck on the Long Island Railway, overnight, twice, This happened in the early 60s. Each time this happened, I considered myself blessed. Some guys who are too young for this movie are incapable of understanding the culture behind this film. Ang Lee is a great director.
  7. Pennsylvania is a beautiful state. Bird in Hand is an interesting name. Regarding the film, Witness, the cinematography was spectacular, showing the beauty of the land. A quilting bee is something I have never experienced. Being under a quilt with the ladies is something one should experience, at least once, during one's lifetime. Sooner or later, this Amish lifestyle will completely fragment, given what we know about our present world. We shall wait and see.
  8. Some men dream. Other men do. Genghis Khan, according to some accounts, did. Genghis never married once, but multiple times. And, some might say, the world is better for his efforts. If success in life is measured by transmission of one's genes, then Genghis, according to folklore, was among the most successful.
  9. OK, fine.... And then, if your spaceship had a mass of 3000 kilograms, how much energy would be required to accelerate it to 0.9 c, and then decelerate it once you arrived?
  10. Central Pennsylvania? Did you mean Lancaster? Surely, you did not mean Gladwyne or Bryn Mawr. Anyway, Pennsylvania is a beautiful state, and almost everyone in Pennsylvania envies the Amish way of life. No cheesesteaks for the Amish, though, in most cases.
  11. So then, given enough energy, if you left Earth for the Pleiades Cluster, say at 99.998 percent of the speed of light, then...how much older would you be, by the time you arrived, after you left Earth, if you checked your watch? Care to work this out?
  12. No doubt, you have seen this famous and memorable limerick: There was a young sailor named Bates Who danced the fandango on skates. But a fall on his cutlass Has rendered him nutless, And practically useless on dates. And so, woe is not yours, by comparison. Please be cautioned: Sheath thy cutlass while attacking young things, Lest your sword be tarnished, wilting, and dripping.
  13. Wait for the final curtain call, since you might receive more applause than you originally had anticipated. It's not over, until it is over. And, in the scheme of this great universe, we still have more than 1.0 × 10 raised to the power of 100 years ahead of us, mostly living with cloned lookalikes resembling Elon Musk. Elon Musk will go on, into infinity. However, for most of us, we will end up like Yogi Berra who once said....
  14. Still, though things may seem temporarily dire, we must continue to remain optimistic. Otherwise, what is the point. As CO2 levels continue to rise, unabated, and the rapidity of this rise continues to increase, we all must remain optimistic, and look on the bright side. What goes up, must, eventually, come down, during the next 2000 years. Remain calm. Look on the bright side.
  15. I agree with you. Turning now would be like trying to stop a supertanker, at full steam, as if it were a Porsche. Just cannot be done. Bon Voyage.
  16. As you say, if the Sun were the size of a pecker, and your pecker were in your pocket, then....how far away would you need to go to find Neptune? Space is vast. One AU, the distance from here to the Sun, for example, is still minute compared to the distance you would need to go to find the nearest galaxy. Neptune orbits the Sun at a distance of 30 AU. And, in terms of light years, it is a mere 0.00047 light years from the Sun to Neptune. Yet, in order to visit the Pleiades Star Cluster, traveling at the speed of light, you could make this short journey in 450 years. I love the Six Sisters, and they are always there, almost anytime I gaze at the heavens.
  17. You must be the single most happy fatalist the world has ever known. And, knowing what we know, now, most scientists would find it difficult to argue with your point of view. For example, there seems to be just too much momentum in the system, now. And, we have left things too late. There seems to be no logical answer to our quandary, at this time. Still, we can be thankful for one thing: Global Nuclear War, the threat of this, is just icing on our cake, and is no longer anything to worry about, compared to impending Global Warming. If you have a solution to immediately galvanizing Social Change necessary to turn things around, in a heartbeat, then please post your solution here. The whole world is watching. The whole world is waiting for your solution. Which is, per se, the solution to Human Nature.
  18. Really? You still wear underwear? Why? Underwear is superfluous. Wearing underwear, these days, is like wearing a cravat from the age of Dickens. Also, in this clime, underwear is just too hot. I would rather don a top hat....
  19. By the way.... If we could just improve our method of education, in order to more emphasize the practice of the Scientific Method, in order that students around the world would learn to test hypotheses, then we might be able to reduce the chance of Global Nuclear War, and improve our chances of survival during the next one hundred years. Education is key if our grandchildren wish to survive to their old age, indubitably. Ignorance is bliss, in some cases. However, ignorance, these days, will lead to our total demise. The ONLY way we just MIGHT be able to overcome the challenges ahead, is through education according to the Scientific Method. Learn to observe, then form hypotheses, and then test your hypotheses, and then be willing to alter your hypotheses based on the results of your valid tests. If we cannot do this, then we will be doomed. We will find our world, soon enough, at 4 degrees C, and our grandchildren will not be able to survive such a world. Some guys don't dig Science. And, these guys are the dinosaurs of today's world.
  20. Nice image you posted. Maybe this good image will help some to better visualize the structure of the planetary system in which we reside. However, next time, please include the Kuiper Belt, which is also interesting. My favorite planet is Neptune... What about yours?
  21. Dear Charlie, What once was 9 became 8, and now, the ninth planet, which everyone loves, might be reinstated. As you know, just as everyone knows from spending time in China, nothing can easily be built in a day, so soon after the Cultural Revolution destroyed so much. Still, it is just so true that too many holes exist in the education curriculum there (maybe everywhere, too). I know you know. Take care. Regards, Glob
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