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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. My Dear Friends, One poster asked me why I do not post on other posters' posted topics. The answer is that I am not sure that I am welcome to do so. And, I do not wish to intrude by commenting when or where I am not welcome. Far better to just post my own topic, and then comment on it, I thought. Point in case: So, now, I just want to express my appreciation and gratitude for having this downright righteous TV forum, anytime we might need it. And, as you know, sometimes, all us guys DO need such a great forum, from time to time, if only to protect our sanity, during times of loneliness, or times of great triumph, or just times of immense boredom. And so, what I am suggesting is that any decent forum should have a decent THEME SONG, an easily identifiable theme song which sums up what we are all about. My suggestion is to just use this tune from Frampton. I have always loved Frampton, from his younger days. Also, I think he is OK, these days. And so, can the Farang Pub adopt Frampton's single song as ours, forever, and ever? Frampton correctly states: You gave me the love, love that I never had. This is so very true of TV, in my opinion. Just a suggestion. Also, I think that Frampton reminds us what it was like to be young, in case we have now forgotten. Take care.
  2. I love Lamb Vindaloo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carne_de_vinha_d'alhos
  3. Have you heard..... Jimi Hendrix Christmas Experience?
  4. My Dear Friends, During the past nine months, the time it takes for humans to create a new life, I have experienced minimal but worrying cognitive impairment. Why is this, do you think? And, are you experiencing the same thing? Everybody tells me that the mind is a muscle, a muscle which requires constant exercise in order to avoid atrophy. My great mind has not been adequately exercised during the past almost two years, so unfortunately. Thankfully, I will keep this message shorter than usual. The only thing that bothers me is….Not Knowing. What I mean is, I just wonder how much of my recent sudden-onset cognitive deficit is due to environmental issues, meaning Covid-related social isolation, and how much of this cognitive impairment might be attributable to some systemic age-related thingy. Naturally, I have no way of distinguishing between environmental causes and just plain-old …. old age effects. Of course, it is not exactly like I have been locked up in a Supermax Prison, for example, where one tends to hallucinate. Also, as we know, when the Count of Monte Cristo was incarcerated for so many years, he still retained his mental faculties, and could even write lucidly. Very soon, now, I do believe, our society will recover from this plague, as we learn how to better deal with it, and also, as it might just fade away in the very near future, due to more benign variants becoming more transmissible, such as the vaunted Omicron variant. In Conclusion: a. My mind is still, more or less, intact, after almost two years of isolation, probably same as yours. b. It seems obvious to me that we are now approaching the endpoint of this pandemic. And, blue skies are now ahead, for most of us. c. For those who actually enjoy living in a pandemic world, I can only say….Please wait for the next one. The next BIG one, because this Covid pandemic of ours has not been the BIG one. d. Can we also please recognize the fact that TV is a great and FUN resource to so many. There is NO OTHER pretender website in Thailand that can ever take the place of TV. Not joking. TV is here to stay. And, it is good. e. As we age, and as you know, time passes more quickly; time becomes compressed the older we become. And so, within just a few more years, seemingly a second in time, I will be too old to post here. Instead, I will be a driveling idiot, even more of one than you might think me, now. Soon, we will be on the far side of this pandemic, looking back with great fondness for the times we shared, online, during great trials and tribulations, and with great nostalgia for it. Best regards to you, My Friends in the Pub. Glob Note: During this time of year, there is much cause for rejoicing. All around us are beautiful flowers, not to mention the recent cooler and more comfortable weather. And, there are new birds from the North, flying around, and perching here, too. So many new bird calls, during this great time of year.
  5. He is missed by many, as few others are missed. Maybe he is now in space.... Together with his China Girl.
  6. Some Chinese girls are indescribably delicious. These girls melt in your mouth. I especially love it when they pout.
  7. So honestly speaking, Thailand is the greatest and most wonderful land I have ever visited or lived. In truth, I am LUCKY to have come here. I came to regain my mobility after an accident. And then, I found that I could not leave. I will stay as long as I can. Gods willing. Best to you, my friends. Hope that you love your life in Thailand as much as do I. Take care.
  8. Anytime I want to see something more beautiful than a woman's flower, I just gaze at the Hubble Deep Space image, and then I realize that everything is relative. Compared to the multitude of galaxies in our magnificent universe, there is nothing between the legs of man or woman that is even a fraction so beautiful, to me....at my advanced age.
  9. My Dear Friends, If you are like I am, in the waning years of your life, you probably spend much time reminiscing about the women you had which enriched your life. And, after so many years, you can recall these intimate moments, oh so many, in oh so much detail, that these memories enrich your sunset years. As for me, as you know, I have been celibate for many years. Still, this does not mean that I do not have a sexual life in my own mind, due to fantasizing, and aided by my past sexual encounters with so many China girls when my rod was hard as hickory wood. What I am saying is that the sexual encounters we once experienced in Asia, decades ago, can play a significant role in helping us to not become too depressed as our peter peters out during our old age. The human brain is a magnificent machine which can conder up all sorts of fantasies, either sexual fantasies or others. If you are like me, then you will know that your sexual life need not die, just because you do not have a bird hanging on your arm, 24/7. Personally, I prefer my freedom, these days, being completely single and unencumbered. Anytime I need sex, I just call up one of many past encounters with China girls, or Asian girls, and then, I feel satisfied after a while, and I still have my freedom intact. Now that I have been celibate for almost 20 years, I do not miss sexual encounters as much as I miss David Bowie. Bowie is just one of the guys I miss. The girls, most of them, I do not miss, and, in fact, I don’t remember most of them. What about you?
  10. Well, I can understand your view. For example, I can only listen to JS Bach for more than 10 minutes. I do not actually like Richter that overly much, but, for what it is worth, here is Richter playing Book 1 of WTC... Enjoy... Each to his own tastes in music. The point is to enjoy music, at any level.
  11. My Dear Friends, I have noticed a major seachange here on this forum, during the past nine years. And, I congratulate all of you for making this happen. What I see is that this Farang Pub forum has, during the past many recent months, begun to exhibit a bit of class. No longer are we taking potshots at others. Instead, we are doing what we SHOULD be doing, which is to read and listen without offering up contentious rejoinders, especially when these are not called for.. My opinion is that we can all pat ourselves on the back for the improvement in this forum. I am not saying that this forum belongs to us, particularly. I am only saying that we are responsible for providing content which is up to snuff. You know, there is no doubt that there are many people reading this forum with FAR more knowledge than you might imagine. Also, the old guys posting here have far more wisdom than the younger. And, collectively, we are smarter than any one single person on this great forum. Thank you. Best to you, The Globulin One More Note: The above message is pretty sound, in my opinion. You can discount it, if you disagree. However, one disclaimer I must mention is that, about two hours ago, I spilled a cup of bleach in my bathroom while cleaning the tile, and, the smell of bleach has completely permeated my house. For sure, my views expressed above have not been influenced, in the least, by fumes of bleach. I am just saying that olfactory stimulation can affect behavior, in some cases. Note: What is your favorite expensive perfume, for women? And, do all expensive perfumes come from Paris?
  12. Evolutionary preferences. Yes! We are chimps who descended from the tops of trees to eventually run on the savanna. And after that, we created very beautiful music, such as Gaelic folk tunes, with strings and drums.
  13. A few years ago, I once had a TON of traditional Gaelic music stored on my computer hard drive. Then, the disk crashed. And, all my music was lost. Gaelic music is amazing. Particularly, I love the more obscure.
  14. Clearly, the oceans, on the surface, are often colored by the sky. However, in the equatorial region, the oceans are more transparent due to increased salinity, which might affect sea life. This is rather a complicated question. The only thing I know is that I love traditional Gaelic music. And, my love will never die.
  15. My Dear Friends, One of my favorites, for over two decades, has always been The Chieftains. Their music resonates with me, and always has. Probably, evolutionarily speaking, the Chieftains provides music to us which jibes with our 50,000-year evolutionary history, beginning with our foray out of Africa. Everyone of us loves GREEN mountains and GREEN hills. You really cannot deny it. We also love blue skies, and turquoise ocean waters. Why is this? Just because we evolved this way. Also, for thousands of years, we have loved a drop of the morning dew, almost every day, and twice on Sundays. Here is a very good example of just how much I love the guys in Scotland, as well as the Irish..... Gods save us from the virus. While we are waiting for this.... Please listen to the Chieftains. I love you guys. Best regards, my friends.... Take your Gamma Globulin in order to improve your mental health, is my advice.
  16. Same with all health insurance. You pay, and pay. Do you ever get what you paid for?
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