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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. My Friends, How is your sex life with your wife, these days? These days, life is not so easy, as we are all aware. However, at the very least, we should be able to fall back on our great sex life with our partners in order to partially improve our moods, during these difficult days, if only we can improve our conjugal relationships, as well as enhance our feelings of intimacy with our partners. Personally, as you know, I am a one of a kind, a person who lives alone and is loving it. I am just wondering, am I missing out by not having a partner who sleeps in my bed? A question might be this: If you had it to do all over again, would you be single, or would you choose to share a bed with your wives whom you now know all too well? How is your sex life? Is it as exciting and fulfilling as it ever was? And, what are the things you choose to do to spark renewed attraction when the lights go out? I just watched an interesting Peter Sellers movie, A Shot in the Dark, and, in this film, it seemed that no one was sexually satisfied with their existing partners. So, are you equally somewhat dissatisfied? Here is an informative trailer for this Sellers film. Sellers was noted for being mostly monogamous. Sellers was a true genius. If only he had lived longer than he did. Maybe, the reason he died young was because he chose monogamy over longevity. Don't make the same mistake as he, and live longer. Hope you are all satisfied. Best, Glob
  2. You might be surprised at the answer, according to students of Asia. My Dearest Friends, and wannabe Amateur Astronomers, The strangest thing which continues to astound me is that, no matter how smart young Asian students might be, they seem to lack any knowledge of what is outside of their own country, or outside of the Earth, for that matter. Why is this? Who was Kepler? How to make a telescope out of polished copper, back in the day? Who was Ptolemy with his skull cap, and why is he important? In Asia, seemingly, no one cares how many planets there might be; maybe planets are too far away from here. All that I am saying is that education needs to be improved in these places where no one knows much about the mechanics of the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe. And, also, at this moment, I am feeling the microwave background radiation coursing through me, such an energy which helps me to post this topic. Seriously, however, why do Asian students not know much about what is outside of our clear blue sky, when we look up, and see nothing but the Moon and the Sun? Such a failure in education, since, as we know, Science derived from Astronomy, even before the Dark Ages. Best to you, my friends. Sometimes, I just feel the need to pose a question which has been troubling me, for decades, here on TV. Take care, and may your orbital calculations all be precise. Major Tom to Ground Control, My Friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I feel, during these times, it is better to shave myself and cut my own hair. I have been cutting my hair for about 18 months, now, and it still looks great. I will never go back to paying for a shave or a haircut. Why should I?
  4. Do you drink red or green, or black, or Chinese, or Ceylon, or...what tea is best for you in the mornings, when you roll out of your rack, bleary eyed? And, do you roll out of your bed, just like Norman Mailer, on so many of his mornings, completely hung over and ready to fight? At least, Truman Capote was better, in some ways. Here is a link to inform you about Capote, and how he shifted from Tea in the mornings to Whiskey, as his day wore on. Sometimes I wonder why we bother to read novelists and, especially, popular writers, who have nothing important to say, unless it might be to explain to us why they are more important than we.
  5. I love WILD THING, too! But, not sure if the Troggs deserve a Nobel, although, anything is possible in Sweeeeeden.
  6. Dylan had only one good song, as you say. And, this was his most important song. Which was: His SWAN SONG.... Good riddance to bad rubbish. Bye, Bye, Dylan...you are....GONE. Except, you will be remembered by the Nobel Committee, which is what you always deserved.
  7. This IS the Age of Anxiety, after all, and due to deteriorating social cohesion which we are experiencing, I cannot be the only one in this Lonely Crowd. By the way, you might pick up this book, THE LONELY CROWD, written by David Reisman, and other authors, which told of just what you are speaking about. The Lonely Crowd, which I read in 1968, is a dynamite book. I recommend this book, and I hope that one guy here will enjoy it more than he enjoyed the film, The Ice Storm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lonely_Crowd#:~:text=The Lonely Crowd is a,landmark study of American character.
  8. When one chooses to pick a bale of cotton, according to Leadbelly, one can't fool around. Leadbelly deserves, at the very least, an IgNobel, prize, and maybe two.
  9. Dear Sir, If this film, IYHO, is NG, which I respect, then, just out of curiosity, how were you affected by Eat, Drink, Man, Woman? Films are a cultural thing, as we all know, and what goes over well for one culture seems lacking to those from a different culture. I grew up in one culture, which is to say that I identify with Ice Storm, The Big Chill, and Five Easy Pieces for that matter. Some books appeal to some, and not to others. Anyway, thank you for taking a look at Ice Storm.... Next time, I hope I can find a better film for you, and I will do my best. Take care, Man!
  10. This is my FAVORITE bird, of all time, anywhere. This bird is even smarter than I, if that is even possible. This bird once kept me company for seven months, at a time when I could not walk, and could only roll. Bar none, this bird is the greatest in the Land!!!!
  11. The problem with the Nobel committee, these days, is that, although it is attempting to become relevant and pertinent, yet it will never catch up to where it should be, these days. The Nobel committee is hindered and hobbled by archaic thinking, and maybe even biases which the world can no longer tolerate. What the Nobel committee should do if it wishes to regain a fraction of its former relevancy is to: Jump Down, Turn Around, and pick a bale of cotton. Only through manual labor, such as cotton picking, can the Nobel committee recover from its past selection failures. Maybe, being in a country where the culture has been homogenous for too many years, then the Nobel committee should remove their bow ties andf formal dinner jackets, and, instead.... They should Jump Down, Turn Around, an pick cotton. Maybe they should pick a bale of cotton. So, please jump down, turn around, and pick a few days of cotton, every day
  12. BALONEY... Muddy Waters is even more influential than you might think. He done got no Nobel prize. Muddy Waters is Black. No Nobel for Muddy. What a joke. Muddy is just a Rollin' Stone, ...... Poor white boys copy Muddy, but he don't get no prize. What a Joke. Even the Stones gave credit to Muddy. Don't joke around, please. The Nobel is a complete JOKE. Everybody knows this. Not only for Literature from Muddy Waters, but also for Science. The Nobel is a complete Joke. We need a Nobel Prize for stupidity, awarded to itself. (The IgNobel Prize is not bad, though.)
  13. Like a Rolling Stone? Well, .....CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He must have been a true genius, then.....to put four simple words together. Dylan was a joke.... Get over it. FORTUNATELY, after the Nobel screwed up in 2016, at least they got back on track and awarded Ishiguro. And, I guess you might have liked The Remains of the Day, just as everyone else. The Nobel is a joke. Yet, not so much a joke as was Dylan.
  14. Just another error by the Nobel committee. Dylan was their greatest travesty in the history of the Nobel. Just one single painting, is so much greater than ALL of what Dylan ever did... Next time, for Literature, we should ask the committee to stick with literature. Dylan was a self-important trumped up clown, with a few decent songs to his name.
  15. Dylan could not hold a candle to Janis Joplin, and, of course, neither one deserved a Nobel. Dylan did not define a generation. These days, no one cares about Dylan, except maybe Dylan. Anyway, not easy to get a Nobel if one is not Male, Pale, and STALE.
  16. Have you tried to keep a brass bed polished, over an extended period of time? Too much daily polishing, unless you have a servant to do this work for you. Dylan, from your link, seems to require dental work. Dylan's greatest hope was to be considered a poet. In the end, he has become the greatest Nobel failure of all time. At least, he will go down in history for this, if for nothing else.
  17. Sometimes, a diatribe against some app, such as TINDER, might be justified. Just because, if one has a daughter, or one knows of someone who has a daughter, or if one wishes to lash out at TINDER or FB, for causing harm, just for profit, then this might be justified. FB and TINDER, are both the same. FB and TINDER both were not what we had envisioned when we hoped that the Internet might improve our world. No need to say more, maybe.
  18. Children need to be protected. The definition of a child, obviously, in the majority of cases, is a young person up to the age of 25, We are not talking about some person like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Gods love chimneysweeps.
  19. All that I am actually saying is that apps, such as TINDER, should be restricted for use, and should be exclusively used by the types of people who frequent the Farang Pub, people like us. TINDER cannot hurt anyone here in the Farang Pub. Yet, when a very young woman goes on TINDER, sometimes bad things can happen, just due to naivete. Alternatively, when I go on TINDER, nothing bad happens. Do you see what I am driving at?
  20. Anyway, I cannot get my mind off a recent story in the local news. A story which concerns a young woman who may have been led astray by a much older man, one who was very manipulative. And so I say, TINDER is good for old guys like us. But, young women, who are not even 25 years old, are no match for these TINDER apps, nor any match for 32-year-old men. Young women, at least before the age of 25, really must be protected. I do believe this. And, internet dating sites, in my opinion, should be banned. This will never happen. Therefore, we must just accept the fact that some damage will happen due to the present state of what exists in our world.
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