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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Have you ever read any Evelyn Woke? Such a satirist was she.
  2. Thomas L. Friedman was always full of baloney. Such an idiot writer, really. Friedman was and is nothing but a Pop-panderer with half-baked hypotheses and weird analyses. What an utter numbskull. So happy Friedman's 15 minutes of fame is now behind us.
  3. Do you think Musk would dare take a ride on Artemis? If so, will he ask to take along some sort of Tesla Moon-rover car? The US can easily put a man on Mars during the next Mars-Earth transfer window. And, there are plenty of US citizens who would volunteer for this one-way mission. Imagine if you could be the first man on Mars? Wouldn't this one-way ticket be worth it?
  4. OS/2 So much better. OS/2 still exists. Do you recall WARP 4? Sort of like Operation Warp Speed...only far better. If you want, you can still obtain a copy of OS/2 and run it. I highly advise doing so. Such a great OS.
  5. When you stated that you were way "off fluent", did you actually mean to say that your tones were way "off key"?
  6. I once saw either a sole or a flounder swimming by in the river near where we live in Thailand. I think it must have actually been a winter flounder, because I saw it in the month of January. Sometimes called the "black back", it looked like this: The ones that I saw were about 75 cm in length. There was a whole school of them swimming up river, each one larger than the next. Altogether, the entire school must have weighed about 21 kilos, with an average weight of about 2.10 Kg per black back. Who knows where they came from, but I have my guess. I think they fell from the sky, and into the river. Sometimes fish do fall from the sky. But fish are not unidentifiable. Love the music in this clip.
  7. I did not say you were wrong. And, your points were well taken, and logically presented, absolutely. I agree with you.
  8. Just another UFO in Taiwan. Ho-hum. And, just another Rainy Taipei Tuesday, as usual, with UFOs falling out of the sky. Or, maybe it was a Manic Monday, as I recall..... Just another day....in Taipei (Taibei).... Just another FUN day...
  9. That's because the Marx Bros grew up in NYC, on the East Side, if I'm not mistaken. Also, in any case, the Marx Brothers were well educated. Groucho studied dentistry, even. He was also a veterinarian.
  10. Too many thrones in this world, still, it seems, for our own good. No doubt, WC might have said it better. BUT, actually, many, many of us, around the world, are just dying for the lack of a throne, when most needed. Too many just go out in the woods, or in the river. Which reminds me of a song, as is always the case.
  11. William Claude Dukenfield January 29, 1880 Darby, Pennsylvania. Have you ever been to Darby? or Have you ever been to Derry? or Have you ever been to Londonderry?
  12. It was not my fallow youth I wished to recall. I meant my callow youth. Slip of the tongue which is always telling.
  13. My Dear Friends, Speaking of WC, what do you think about our friend, Larry David? And, do you like boaners, meaning stupid mistakes, when they happen to others? When I was young, I made it my purpose in life to watch every single film put out by WC. And, we loved everything about him, where I came from. WC was a handsome fellow, and not just by Pattaya standards. You know what? I really wish I could return to those halcyon and fickle and tumultuous days of my youth. And, there is one other adjective I am searching for, to describe my youth, but I cannot recall it now, due to old age. I know it starts with an F, but this adjective starting with an F is not the one you might be thinking of. When I recall it, I will post it below. Anyway, when I was young, I dearly loved WC. Maybe, I will watch one of his films, again. But, I doubt I will. Wait! I am almost getting it! The adjective I am thinking about sounds almost like the adjective "fallow", but not quite. Still, it escapes me, this adjective. Well then, what was your most loved WC film? Any good clips you might wish to share? If not, nobody here is forcing you to do so. Recently, I have been thinking about WC Fields, off and on. I don't know why. But, I have been. Maybe you, too? Regards, WC Globulin
  14. Are you now referring to some passage in The Merchant of Venice? Are you now demanding a kilogram of flesh?
  15. Pardon me, but might I, most respectfully, ask you..."which high school"? The only reason I ask is because it seems to me that your word usage is, somewhat, atypical to anything I have ever witnessed in America. I would say that...IF...you are from America....then...it must be the Tri-state area. Am I getting close? Still, I respectfully submit that your English is not American. You are using too many English constructions that are just not American, which is not a sin, of course. I just find it curious. Please do not get miffed at my curiosity. Good!
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